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Thursday, July 13, 2023

One Shot Posts: Hey Arnold: Heat/Snow

One Shot Posts  The Flashback  Nickelodeon 

          Here we are it's summer time, and it's hot? I'm writing this post in advance I'm going to assume it's hot, maybe it's not... eh anyway, I've decided to write about two Hey Arnold episodes that ended up being together like perfect contrast to complete each other, opposites attract, like the kid who wears shorts in the winter and kid wearing a coat in the summer falling in love.  (Coming to Disney Channel)   This is an episode set from  Hey Arnold from the very first season , the 6th episode combo. Funny enough it aired in fall 1996, no fall vs spring war though. 

           Starting with Heat, because that's the first. I'm not fan hot weather, myself, more of a cold fan. But heat, like extremely hot days, and even more if they are in a wave (3 or more days in a row of above 90) can be exhausting and annoying. That's kind of what Arnold is going through, he was dreaming of climbing up ice cream for the coolness only to wake up in his bleak hot air world.  I like how the episode, and how Hey Arnold in general sets up things and this one is really laying on how hot it is. It's apparently 106 degrees (or 41.1 C)  the city has an orange glow, miserable people and people doing strange things to find cool relief. 

           It does kind  of lay on thick, how hot and how annoying the heat has pretty much drove people mad. Arnold and Gerald do things that typically fit hot/summer moments, where the two of them try to turn  a fire hydrant on (don't do this yourself) for the water, they try a cool move theater which is apparently playing ironic movies.  They quit because of the line, then they go to the pool where it's crowded and pool's not even cold. Even Arnold starts to lose it. 

            The ice cream man has decided to price gouge his ice cream because of the heat.  (Though in current times, Ice cream truck wouldn't have any thing for 78 cents either) A hot, tired, and annoyed Arnold decides to tell off the guy and starts a riot. (I hate when that happens)  To be more exact, his words start  a chant and Helga starts the riot.  Arnold feels regret that he kind of caused this.  Though I do like how the episode doesn't play a moral black and white  where it's someone right and wrong, both sides were wrong here, but at least Arnold feels regret.  It's a good showing of heat driving people mad, and that people kind of become unhinged under pressure. 

            Arnold decides to stop this mess before someone gets hurt or something (and before the truck gets tipped over)   That didn't work as the kids work to push the truck over again. Then it automatically starts to rain. (timing) Hope it's not humid.  

         This episode is simple and not really presenting a moral in a direct way. It's more showing we should control ourselves in a time of turmoil, but that'd be a little too much to read into an episode, that's only guess.  Very much  an episode to watch for the experience of what is going on, it descends into madness then cools itself down. 

         Now, for someone is a fan of cold weather and does appreciate snow a little time for the other episode to really cool things down.  I think snow in TV episodes are fun, but the hard part is a lot of shows save their snow for Christmas, which is funny to me because I'm from an area that has more snow on Halloween day than Christmas day.  I do like when it's snow and not a Christmas episode. 

      The music contrast between these episodes are pretty nice as well, where the show's normal jazz did come in to play in the first episode and here they have a little kind of "frosty" I can describe start music, as it shows up to Arnold's house. 

                This episode starts with Arnold , again comparing to the last segment, this one is  Arnold is happy about what he wakes up to see, the snowy day. This episode gives the charm of what a snowy day is in childhood as it's an amazing thing to see. He waits by the the radio hear the school closings and hopes his is closed, that urgent feeling of wanting a school closing for school day.  He makes a list of fun things he wants to do. It's also an interesting contrast showing how an adult like Grandpa Phil might feel about snow  as he sees it as more tedious and unnecessary. He makes his own list of practical things he wants to do for the day.   This will play well into the episode. 

            Grandpa has Arnold doing things like shoveling the snow, which isn't fun for Arnold, or me, or the snow. (or really anyone)  It's also fun to see the other kids, and other people in the city doing snow activities as well.  The episode shows a good contrast between the freedom of childhood and things adults do in this case having to tend to snow issues. In some areas there are laws that sidewalks have to be cleared for snow, and a snowy sidewalk could be a hazard later on. (There are people who live in places where the day after it snows it doesn't go 50 degrees? ) The mailman still has to do his job of brining mail. (I like how he's in both episodes too)  

          I also think it did a good job of showing that Granpa wasn't being unreasonable  in a sense, since he keep his word that when they were finished shoveling Arnold could go play. Then of course other things show up, and again Grandpa does have things he has to do as the I guess landlord of a boarding house, to keep the renters happy. One can also feel for Arnold too, and even Grandpa does when he hears Arnold repeating his line about "no work ethic society"  and he remembers how he had some snow fun too as a younger person.  So he decides to let loose  a bit and allows some fun. He also sprays the street with water (Don't do this either) He made an ice rink and let's everyone have some fun. 

            This is a good one, probably a bit stronger than "Heat" just like how... edited...  and it presents a good idea of balance. There is some work that has to be done, but it also alright to add in some fun and  play. Grandpa got a little lost on that, but he did get to remember that and sometimes that happens, a generational disconnect.  

          Would have been funny if these segments took part a day apart, but nah. Anyway, I think these weather themed episodes were fun , I'm going to give "Snow" a little more in the lean , but I think both were good. I love how both segments feel I get the sense of the heat and how it uncomfortable it is and how Arnold is feeling drained from it. The other one I get the wintery feelings and see how much fun snow can be, though cartoon snow is always better than real snow in that it always seems light, easy to move and use, so hmmm.  

             That's it for now, tune in next time when the kid of the kid who wears shorts in the winter and the kid who wears a coat in the summer, wears shorts in the winter, and a coat in the summer, that's how DNA works.  


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