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Sunday, February 25, 2024

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 3: Episode 12: Croquembouche/Imperfection

The Weekenders  Disney 

Previously,  Tino's unperfected Step Father Test doesn't work [Here

Episode 12a: Croquembouche 

            This episode has a name you'd hear on Martha Stewart's 90's show, that's  Croquembouche pronounced like croak- am- boo-ssh. [Also glad that spell check knows this word]  Which is French cake.  They are in a foods of the world competition, first price is free admission to every museum in their town for year. (Interesting prize)  Tino wants to give the oral presentation but the others want to choose someone in a system of voting. (Weak)  Then Carver wins. I don't think Tino is very happy.  Tino's mom figured it out pretty quickly. (She's read ahead again) 

        Tino also finds out they don't want to do a Napoleon theme either.  Unhinged losing his mind Tino is fun Tino.  The next day, after Tino stormed away the other three are feeling down with out him. I think he psyopsed them.  Meanwhile, Tino is down too and doesn't want to go. Dixon comes in because now Tino gets double teamed. (I'm scared) Dixon also finds away to make Tino see things differently.  He does it in a scary way too wow! 

        I think Bluke is confused. Anyway, it's competition time for the gang, but not yet for them to present.  Ruby was  before them and put on an amazing report and  Carver is now nervous. Tino shows up and now they want Tino to do the presentation, but Tino does a pep talk for Carver and encourages him to do it.  

        We didn't find out if they won. Well that's sad.   Episode was fun. Again, unhinged Tino is fun, I don't care what anyone thinks it's just fun when he's unhinged.  Dixon and his Mom both proving their power is too much in a well done way.  It even makes sense why the others would pick  Carver he have a big confidence in himself and the idea that Tino gets in his mind they were turning against him fits his character too.  Fun episode. 7.5/10.  

More after the Jump 

Episode 12b: Imperfection 

             It's report card day.  Also there's going to be Kelp Appreciation festival, which is coming.   Tish has gotten perfect grades, it seems. Then she reads a comment from a teacher that says that sometimes she too much of a perfectionist.  Tino says don't let it ruin her weekend, which I think she will. 

            She really isn't doing to well. She decides to not be a non perfectionist, she says in a confusing way so that's good, I think. She tries very hard to be not perfect like wearing two different shoes, and eating food in  bites not divisible by 10. (I only chew food in 7's)  

        They are doing the kelp thing of the town's founder.  Tish .exe has stopped working. She does lightly explode and doesn't like how they are doing the kelp sculpture. Tino's mom gets to help Tish and helps her find a balance between being overly perfectionist and not.  She chooses to paint the sculpture then ends up redoing something.   She also didn't sleep or paint it. 

        Seagulls liked the sculpture, but no one else liked it. Actually one guy liked it. That was a twist. 

        There we go,  it's a fine episode. Tish's characteristic of perfection gets a focus and brings in some of her strangeness but the fun of character. It was a nice way to show that focusing too much on the little details might make you miss the whole idea. That's something that can help us all.   It was  very kelp-y episode they were having fun with this theme.  It's 7/10. 

Season 3 thoughts 

That's it for our look at season 3. To be clear, this is one more episode of the season that was their Christmas-y holiday season episode , which I have written about already in the time it would have fit.  (You can read that one here ) I think it would be good to bring up the review of the season here anyway, since this was the last non special episode pair of the season anyway. 

         Season 3  was very consistent in how it worked and how it was entertaining. It did some more experiments with its format while still sticking to the structure of weekends.  There was a little more lean on getting funnier with the episodes where the moral still shows up but really works into also giving a little more funnier moments into the series. They also went a little more into having others, besides Tino, break the 4th wall into the episode starts and finishes.   

         For Tino, we did get some depth with him like with "Cry" but also stuff like "Father's Day" and "Testing Dixon" that bring up him and his father and potential step father. I always liked that he was depicted as not heavily bothered by his Mom dating and he accepts the divorce but does miss things that his friends can do with their fathers because they are around and close.  

         The show really understood its characters this season and made interesting stories for them that didn't try to force them into it.  We got some good depth with Tish this season too, "Crushin' Roulette" showing how she feels when her friends have crushes and she doesn't.  Tish going out of her way to try and help a girl she thought was unfortunate in "Charity Case" showing how she thinks highly of herself which again is different for alot of shows showing smart characters. "Celebrity" shows that she can be brought into acting that way too. Carver  gets some fun episodes "Secret Admirer" is a good example of his confidence and also how he can get knocked off that confidence easily too.  Lor didn't get let of  episode focused on her this season sadly.  "Tutor" really was a re-hash of Lor stuff they did in past seasons. That was kind of a disappointment, but she was a fun element of the cast the entire season. They wrote a character that is greatly balanced on being kind of kooky and out of it , but not too dumb to live and still has some smarts.   

            Overall, I think season 3 was a strong season, not a really bad episode and some comfortable episodes, and some really top notch ones.   It was a really nice showing of this fun group and their weekend stories.  That does it for now , we have only one more season to go, and well that's a different story.   

      Tune in next time when we invite perfectionists into a room so imperfect they'll fix it up for us for free! 


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