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Thursday, December 08, 2016

The Lookback :Pete's Christmas

Christmas Hallmark Channel  The Flashback  

    We continue our look at the story telling of Christmas everyday (though not every Christmas lookback we do will be based on this the story telling of Christmas Everyday) and this is our first Hallmark Channel Made for TV movie featured lookback. (yay!)  Pete's Christmas came out in 2013 on Hallmark Channel , it stars the kid from  the live-action "Wimpy Kid" movies Zachary Gordon, and  Bailee Madison. (Who you may remember if you liked "Wizards of Waverly Place , played Max , when he was turned into a girl).
The cover says they are the stars and in HD! 
        Like our "Christmas Everyday" 1996 post , we won't go into detail of the special  itself  but more into the plot and where it fits into our  talk of Christmas everyday. (We disused that in our last post in depth)  Much like  CE , this movie follows the "Groundhog Day" effect where our main character spends multiple Christmases until he learns something. (That he isn't Bill Murray) 

     So , of course we have got to take a look how Pete  and since he is a teenager and this isn't  a situation where he lives by himself , and his family  celebrate the holiday. (First Tuesday in February)  Plus, it helps us get to know Pete's character , since will be focusing on him. (It is called Pete's Christmas after all)  The movie starts like it's  Hallmark  card (ooooh ) with the family  singing Christmas carols. Well  not really , the kids really don't care.  Meanwhile the Mom has to work on Christmas eve  and the dad has finding a new job, while Grandpa shows up unexpectedly.  
Now we need the Christmas, so that's the next morning  and of course in these type of movies the details of every shot are important ,even the mundane things  like Pete's little brother saying nothing stops the the train under his bed from departing at 7:35 A.M. (We the audience will be hearing this alot). 
 Ok Men, Toy Story 4 has to look realistic /copyright  Hallmark 

   Pete is the middle brother, the younger brother seems to be that character  who is above average smart and will make sure everybody knows it ,by the way he talks , the older brother seems to be the one who likes sports (because reasons). He also seems to be cocky and likes his looks.   Grandpa seems to be the the cranky one who may be the reason why they were bothered when he showed up.      Some key moments from Christmas Day : Pete's little brother ,Kenny,  gets the telescope Pete wanted for Christmas. (because conflict)  Pete's parents didn't get him anything , they kind of well forgot.  There seems to be tension between Grandpa  and his son (the father, he might have name but I don't care).  Plus,  there are new neighbors , (Madison's character is part of  these new neighbors).  Time for things to go  well wrong: When  Jake, the other brother,   was trying to plug in something, Pete warns him that he has to unplug the tree first or the everything will short-circuit ,while Pete tries unplug the tree the older brother gets impatient (it was 3 seconds) and decides to plug in something anyway causing a short-circuit and he trips the tree falls over knowing over Pete and the telescope.   The parents ask what happened Jake blames Pete and I guess the believe him. (because reasons)   Next there's a football game, and since Pete is not very athletic it doesn't go well for him.  Remember that power thing? Well the food didn't make it because nobody turned the oven on, so they have Christmas at a place this open and this goes well bad.  The day ends with food poisoning, and Grandpa decides to leave early and gives Pete an empty box.   

That  Christmas Story remake is weird /copyright Hallmark 

    After that misberable Christmas , Pete wakes up and thus begins the "Groundhog Day" effect , though Pete goes through many Christmases  he thinks at first it's a  joke being played on him.  Then he tries to figure out what's going on.  After a few of the Christmases he talks with grandfather and something he says helps him. Grandpa suggests that if he could relive the same day it would be gift,because he could live consequence free, this gives Pete an idea. Getting us to our  stage 2, Pete tries to fix his Christmas experience.

Darn it trick or are late/copyright Hallmark 

   The next Christmas (in this movie I lost track) he wakes up a little early and does some changes like, switching the gift tags on the presents.  Kenny ends up with the football . Pete gets the telescope, and Jake is left out now. He also defeats the bully boys in their snowball fight , gets Kenny gets smashed by a Christmas tree, he tries to impress the girl next door. ( I think we skipped a few Christmases).  He saves dinner with Pizza (after a few more Christmases),  The football game goes well , and Grandpa still wins his bet. )  If this movie was to fix Pete and Grandpa's relationship , it worked. He finds out that his Grandpa wanted to come because it's what Grandma would have wanted.    Pete then works on trying meet with his neighbor , Katie and impress her. 
     Even though , the Christmas went well, Grandpa still leaves the house and Pete feels un accomplished.   He asks  Katie what she would do if every day was Christmas, she tells him that it forces you to slow down and look up.  Another Christmas, when he asks again, she tells hum she wishes for one more Christmas with her family, with her father still alive. Appreciate what you have is her message. Pete takes this to heart and decides to make the Christmases better for everyone. (Again I lost track of the days)  There is one thing he is having a  hard time with, how to get his Grandpa and his father to not fall out.  Kenny talks with him and offers to help him ,and Pete finds out that his brother is a little jealous of him because he thinks everyone expects him to be perfect , and he didn't want the telescope.  Pete suggests he can loose up and have fun. (awww) 
Then they fought.. with snow/ copyright Hallmark 

      Pete then talks with his father  about the relationship of him and Grandpa.  Pete's father says that  things started not doing well after Grandma died.  Pete's father realizes something about why his father gripes about Christmas, that he misses Grandma.  Pete refashioned the Christmas star and shows it to Grandpa and the father and they make up. (awww)  The next morning ,Pete wakes up and notices some differences and yes Christmas is over now.  

     Back to our 'Christmas Everyday'  talk :  This movie does something different with it's use of Christmas Everyday, it kind of makes you wonder what would you do if Christmas was repeating itself?  Pete tries the better things for himself type, then slowly tires to do things for others as well. Like "Christmas Everyday" our main character is a teenage boy which makes it interesting how he seeings things. Though was no wish  at all in this one, it's more related to Pete learning a lesson , like in "Christmas Everyday" the moral of the story can be Christmas is about family. 

  Now our review:  If  I had to pick between  "Christmas Everyday" and "Pete's Christmas" I would pick CE, but that doesn't count against this movie. It's a Hallmark Movie so it's a little silly ,well at least it doesn't force a romance.  I do enjoy this movie, it does have at first watch an err to feel like the characters are  unlikeable , this changes a little later in the movie, which I am glad it does.  So yes , do watch it , Christmas movies are supposed to be syrupy  right? 

Tune in next time when  we go mad after having  to re-write this post over and over again and again.

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