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Saturday, February 17, 2024

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 3: Episode 9: The Tao of Bluke/An Experimental Weekend

The Weekenders Disney 

        Previously, Lor needs a Tutor, but we learned something instead [Here]  

Episode 9a: The Tao of Bluke 

            This episode decides to jump right into Saturday (can they do that?) and also Bluke is hanging out with the group (can they do that?).  The first minute of this episode is already winning by how it's going.  Tino can't catch us up on what's going on so he brings an a professional announcer , voiced by Jeff Bennett, to catch us up to speed. Then the episode rewinds to Friday. (Can they do that?) The group was at helpers helping the helpless to win a prize of a pool table.  They have to find 7 clues (Blue's Clues?) and bring them back and that will help them win.  Also use of the term Generation Z back in 2001, we're zooming. 

            In a twist, Bluke has been added to their team  and that's why he's hanging out with the friends.  The group is worried that he'll drag them down and they'll lose. Tino says they will not and they will help him out and the announcer is knocked out.  Their working with Bluke seems to be going not very well. There's a plan B, one of them is going to have to keep Bluke distracted for Sunday  and that ends up being Lor. 

         But first, Tino's Mom time!( YEAY)  She says that sometimes people will surprise you , if you let them. (She's just handing out the moral of the episode)  Lor is with Bluke helping him pick out overalls. The other three get to work on clues. (I've got my handy dandy notebook out)   I think there's a hard time finding one clue.  Bluke and Lor now having matching overalls. Which is fun.  They meet up with the other three. He reads the hard to solve clue and he found the 2nd clue, and the 3rd one, and the rest of them.

            The winners of the pool table isn't our Weekender group, but they pizza. He says it was good they didn't win because it's hard to split a pool table 5 ways, a pizza is easy. (He's right) The answer was fine.  Tino let's Bluke break the 4th wall, but that goes somewhere else. 

       This was a really fun story, like really fun. Bluke gets a nice spotlight and  he makes for an interesting side character. He's kind hearted and quirky but not in a way that seems annoying or over the top,  it's nice.  Tino's Mom does give the moral away a little too early here too early, but it is nice to see how he surprises by finding the clues by hearing the clues and seeing how he figures them out.   I also like how the episode has fun with the format of the show and the announcer part was fun.  This was a warm episode like Bluke and there's a lot to enjoy here, the funny moments worked well  and everything was well done. 9/10.  

More after the jump 

Episode 9b: An Experimental Weekend 

            Tish has a entered the Bahia Bay Junior Psychology Experimenter Contest, which is a thing that their town does.  The prize a guest spot on talk show hosted by a teen psychologist. (Better than Dr. Phil)  She also has a crush on him. Anyway, she's involved her friends and given them assignment -without asking them- and uses a chart to get to work with her. 

                She does tests on them by having them eat algae breakfast, having them look up to make people wonder why they are looking up, has Tino pretend to be a mime, (the town seems to be anti-mime), some  strange pizza test, etc. Tino brings up that she owes them favors. Then she gets mad and walks away. 

            Also a strange moment of them eating one of Tino's Mom's meals.  And she helps them figure out something.  Tish has gone with Frances and Bluke to help her and it's going not well. They also quit on her and she starts to wonder why people keep doing that. Realizes she's been a jerk, and something Bluke said help her.  She figures out that she was the subject of her experiment herself and apologizes to her friends and wins her thingy. 

                Back to more basics for the show here and it's an alright outing. We've gotten the establishment that Tish does easily get caught up in things and here she wanted to win the experiment contest thing. The episode works where she didn't really ask them first and kind of forces them to do it.  They do willingly go for it until she becomes too much at a point.   I liked that she realized her mistakes herself and Tino's Mom was there helping the others figure out that they should talk to her. 

           If you want to know what Bream is, it's fish.  It's alright episode overall 7/10. 

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