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Thursday, March 16, 2023

Arthur: Season 25: Episode 1: Binky Wrestles with a Story / All Will be Revealed

Arthur PBS 

       Episode 1: Binky Wrestles with a Story 

              Back to the Arthur and the final season, which I did cover the final episode of the series because that's how I go- out of order.   PBS ran the final season on PBS Kids Channel all in one day in 2022 and that was it. Though, I do think that they had like 3 or 4 seasons produced at once and broke it up, this one has 4 episodes or 8 segments so that's a thing.  Let's go.


             The cold opening:  Honestly the episode must have been made when  Batman vs. Superman was out or close enough after it, that's not what the episode is about, I just wanted to point out their Superman and Batman parody characters are doing their own versus movie.  Anyway,  you might think I was bored of this intro and not really, instead they want to you watch the episode anyway so let's get to that. 

        The episode:  Mr. Ratburn announces that the next day is take a student to work day.  Anyway, Binky gets Buster's mom. Remember she works at the newspaper.  On the one hand, I'm happy the never updated the job or changed her work at a website or something.  (she'd be gone in a round of layoffs anyway)  Binky thinks that newspaper job will be fun because he thinks newspaper reporters stop crime.  (do they stop crime, and just choose not to?, this is a joke for one person who takes things seriously)  He founds at the job is mostly talking and not adventure. (he wanted talk radio) It's a low crime rate town so no robberies that much. 

            He does get to go to a press conference with the mayor and finds that boring too.  Binky keeps looking for excitement.  Good thing it's not awkward for Harry and Buster's mother since they don't date anymore. Anyway, Binky talks to Harry about being bored, he says get there's nothing wrong with boredom. (We're bored right now!)   He also tells Binky for his report for class try to make it exciting.  
the pen is mightier than I don't know/ copyright WGBH 

             It's a nice moment to Binky and Bitzy working together. There's also a dream sequence of Binky pretending editing is a wrestling match (that's why the episode is call this)  It cuts to Binky doing his report at school, as if he was presenting it to us after all.  huh? 

        It's alright. ... sorry wait... 

             EEEEE! That was fine. I can't really oh no! It's simple for an episode, it's nice. To me that's how I felt so it's that.   7/10. 

            More after the jump

Episode 1b: All Will be Revealed 

   The Cold Open:  The one big running gag through the entire series is about D.W's Snowball, which gets brought up here. I also see they decided to bring up "Arthur's Big Hit" for a moment too.  (The show was getting sentient, that's why it had to end)  Also Bud is in this episode, he didn't moved away after all (I'm using incorrect English on purpose there). I like Bud, some didn't but I don't care.

The Episode:  The episode takes off from the cold open, where Bud is talking to his imaginary friend, since Bud has one too, because otherwise we wouldn't be able to have him explain his thoughts out loud.  But saw Arthur and D.W arguing and it bothered him. Which I mean is a nice touch for his character. I also remember the show even showing us an alien took the snowball.  
The magic orb of sports/ copyright WGBH 

        Bud decides he's going to find out what really happened to the snowball, like finally helping the show put it to rest, before it was put to rest.  (dark) Anyway, Rapty, his imaginary friend who is also a dino decides to help him and they transport somewhere else. If that sounds too weird for you, then I have to inform you that this is a show with humanoid animals.  It's world where other imaginary friends go.  Nadine, D.W's friend is there and this is about the snowball.  Nadine even says the aliens took it, but she seems to be trying to give them the brush, the push off the old swift boot. (what?) Anyway, they go to Buster because he's the alien expert. Also Buster apparently can see the green dinosaur. 

        Buster knows his aliens well and leads Bud to a group of aliens that he thinks took the snowball.  Then he sets a trap for them with snowballs. Some aliens do show up, which look like if Binky was two people in one. The troll aliens tell Buster the photo he has is fake those aliens never visited Arthur's house. (History Channel got Buster with Facts and Logic)  These aliens say they took the snowball  because it was the best. Bud wants them to give it back to stop Arthur and DW's fight. Bud pleads with Buster to let them have what they want, Buster's stuff in his food cabinet with all the curious food. They have to go to the alien planet to get the snowball.  

            I do like the fun Easter eggs they put on this show. The aliens find out the snowball is gone and it's been replaced by a wooden ball. Bud figures out that Nadine might have taken it.  Nadine admits she put the screw in the tuna,.. oops I mean she admits she switched the snowball with the ball before the aliens came because she feared Arthur would take it. I think that's a good connection to show her to D.W.  Bud and Rapty plead to her and she agrees to bring the snowball back to stop a fight. 

         I liked this episode, it's goofy and goes all out , but that's what makes it fun. The idea of the snowball is a long running thing on the show , it's nice to see it get a big feature before the series stopped. Even the aliens taking it was something that was brought up before. It's fun to Bud wanting to help Arthur and D.W really just to make sure they don't be mad at each other, not even for a personal gain or anything. It's fun to see Buster interact with him as well.  I like that Nadine was the one who did it, because her reason makes sense, since she really only knows things from D.W's mind and would think Arthur would steal a snowball. It's a well done, fun episode, and it's enjoyable.  9/10.

That's it for now, tune in next time when you find out we stole something from your freezer, but you don't know what. 

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