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Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 3: Episode 13: The Worst Holiday Ever

The Weekenders Disney Holidays 

Episode 13: The Worst Holiday Ever

        I'm jumping ahead, unless you reading this in the future , to do the holiday special for Weekenders. Because if I don't, then there's either going to be awkward post at some other point, or I'd have to hold off on doing this episode until next Christmas season. This is also the end of season 3, but won't do a season review here, that'll be in episode 12's post. 

         This episode aired on UPN on December 2nd, 2001, like I said it's also the season finale. That also means that Weekenders would also be over soon.  

         This episode starts on the task of starting on Friday, which um was a choice.  Tino starts mentioning how December is wintery with snow but since their town is like San Diego they don't get that, but thanks to Lor's Grandma they will be able to enjoy the classic winter affects in the mountains.  Then he mentions that Tish celebrates Hanukkah, he celebrates the winter solstice (don't be surprised , hippy mom),  Lor and Carver celebrate Christmas and then Carver also celebrates Kwanza. This episode was made during the period this was a big thing to do have a kid celebrate holiday A, then have B, find some other ones for C and maybe a D.  

           Because of all that there's only one weekend where they all can spend a holiday together, I wonder which one. Lor's Grandma picks up everyone and there's even a song.  That's different for this show, but I guess they had to for a holiday special.  This episode is called "The Worst Holiday Ever" so I'm expecting something... uh oh something bad has happened. The place they were going is closed off because of a blizzard. (ironic) 

         The group waits with Lor's grandma on her RV and  it's a long wait.  They have to spend the night in there and the next morning too.  Lor worries this might be her worst holiday ever,  but her grandma says remembers she had a worse one. This brings up a story called "The Worst Christmas Ever" 3 years earlier. It's a normal Christmas with her large family and coach from the school comes over and she sees that the coach dropped mashed potatoes and didn't want to eat them.  She didn't eat them and her family ends up sick, and she tells her family why that happened. Then again it might have been her grandma's soup. 

        Tino tells the The Worst Winter Solstice Ever. If you can't tell already, it's a story episode. That's right the characters are stuck somewhere and the best thing they can do is tell stories. This is a setup from clip shows. Let's continue with Tino's story.  His mom switched to solstice celebrating after she and his dad broke up.  She seems to celebrate it like Christmas with stockings, a tree with lights, and things.  It's the first one, so it's younger Tino.  Like Lor's story there's an invited guest, a neighbor we've seen before on the series.  

        The woman has views on divorce.  She also invited her great-great grand nephew for some reason.  What Tino remembers is that was his first time having a sarcastic remark.  He and his mom ended up in the car together to get away from those two. Lor's grandma  says the same thing she said to Lor, at least it was someone he loves.  

        Interrupting snow. Tino says the episode title, break time. Uh buy toys! Back to the episode.  They are now trapped in the blizzard in an RV.  Tish is horrified the most that Lor's Grandma having rabbit jerky. Then she mentions "The Worst Hanukkah Ever" story.  

        Tish gets a "Secret Santa" thing where she has to buy a gift for a someone in the family.  She gets Aunt Geet, who she is happy she picked because that's an easy one to gift.  Her family comes over including cousin Doug (whom we've seen before) and Dougavina. (ok then)  Girl Doug gives Tish a gift, even though she wasn't the picked name. This makes Tish worry because she didn't get anything for Dougavina.  She lies and digs through her closet to find a gift, and finds a sweater with tags on it, uh oh.  It was a gift that Aunt Geet gave both of them of the last year. (oops) Tish felt bad.  

         It's Carver's turn, and worst Kwanzaa time.  His story is that socks didn't match, he wore a gray one and a white one. Very in character for Carver.  

    Sunday time, the blizzard is over but the roads are closed of ice. (not ironic) The kids aren't happy they didn't get to have their winter-y fun. Lor's grandma decides to stop because they are moaning and she decides to tell her own story with a long title.  She and her mother were going to get berries for her soup and then they freed a turkey, but the other turkeys decide to go after them. They had to hide in a cave for a bit, but she said it was a fine Christmas. 

      They try to run from the turkeys at night and then they fell down a cavern, but the turkey they freed helped them out. (neat)  That's why the family doesn't eat turkey on Christmas, the other holidays are fine though.  The kids seem to say they got the message about a good thing about the holidays is being with those you love. She does turn around and say her story is about staying away from wild turkeys.  (also a good tip)  

          Finally, she makes them frolic in very low amount of snow.  It finishes with a song.


         So again, this was a let's tell stories episode, but it wasn't bad. It was fun seeing younger versions of the characters and seeing some of their life stuff was nice. I think the stories were fun and fitting with the characters.  Lor being scared that coach would fail her if she told about the potatoes fits with how she wouldn't like that as she values athletics. Tino and his mom's very close and strong bond shows up in his story.  Tish and her family dynamic and how she had a relatable problem. Carver of course focusing on something that most don't , funny it wasn't shoe related, but socks instead.  It was also fun seeing Lor's Grandma as she is a fun character and brought things together and did get the message across well. 

            The episode also shows their great friendship bond and wanting to spend sometime together as they value each other too as like family.  It's great that this episode showed that bond and their family bonds to really express holidays and being with those you care about and love, even beyond blood family. Like how Lor's family lets Coach come over ever year.  
        Good simple episode. Funny moments and sweet moments mixed it, makes it a valuable seasonal episode and a great season finale too. 

          That's it for now , tune in next time, when we get trapped and have to eat horse jerky. At least I think that was horse jerky.  Later days.    

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