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Thursday, December 01, 2011

CBS' New try at mornings : Coming Soon

By Skyler M for mychiller media and TV
     CBS NEWS  has been in the process of change with it's morning show hours . "The Early show" , which started November 1st  1999 , has been in 3rd place from the stop. Behind NBC's "Today Show" and ABC'S "Good Morning America". This year the "Early Show" changed to anchors Erica Hill and Chris Wragge. In the summer the show changed formats removing the  cooking, the celerity news and other so-called fluff. Last month, CBS announced the "The Early Show", CBS's 8th try at a morning show and one of the longest running" will end in January. For a new morning show, which got it's name today "CBS This Morning" hosted by Erica Hill , who is the lone-carry over,  PBS' Charlie Rose who will also still do his talk show, and Gayle King , who left her Oprah Network and radio show around the announcement.   
      From 7-8AMET  It will be hosted by Rose and Hill , while 8-9AMET will be King and Hill.   CBS has been very quiet on some hints of what the show will be like.  Hard News will be a focus, with some splashes of pop culture. But Jeff Fager, CBS NEWS Chairman, says there won't be  anchors dressing in costumes and people yelling outside.  
       Some question to ask is why did CBS pick Rose and Hill to complement  Hill on this program?  Charlie Rose , who is known for his talk show , the one with the black background and  an oak table. Gayle King being known as the friend of Oprah . Plus some people have a  habit that's hard to break, if people have watched NBC or ABC and are used to those programs ,what will make them  move to CBS?  Charlie Rose to many is not a  very chipper or a morning type , plus isn't young , though nothing wrong with that part, and Gayle King , is not very well well know. 
     There is one thing that could work to CBS' advantage is a taste for news that some people may want in the morning , seeing that "Good Morning America" and "Today Show" have  live concerts, fun weather people and more a  entertainment type look that it could grab people who don't like that.    So CBS could have a chance, there's always hope. 
      The show starts  January 9th 2012 at7AM (ALL TIME ZONES)

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