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Thursday, November 09, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders : Season 3: Episode 4: Secret Admirer/ The Lone Wolves Club

The Weekenders Disney 

Previously on  Weekendering: There's work to do...  read that here 

Episode 4a: Secret Admirer 

                Carver has gotten an anonymous letter from someone who really likes him, but only enough to send him a secret letter.  The friends have found out and he's become brain mush thinking about who his admirer.  The friends don't think that it's possible has someone who admires him and thinks the things in the letter. He seeks to prove them wrong.  Carver also thinks that girl who admires him a good looking one. 

          Then later a girl named Nona decides to speed up the plot a bit and tell Carver she's the girl that wrote him the notes. Now Carver worries about her being taller than him. Carver is not sure he likes that, but he doesn't want to say to her out loud. (something)  Tish continues to tell him he only cares about appearances. When he gets compared to a pineapple he starts about how he was being only known for how he looks does feel bad. 

        He talks to Nona and apologizes then mentions the pineapple thing which freaks her out because she apparently fears pineapples. (She would really hate Spongebob)  Funny enough this actually makes Carver like her more, because she's ' shallow like him.  [Those were his words] 

                With this episode I like how the secret admirer part hooks into the part where the admirer shows up and not make it feel off. The idea that Carver was looking for someone based off their looks fitting into judging Nona for being taller than him, then being made fun of for looking like a pineapple head worked well to smoothly get the message across. Tish angrily yelling at Carver about how he judges looks was a bit on the nose, then she's the one that says that Tino's head looks kind of like a pumpkin, she's not above it. 

         The show really has flowed with its format here too, not having Tino's mom be any way part of an answer to a problem, but the food gag still showing up works. I like Nona also seems to run away from Carver because she fears pineapples and now can't un think of his head looking like one.  

        The episode didn't do a full secret admirer search plot which was fine not to have that drag out for 11 minutes and did something else with it. The funny moments work here a little better than how it forced parts of its message. Lor's whistle gag was alright, it didn't get too annoying and had some fun punchlines to it. Tino and the blue food was funny.  I give this one a 7/10. 

More after the jump 

Episode 4b: The Lone Wolves Club 

            Well that's a title.  The gang is talking about a club called the Lone Wolves Club which sounds like -from their description- of "The Simpsons'" Stone Cutters' club. There's a rumor the club is looking for a new member. In the evening, a group of people in wolf masks show up at Tino's house and ask if he wants to join their club. He has to read a paper he as to learn what it says and be able to recite it when the time comes. He also can't tell anyone. (Uhhh) 

         Tino ends up having to say the statement he had to memorize in public to get laughed at.  Of course, he can't tell his friends.   The next thing he does his he has to be a duck. (Not Donald Duck) The friends are a little concerned about him since he's acting strange. Then he has to insult them. (There goes their concerns)  Oddly, the friends -even Lor is confused- are going to apologize to Tino because they left him when he might not be in the right mind. 

            Tino isn't home.  Tino's mom also knows he's been acting weird and she knows about the secret club, because she's that powerful. Tino is in the woods with the club member to become a lone wolf. (Ironic since they are a group)  He has to do one more thing he has to walk blind folded on  loose board  across a ravine. Not really, the friends stop it and the wolves run off he notices that he wasn't on a ravine or doing anything dangerous.  He says they ruined everything and they leave. The wolves come back and they liked that he yelled at his friends. He has one more test where captured lightning bugs have to stay in a jar. He has to swear that the club matters over everything else including friendship. 

        He says NO! and let's the bugs go, freeing them from them, (Good for him, those bugs are happy) The boys in the club are surprised and take off their masks and he figures out who they are.  He apologizes to his friends. 

            Let's see,  I love how the episode uses night scenes, since we don't see the show much doing things at night. The woods' given a creepy alluring feel during one of the tests was really nice to see. The episode straightforward , but I like how it works in that Tino realizes his friendship is valuable and important.  The friends being concerned instead of mad at Tino through out was a refreshing take they know how Tino normally acts so him acting off is a sign to them and want to help him.  The episode's funny moments like the board not even across a ravine and Tino answering a random woman's phone was fun. I liked how Tino's mom knew about the secret club because of course she does.   Fun episode 8/10 

That's it for now, tune in next time when we do death defying stunts of ... opening a door.  Later days! 

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