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Thursday, June 08, 2023

Something Something Movies: Mummies


        I haven't done a movie in a while on this blog.  This is an interesting case of a movie,  not because it's new [made in the same year as I am posting about it].  Is that it did well, but not well-known?  That's because this movie is from Spain, but did get some worldwide release. I had heard about the movie and was kind of surprised it did well and even was like "I heard about this movie" when it was brought up.  "Mummies" not to be confused with "The Mummy", "The Mummy", "The Mummy" , or "The Mummy", or "Mummy Dearest" (that last one isn't real, yet), is again a 2023 movie, and is Spanish animation that Warner Bros. decided "eh let's distribute it". This is a movie I thought that would end as a random movie in a couple years on Tubi, but it didn't it was Hulu. (moving up!)   Mummies is directed by Juan Jesús García Galocha  and the screenplay by  Javier López Barreira and Jordi Gasull.   

        Mummies grossed  $52 million worldwide, against its budget of $12 million. It's the number 9th Spanish made movie in that ranking outside of its home market. (source)  That's pretty cool. 

        As I said before, I heard about this movie coming out, it was apparently delayed a bit, it was supposed to come out 2021, apparently. [I wonder why it was delayed what was going on then? Hmm anyway]  I didn't even know what it was but did see a quick trailer thing and wrote it down it to pick up on later, which might be a bad idea- for me.  Of course, you use a song like "Walk Like an Egyptian" or any other Bangles song, you've got me, well maybe. 

            I am also interested in media/animation that comes from outside the US. which is another reason why this movie made it my radar, before it was more known or whatever. Also, this is the part where I say the movie has an English dub, that's what we're working from.  They apparently worked with the United Kingdom to the dub, so it's British talk, so we have a Spanish movie about kind of Egypt (more on that soon), with a British English dub.   

            The movie starts with what be an incident where a character named Thut (too-it) [spell check is going to hate this post today] was a chariot racer but one day his wheel fell off and crashed. The awkward cut could make one think he died.  Umm... hmm.  The movie also sets our villain an archeologist. What's his goal? To be famous, that's what drives him. A simple goal. His name is Lord Sylvester Carnaby, voiced by   Hugh Bonneville , whom you may know from Downton Abbey or at least know of the series like I do, since didn't watch it.   There's also a running gag with him where his mom calls and they used the "Psycho" sound. Which someone found funny.  I'm not going to be saying the movie is perfect. Though I do hope they had his mother be a running gag ,because mummy, mummy. British... I'm going back now. 

         Silvester has found a tomb, like archeologists do, and notices that the mummy is not in the tomb. (He should have really checked if the mummy is in the museum)   He also notices there's a portal that leads to the underworld where mummies reside. I'm not sure why the mummies or Egyptians or whomever, yeah this going to be something I'll mention soon, would just everyone about the underworld. but I guess we need plot.  Also Silvester has two bumbling people working with him because sure. I do think it was funny later on in the movie, he can't even tell them apart- he was aware after all. 

He should really go after whoever made his moustache like that 

        I will also give a post spoiler: I didn't hate or dislike the movie, but it does have some things that do make it bit weak and could been improved slightly.  A balanced approach as always. (Also, it's really hard to be angry in text form, except on Twitter... Facebook.. Pinterest?) 

            The movie's intro is kind of creative, while the music for the start sounds generic, the intro is colorful and nice.   The movie has a setting of being a world were apparently mummies are alive and the people though look more like they would be if they weren't mummies. The world seems to be like an ancient city you'd think of as in ancient Egypt but also feeling doing like an ancient spin of current things.  There's a guy being a traffic light we see kids throwing around small piece of stones to send messages and look kind of like phones. I do like the concept here of having a kind of blend thing going on.  I will mention though, overthinking it might hurt a bit. The people -mummies look like they aren't dead, so they weren't going for a "Tutenstein" vibe of being a dead person but alive, uh undead. The only really mummy thing the characters have here is that they are wrapped up in gauze and if a bright enough light, in our world is shown upon them they give off a 'skeleton'? look.  Everything seems fine other wise, there's no jokes about body parts falling off or in that vain. I don't think it was a bad idea , there is some sense to the idea that this the after life and they have full skin and stuff.  The other ways the movie could have made the look work was have it be an alternate parallel  universe where ancient Egypt still runs the way it did or the fun part that that we think of, or time travel, time travel works. 

It's downtown Hartford 

        I will talk about how it looks with characters more soon, but the animation is good. They spent $12 million on this movie and doesn't look bad, they could have really cut some corners, but they didn't- or give the appearance.  Some would try to compare it to Pixar/ Disney or DreamWorks/Illumination which is a dumb thing to do. This is a smaller operation and not even a Warner Bros. made the movie affair, from the country of Spain. I'm not going to say wow it doesn't look like "Minions Rise of Gru" or "The Good Dinosaur" which had budgets higher than this movie, where you could make Mummies , Mummies 2: Electric Tomb-alo, Mummies 3: Return of the Mummies,  Sekhem: the Movie,  Mummies 4: The Last Pharoah: Part 1, Mummies 5: The Last Pharaoh: Part 2: Part 1 , Sekhem 2, and Mummies 6: The Last Pharaoh :Part 2 :The Final Beginning, if you used the same budget of this movie each time. (Really went long on that huh?) I think it looks good.  I don't think it would be bad to look at for the 88 minutes it goes. 

            Back to the story, Thut (voiced in English by Joe Thomas, whom the UK readers, hello! will know from "The Inbetweeners")  was the guy we saw at the start, he is now like those retired sports stars who lives off his past, he meets with fans and ladies want him. (Just like umm nevermind) It also helps that he's young....uhhhh ok. He's also afraid of commitment an doesn't want to marry, I wonder how that will end up in the - uh oh. The next character is his little brother, Sekhem (sek-him)(voiced by Santiago Winder, whom you may know as the voice of Noddy from "Noddy, Toyland Detective", random)  He plays the spunky younger brother role who looks up to his older brother.  It also looks like Thut takes takes care of his brother like a single parent. They never showed any parents, which also makes me wonder, did-can-their parents die?  There is mention of like Thut being afraid of being killed at times in the movie, so I'm a little confused.   Sekhem wants his brother to get back into racing because he thinks it's really cool and thinks his brother was really good at it.  But because of the INCENIDENT  mentioned earlier - he won't. 

That crash was pretty cool 

          Starting with Thut, I do like how the character is introduced, while he's being embraced by fans and ladies, and taking autographs, he does give a bit of confidence without feeling too arrogant or unlikeable, With his brother, he's happy to see him, and seems to take care of him.  You also see he's not as confident as he showed by remembering the fear of the bad incident. I like how he does put on a fake confidence or maybe it's a bit of it he had from before the bad thing, either way, it works. We see him be kind like helping an elderly lady across the street.  The story isn't really about having to change as a person because of being over arrogant or unlikable to being someone who isn't and is, but someone who is shaken by an event that was bad and feels kind of lost about who they are; I think they went a good direction. I'll do a bit more on him, later. 

Weren't you in Downton Abbey? 

         The third main character in this movie runs into Thut, literally. Their first interaction is brief.  She is the princess and even does that thing where she wants to be more than just the princess. This is Nefer, (voiced by Elanor Tomlinson in English, I'm going to mention she was in Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging because I want to mention that. Her signing voice is Karina Pasian, who  is an American singer, and can speak multiple languages). Nefer gets a song , she sings that she's kind of tired of things being monotonous and wants to do more. Yes, one of those songs. No, it's a musical movie, but will have some music, but there's a reason for she wants to be a singer- but princesses can't do that.  I also kind of have to like that they decided that it wasn't just some random song, but that she was singing it and some others heard her singing, that was kind of funny. The other part of her plot is the plot she doesn't want to get married. I wonder who will get picked? 
She wants a whole new part of our world... also is surprised to see you

         Her father , the pharaoh (voiced by Sean Bean, that's right Sean Bean!) tells his daughter that the phoenix bird with the help the goddess of love be picking her husband today. (That's helpful) Yes, they are doing a standard thing here where she doesn't want to, doesn't feel ready and wants things to move on.  The pharaoh seems to be a nice guy, but he also wants to keep tradition and hopes that his daughter will understand and want to keep tradition. Also, there's a stargate... what? 
I have a meeting some guy named Moses at 3pm 

            Sekhem is playing with a boomerang. (But wait a is)  This is the part where'd say that the mummy movie about living mummies that also have their normal skin and flesh and also can do pop music is being silly in having a boomerang, but (big but) no they did their homework. Ancient Egypt had boomerangs. Though not a really a children's toy, but the movie gets points for doing that, it's alright to have some fun too.  He's trying to throw it into a ringed statue and a lady opens a window at the same time throwing the boomerang off course, and hits the phoenix of love which lands where Skehem and Thut live.  Of course, you can see where this is going. 

This thing will help you get a mate, but not get channel 58. 

              Now that we have our three mummies and a pet croc of Skehem's named Croc, we can get to the characters' styling.  It is pretty basic, the people-mummies plus the livings are kind of basic there's that a lot that stands out for them. Except for the two henchmen they did make the people look different from each other to stand out.  When the movie enters the mummy world and goes to the children I can tell Sekhem out from the other kids.  Thut and Nefer don't look each other.  Humans in the living world don't look the same, and it works.   Also someone really wanted to make Thut and Nefer have an attractive look, so good for those character designers.  Croc is interesting as the only creature we really see in the film, it's a classic every animal acts like a dog thing, but he's cute and if this was a bigger movie there'd be Croc toys and plushies all over the place.  Of the mummy trio, Sekhem stands out the most in design, not just because he's a kid -whatever that means here-  though that make him the shortest, he's also bald minus the little side lock there.  I think if they had more budget or had a way to work in more expressions especially for him, it would have been even more interesting.   I can't say I feel they didn't put any though in the designs and the effort, again I think the movie works well with its limitation. 

How you do fellow, mummies

           You can see where part of the plot is going.  Nefer and Thut are arranged to be married.  Thut doesn't want to marry Nefer and she doesn't want to marry her. They have the clear goal of not wanting that. To be frank, the movie is not going really going to do anything of a surprise any different of where you might be expecting it to go. (Unless you were expecting something different.) It's a simple movie, simple doesn't mean bad, it means it's not going for high complexity. I do like they do at least add nuance a bit. I do wonder how different anything they say or do is different in the original Spanish.  Yes, Nefer has simple motivations she wants to be a singer and do that and that's fine. Thut finds out that if he goes against wishes of the god, he'll lose his eyes and tongue. (That's a bit much)  One more thing to um set up for other part of the plot is a ring (I don't mean on the phone, Santa Baby) that they give to Thut to hold until the wedding day. Which is kind of stupid thing to do, like why? Hold the thing until the day of the wedding. 

Here's your plot device, sir.

             Since that's coming up soon, I'm kind of sad that this whole movie won't be taking place in this strange version of whatever they are trying do here. The idea of ancient world that also things like old fashion phones, the ones where you hold it up to your mouth and speak with the ear piece on the side  held up to the ear. [ This thing]  You see kids playing on stone smart phone shaped things. It's kind of messy fun. There's a part where apparently some guys are called to make it night time. There's a lot of fun moving parts to this movie that I wish had more going on here.  I'll this here, this environment and still having Nefer and Thut get to know each other as they find ways to not get married and have Sekhem and Croc there doing stuff could have worked too, no need for a villain and etc. Oh well. 
          Good thing, the guards picked the right one, would have been odd if they thought it was him or Croc. 

        I do like Thut and Nefer's interactions and yeah you can kind of tell that it's written that way. It also could have been badly done. Thut works well in this because he's not some playboy or big shot acting character who is like "Hey I get to marry a Princess and be all rich and stuff";  He doesn't act the way they could have stock had him act. Nefer does point out that he's some chariot racer, but that's her way of trying to make sure the wedding doesn't happen and that she didn't have a good view of him when she thought he was just standing the road there, but she's more against this whole thing than being against him for being "beneath her or something". Their banter is kind of fun and they are at least likeable, we're not supposed to be annoyed by them so, good work? 

They look like people who just met... oh yeah that's right 

more after the jump

        Anyway, apparently the royals when they stole(?) Thut to bring him to the palace, had Sekhem waiting for his brother the whole time - not even knowing if he was like executed or something. I'm kind of sad.  I do admire the boy's patience to wait.  Sekhem thinks it will be fun to have his brother marry a princess. Thut decides to put the plot device- cough the ring (the precious) in a special storage place he has. (PODS exists in ancient-not Egypt but kind of is Egypt but not really)  "It will be safe here," said Thut. It will not be safe there. 

Should be safe, would be bad if some guy from the other side sent in something to blow it up.

          I'll talk about Sekhem and Thut here. So again, they do have nice brotherly relationship, which I liked that he doesn't push away his little brother. He does brush off some things he says like being impressed by the idea of marrying a princess. They have a good contrast of Sekhem being the wide-eyed young and optimistic character and Thut being the more cynical and down on himself character.  Through the movie Sekhem also goes along with the adventure for the thrill and he also doesn't want his brother to be de-eyed and de-tougued. If those aren't words, the are now.  There's also a point where Thut doesn't want his brother to be in danger and it gives Sekhem a nice role. I can say I liked their interactions and relationship. 

        Remember Sylvester? (the cat?)  He's back in the plot now. sigh. I will give something here, at least he's not a twist villain. I also like how his motivation for doing the bad things he does, is more about being famous and getting glory more than anything else. He's not trying to rule the world, he's not really a threat to anyone but our main characters. It's simplistic, but it works because it's possible how someone could do that for real.  It's also, though not sure they were going for this, (or were they?) having the villain of the movie be a guy who runs a British museum going into Egyptian tombs to find artifacts and bring them back ooh.... hmm.  He was able to send a spider drone thing to break through a wall in to this other world and I wonder what he'll end up finding?  He takes the ring and blows up stuff. (Thanks to Michael Bay coming just to direct that those 4 seconds) 

Mummies but with 90% more explosions 

           Thut and Sekhem go to check the damage and the ring is gone. Thut, of course, is fearful that it's gone, the removing of body parts idea is scary.  Also, they know what "livings" are, which also is an interesting thing.  The only thing that can be done is to have a plot where they go to "our world" and get it back. Thut doesn't want Sekhem to go with him, but well yeah he's going.  Also found out that this inner city world was created because of mummy robbers, that's what Thut says- apparently that wasn't a good idea.  I do find it sad that this world isn't part of the main story, because I found it interesting, but we have to move on.  

A lovely Memphis evening 

        The brothers and Croc make a trip to the world of the living. (Wait, are they kind of alive... I mean they aren't being dead in the dead sense of dead, hey why is this fire working under...nevermind) They find the bad men's camp to seek for the ring, but we know that it won't be this easy.  I do like how Sekhem continues to have a purpose as he helps keep his brother on track, like when the truck they are on are going too fast  he helps keep Thut focused. I'm also glad that the incident still is part of the plot and character of Thut and they didn't have it be a random thing they forgot to continue. 
This is art 

         They end up getting transported on a shipping boat and oh the princess is there.  They eventually make it to England!  They also think England is Rome and well um they weren't/aren't wrong?  Heh I thought it was funny, it's a like hidden history joke.  Oh yeah, now the movie  is like the mummies are the fish out of water and it the jokes you expect of heh that thing they found isn't what it's really for. 

Hey look it's Chicago! 

            The movie does seem to refrain for using a gross-out joke, fart joke, or something, which is interesting. I'll dip a bit more in the second setting of ... London. It's not as interesting as the world they were in because it's London. I mean that London exists and can be seen right now so it doesn't bring alot compared to what they had.  At least, it's animated well,  Funny enough, it doesn't seem to go into random London stereotypes, they could have really done some oft joke about the monarch (hmm this movie was like finished in 2021 so... ooh) or have Sekhem play with that funny royal guards. I give it points for not causing eye rolling over that. 

This was fun a little moment, yeah I don't have joke here

            The mummies end up at a musical because they are dressed as ancient Egyptians  and the musical is about that. It also gives the movie a chance to bring up that Nefer wants to be a singer. I'm glad they didn't forget that too. [I'm not even being sarcastic, in case it comes off that way.] This also will play into how the villain who is watching the thing with his mother will figure out, by the power of deduction or plot, that Nefer is an actual mummy. Also his reaction isn't AAHHHHH AHHHHHHHH ! (That's usually my reaction)  Also, also another character entering the chat. Soon. 

Need a Mummies musical thank you

        Silly Thut thinks he got the ring back... well he's WRONG.  The man that saw them at the play that's not Sylvester pulls up  after seeing the trio trying to take a car - the wrong way- and wants to talk to Nefer because he's impressed by her signing. Then something something Sylvester is in the distance so they ride away with the man.  His name is Ed (voiced by Shakka a British singer and song writer ,nice touch for the character) who is a record guy.  Ed is fun character , and no he's not twist villain or do anything that would be wrong, which I'm glad we kept simple and just had one big bad guy.  
Ed is great 

           Nefer tells Thut that she was bothered by him trying to not her even do anything with Ed. We'll see him more later.   The movie did set up that Nefer wants to be a singer , but it also set up that she wants to make her choices and feels that she's not been able too. Now, Thut is kind of right too in the sense they do belong in the after world,  He's also understanding that she didn't get to chose this either. (Though staying out of the afterworld does mean he's safe right?)  I think it's a nice way to show he cares about her, even if he's also thinking heavily about the situation they are in currently.  Then Sekhem tells them about boomerang hitting the bird earlier and they seem pleased. (Can't be mad at Sekhem it's against the law)  Also calling the London Eye a magic stargate, thank you movie. 

He invented a new sport 

                What do you mean the ring wasn't the ring?  Well this is only half way through the movie, so duh.  Like I said, also, Ed is back in the movie because they end up going to his house for a place to stay.  I will also mention that there's a nice switch from earlier for Nefer from when she didn't seem to care if Thut was at risk of losing two of his senses to saying he doesn't deserve that.  I do like it that ED is super nice and really finds their "quirkiness" not to be annoying to him. Maybe it's because he's a record producer that he probably meets quirky people all the time.   Ed wonders about their clothing, first person to ask, and they make up a story they lost their other clothes in their trip. He's fine and gives them his credit card to buy clothes. The name on his card did get me though, his name is Edward A. Murphy. Which is funny, the only change from Eddie Murphy's name to this guy is the middle name. Thank you for that movie. 
Also Ed is very nice to strangers, can we have some money too 

                 It took the movie 47 minutes to play "Walk like an Egyptian" oddly not my top Bangles song, but a good song. It took 47 minutes.  I'm both disappointed it took so long, but kind of  proud of how restrained they were. Hmmm. (Also why is the croc looking at me, like that, help!)  The song is used during a mall montage. Sekhem plays one of those driving arcade games, I mention this because yes it will come up later.  

Hazy Shade of Winter 

        The funniest thing in the whole "heh they aren't from our time so they think things in our time our something different" running joke is when the mall announcer is announcing the place is closing down soon and they think it's a god. That was funny.  They actually use this joke twice , but in two funny ways, the second time later on a bus, it's kind of sillier joke but works there too. I do kind of like how Sekhem is able to start speaking "current talk" because he's a kid and picks up on things more, that's a good touch. 

odd Batman movie 

            Screw it, it moves the plot along, but yeah Nefer becomes a big singing star when she sings a song that was live streaming and becomes a hit. Yes, it's silly, but probably could and has really happened. I don't know don't ask me. (You can ask me, but I want money first) Also because she's a internet hit, Sylvester has found her somehow. Like I said before, we already know where Thut and Nefer are leading into , but the movie is at least not making it quick and giving them some good moments to at least make it feel worth it and show they are getting closer and understanding each other more.  

Hmm, I should really tell him .. he has a very pointy chin

         Then she gets kidnapped.  (also Sylvester's weird henchmen left their grappling hook there, why would they do that? Those are expensive)  Thut tries to run after the van she was carried into, but he slips and can't get her out.  Thut getting mad at poor Ed there , rude. I kind of understand because Nefer getting kidnapped is bad, but still rude. He tells Sekhem to stay there until the plot needs...cough um because it's unsafe.  

            I do have to point out that Sylvester's idea now to be clear is that he's going have Nefer be trapped at the museum and can use that light thing to show her mummy-ness to have a "living mummy" exhibit and he thinks that makes sense.  Someone's going to be like , you can't do that, if someone even goes with she's a real but living mummy, there's gotta be someone with an ethical questions. It already kind of strange to put a dead person in museum being alive and etc. there's something that's not going to work there, I'd hope. On the other hand, it shows how unhinged he is and really seeks fame and will do anything for it. 

Archeologist, a mummy's one enemy  

            Thut shows up to get captured.  Roll credits. (Being tranquilized, his one weakness)  Back to Sekhem, Croc, and Ed... our power trio.  I just kind of realized with along sequence with Croc, that he makes this one noise like weird noise, but it's also a dog like croc, mummy, so I don't know. Why'd they mummify a crocodile?  This movie is weird.  Ed decides, with some pushing from Croc, yes I wrote that,( good I thought I did), decides that heck yeah, let's go help the grumpy guy.  This ends up being more Sekhem going in there and getting some work done. I also like how he does some spy stuff like blacking out the cameras with paint and using Croc to open a window, the gag result was funny. 

Hope his spinoff movie is about him doing a heist 

            Also thankfully, the henchmen are stupid and walked away at the right time for Sekhem to find his brother and the princess. Sylvester apparently used normal glass for where he was keeping his "prized" mummies. If they were so prized he'd should have used bullet proof glass, you'd think. (That's right, if you are going to be evil, do it right!) This movie makes me asks questions, but also I'm not searching if waking up from being tranquilized makes you have the affects of being drunk.  The boy is able to get them out of their prison and now he's trying to sneak them out whilst they still have seem to be uh affected by the tranquilizers.
oh aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhh 

                    They also got the ring!  Ed gets accidently tranquilized. (Not ED!!!!!!!! noo)  Nefer ends up beating up one of the henchmen and throws him into Sylvester to make a run for it.  Thut picks up Ed, that's nice of him.  Also Croc gets to bite the other henchman in his netherworld.   Brace for this, they find a double decker bus that was parked there because the driver was buying a newspaper, and they take it. There's more, Sekhem and Croc are driving it. Remember that car arcade game earlier mentioned? That's right that gave them the power to drive.  Then there's a car chase where Sylvester and his guys chase them with a van. ( I don't think we can really question this movie by this point, we're 1hr in there's 25 minutes left, enjoy the ride, were on a bus being driving by a boy and croc, it's fine.) 

Another Field Trip? I knew I should have stayed home today. 

            They were able to get the bad guys to land on a boat going somewhere, and the mummies are safe, and Ed is also safe.  Anyway Ed tells them that the Ferris wheel isn't a stargate (or Stargate SG-1) but a Ferris wheel.  There's also a nice moment when Nefer's song pops up as an ad, and Thut tells her she can make her decision and he walks away to allow her time to think. I think it was nice and a well done moment there. 

    Ed helps them get on a plane to Egypt  (which again, is why Ed is great) and they can then travel through the portal thing back to their time and world. Also, this movie didn't have a third act break up because of some random tension between characters. Wow!  Thut then brings up the moment that happened after what we saw at the start of the movie, and tells Nefer the reason why he retired was because after the wheel broke off he got scared.  The moment of her saying he's braver than he thinks he is, was nice.  It did happen through out the movie he did show his braveness.  
How I feel knowing this was the last time we saw Ed 

         Oh Sylvester is not done yet, he still going after his tweety. (Took you a long time to make this reference)  Anyway our mains have made it back home, and while there was no break up of the characters because of tension or something they do part ways here, the princess goes back to the palace and the guys go back to their place. They really still are stretching out this romance thing, but alright. 

         Here's a part I finally get to write about. There's a Nickelback song - Nickelback's "Far Away" to be specific.  It is very randomly used, I think the entire song like this sequence is long. They used this song longer than "Walk Like an Egyptian". Again, I don't know if the original Spanish version did this too, but that would have been a choice. All I really know is that somewhere a mad man decided "We are going to use this song and no one will stop me" and nobody stopped them. Rock on, to the person who thought of this.  It's strange but at it's not played in a wrong spot, it kind of fits the mood of what's going on. I'm not going to say this is bad for the movie. It's a choice and I guess why not?

I put you picture away ... sorry wait that's not a Nickelback song... uhh Photograph?

        Meanwhile, Sylvester is crazy. He drives a bulldozer into the other world. He goes to see the pharaoh, not in the nice way but the he's going to try and kidnap the pharaoh and take him for his exhibit.  Nefer is also there to help fight off the guy. Sekhem calls for Thut to help.  Also the boy has to give his brother a speech to stop feeling sorry for himself and go help Nefer. I think that was badly placed, just because he should really have been more willing to go since he's already shown that he cares about her. I feel that's a bit of misstep to his development, but I guess they wanted to get a pep speech in before the final countdown.

Ahh, I wanted to win the Pharaoh plushy 

            Now the movie becomes  a race between Thut and Nefer together on a chariot and Sylvester holding the pharaoh on his bull dozer.  Who will win? (We'll have the rest of the story tonight on the news at 6:30)  It finally does give Thut a moment to finally get over that one big fear he had the whole movie (that wasn't the whole take out his eyes and tongue thing) he takes the reigns and starts to go after the the bulldozer harder. He even loses a wheel like last time but this time, he presses on , then he and Sylvester fight for a last battle thing.  Then, he and Sylvester ride off a cliff and well Sylvester is dead- Thut lives.  I'm not joking about Sylvester, he's dead.  There was no "I'm ok" or anything he dead. It's over. They killed the villain off in this movie, I guess he goes to a different after life location.  They didn't do a thing like he's not all bad maybe he learned a lesson, or gets arrested by the mummy cops? no dead.  (Bold, movie, bold) 

I'm happy to be alive...unlike that guy who's down there somewhere...dead 

            The reaction is kind of funny they are really happy to see the pharaoh is alright, Sekhem hugs his brother and it's pretty much oh no! Anyway. Oh well, anyway, I can't believe he asked her to marry him, I'm very shocked. I can at least feel satisfied that the movie had this in motion and really did at least some work at making it work between these characters where it's alright. They killed a guy, that's the surprise we got.  The true moral is let a bird pick your mate, go on a trip to get a ring, almost die, get to know each other, then get married.  (Don't do this, he's mad!) 

They did the thing! The thinnnnng! 

            Anyway... they're playing my song! "Walk like Egyptian" again 10/10 movie let's go.   Hey come in here, it's 2008 again, they're ending the movie with dancing ! It's justified it's wedding you dance.  

                Ok, I hope you know that 10/10 was a joke let's wrap this up. It's not a 10/10 movie, but I don't think it was bad.  Like I said, it doesn't do anything to big to make story telling different or change the world of animation. It's a simple movie, I enjoyed it, alot.  For as much of beats it hit in tropes and clichés, it actually avoids a lot of them.  There's some things I felt that if were polished a bit more might have even enhanced the movie. I do think it would have been better if they had the movie in the world they setup before going to London, it was kind of a fun one with some fun concepts, I love the idea of mixing ancient and modern things to have twist on them.  The London parts weren't too bad, even though yeah it did the standard joke you'd expect, though again it also didn't do the standard things I've seen movies do when they leave a country to another... maybe Spain is different to America on how the see London. [ Yes, I said country then said a city, I'm aware, thank you] 

             I think the voice acting could have stronger, but it didn't seem phoned in at least. The singing was good. The animation  was alright, can't say it was wow and on par with Disney's, Dreamworks, but for the budget they did a great job.  I do hope the movie doing, making almost 4 times its budget back gives more inspiration to Spain's entertainment industry to make more. I enjoyed it, it was strange and I had fun kind of seeing where it was going and what they would do  in this strange movie. If you do watch it, kind of expect it to be a strange little family movie, but I don't think it was awful or even boring.  

       That's it for now , tune in next time, when we randomly insert a Nickelback song into a post. Now go and have a Manic Monday! 




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