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Thursday, March 02, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 9: My Punky Valentine/Brain Envy

The Weekenders  Disney  

Previously, the last post is only for cool people.... like you  Here 

    Episode 9a: My Punky Valentine 

       The episode starts fun where Tish, Lor, and Carver talk to the audience instead of Tino because he's busy talking to a tree. (Nice little change)  The three friends are concerned about him.  The next day, Tino shows up and he has a different look, which stuns the friends.  Then they figure out that Tino has a crush on the punk girl. 

            Does she have a name? I don't know.   Anyway, the friends don't seem to like Tasha (they said after all) and Tino walks away. The friends want him to get a crush on someone else instead.  That's their agenda.  Tino's mom says the message of the episode, so thanks for that. The next day, the friends decide to find girls that they think should be with Tino. (odd) 

                Tino is still doing punk stuff. Also there's a girl that looks like Tino, but only a girl (which the words the show uses)  Wait, what'd they mean by that. He's wondering why her image is showing up in his room.  Lor is doing it with a projector, because that's sane.  Tish talks to a girl , who apparently has a crush on Tino.  

            Her name is Dot Cardigan and she goes to Tino, who is confused by her being around him. He trying to get Tasha's attention. Then the show brings back the tall girl from a few episodes before and Carver and the other friends have convinced her to stand next to him and he's annoyed that now two girls are by him when he's trying to do something. The episode is already weird but then it adds Jennifer Love Hewitt. That's right there's an episode where Jennifer Love Hewitt voices herself as a character. This was during peak Jennifer Love Hewitt, but it so random.    Tino figures out their plan and tells them if he has a problem with Tasha then they have a problem with him and then he walks off. 

            The friends realize they made a mistake and want to make it up to Tino.  They also pay Jennifer Love Hewitt a dollar. (That's why she's only the episode for a cameo) Ironically, if he had hung out with his friends and Jennifer Love Hewitt, they'd be a Party of Five. (Groans)  Tino has changed his clothes back and had decided to just stare at the ceiling. His mom tells him he should go out and have fun anyway, Tasha sees him at the arcade and she starts talking to him. She likes Tino's favorite comic book too.  Also, Tasha is voiced by Christine Cavanaugh making this one of her last voice acting roles, not saying it's her last last but around that.

        He wonders how she knew he liked "Captain Dread Not" and finds out that it's because his friends told her. Tino goes to hang out with Tasha and the friends then get to finish the episode, again a nice difference. Jennifer Love Hewitt shows up and says the "later Days" line.  

          It's a good story, and the friends learning to accept.  There's also the other message of not having to change your look to impress someone.  Tasha from what we see does seem nice which makes it nice hint that the friends were judging her because he's a punk girl. (Punk like rock)  There's some funny moments too, but I have to say it's the most randomly weird episode too.  Jennifer Love Hewitt doing a cameo and it being the friends say her name and she shows up is out of the blue and strange. ( I tried, but it didn't work too, I'm sad) 

           She doesn't add much to the plot, but it is just randomly weird and kind of funny.  It's still a solid episode and well done. You can do weird things if your story is still solid. I give it 7.7/10. 

More after the jump

Episode 9b: Brain Envy 

                Lor wants to use the school gym outside of school hours but can't because of a new rule and she can't see the coach to use it.  Then a boy that Lor likes named Thompson. (uh ok) He seems to get along with Tish because he's also not just athletic, but also smart. Lor thinks that Tish was flurting with him.  Also Lor gets to do the breaking 4th wall thing, so we are jazzing up this episode.  She says she's tired of the attention gets for having a big brain. Also it's fun to see Lor get all distracted too. 

            At the Pizza shop, Lor continues to talk about Thompson and Tish's big brain.  Then later at the music shop, Lor sees a picture of Lor with Thompson because they are part of the same music thing.  The next day, Lor says that Tish can have Thompson.  Anyway, Tino and Carver tell Lor that Tish would never try to take Thompson. (Last name guy)  The plan is to have Lor pretend to be really smart.  Thanks to Carver and Tino they feed her information to pretend to be smart. Tish helps too.  

            This plan backfires.  Lor thinks they are all against her and gets away from them.  Now it's time for Tino's Mom. who apparently has been watching the episode. I also like how it's Tish, Carver, and Tino talking to his mom this time. Also Dixon shows up here, interesting show continuity.  The friends find the coach and it ties back to the start of being able to go to the gym to do free throws after all. 

         Tish brings Thompson to the gym as Lor makes a new school free throw record. Thompson is impressed and offers to play one on one.  Lor thanks her and apologizes.  Then Lor gets to finish the episode.

       Not bad,  the episode doesn't turn into some dramatic thing.  It is kind of weak , but the fun parts are fun like Tino's mom's moment.  It does a good job at focusing on Lor and Tish's dynamic as characters and it doesn't turn into a competition between the girls. I  give it 7/10. 

That's it for now, tune in next time when we wonder about the size of your brain. Later Days. 


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