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Tuesday, February 06, 2024

Arthur: Season 3: Episode 11: Double Tibble Trouble/Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival

Arthur   PBS 

Episode 11a: Double Tibble Trouble 

       The Cold Open: DW and her friend Emily seem to be going on a dangerous journey and this danger is the Tibble House. The terrible twin duo boys who like to terrorize others on the Earth. 

    The Episode: You know the way to tell the Tibble twins apart is the scarfs they wear, Timmy wears red fitting a high energy personality and Tommy wears blue.  That's for this episode to put out how these two interact and how they are different when cleaved.   First the whirring and playing playing plane crashing into gasoline tanks. (Uh help)  D.W notices that Tommy is alright unless Timmy eggs him on to something, and she'd like to see how he would be if Tommy was out of the picture.(She's going to have him taken by the mob?)  She makes a wish, a disturbing one, that she could only play with Tommy without Timmy.  Even though it was a helicopter, her wish came true.  

         Timmy is out sick, Tommy is also wearing the red scarf because the show really wants us confused. Tommy doesn't really know what to do without Timmy and seems less energetic.  D.W and Emily are enjoying this.    They want to cheer up Tommy to get his mind off of Timmy but that's hard. In a twist, D.W and Emily try to be like Timmy to work with Tommy. They take turns to be Tibbles which again defeats the thing in the first place. 

            D.W finds out that she doesn't like being a Tibble and quits. Thankfully they got quit feelings at the right time, when Timmy is well and now Tommy is sick. Timmy is happy that they helped his brother out.  Now, D.W and Emily get to fill in for Timmy.  Now where's an episode where Tommy or Timmy fill in for D.W?

            Simple episode, pretty fun to see some Tibble stuff to a point. D.W and Emily pretty much having to be Tibbles to fill in was something different and kind of interesting.  It was very nice to see this work the way it did.   

More after the jump

Episode 11b: Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival

  Breaking mold a bit here, this is one of the more famous Arthur episodes. With good reason, it's fun one. To get the mean thing said first out of the way, it's kind of glorified clip show.  In this case, that doesn't mean it's bad, it's interesting but you really are just getting clips. 

       D.W overhears a strange noise and wonders what it is, she checks the basement and finds Buster beat boxing and Arthur 'recording'.  Arthur is doing fake MTV, back when MTV was MTV.  Arthur and Buster are having fun with imagination. Arthur says hey just have fun. That's really what this episode is.  

        The first song is probably the most famous thing from Arthur, besides "I Told you not to touch it"  that is "Having Fun isn't Hard when you got a library card".  Arthur is very pro library and book show, it come from books. This is fun and catchy and name drops real life books.   

            Then Brain gets a song about how he became Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.  This song needs more love, it's fun. It shows how a good story can be a good escapism and fun.  The next song is pretty much the most stock footage from the series  segment.  The footage with the song is just stuff we've seen in past Arthur episodes. Again, this is a clip show.  The food song is alright, I like how the episode is doing different genres of music, this one is also very public domain music from various different composers.  

         Mr. Ratburn gets a cool doo-wop song, using some more clips from the show. Man loves his homework.  Then it goes back to "the library card song". Then the Dewey Decimal system is your friend and D.W wonders who Dewey is. (nobody knows)    

            Then the episode cuts back to the duo in their fake TV and then Buster pulls down "The End" card and one more "Who's Dewey?"  

         This is just fun episode, not much to think about.  It's an  actually good clip show with some new stuff added in for a couple songs.  The library card song deserved it's place of  being remembered it's a lot of fun.  The mentioning of some famous books and that libraries are fun is still a good thing even in our current era. Libraries are neat and bring great resources even now, even some e-books.  

    That's it for now, tune in next time when we tell you who  Dewey is.   

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