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Thursday, December 21, 2017

Christmas: The Flashback: Christmas in Tattertown

Christmas  The Flashback  Nickelodeon 

      I am going to talk about the first animated thing made for Nickelodeon , yes I am going to talk about Ren and Stimpy, Doug , and Rugrats.  Nope , going further back still to the 1980's well 1988, the first animated program made for Nickelodeon, "Christmas in Tattertown".

    The reason for the phrase made for Nickelodeon is in important is because this is not the first animated thing that aired on the network, but the first where the network was interested in maybe deciding to one pick up such a thing. I talk more about that after the special.

       The special came out in December of 1988, and I could have saved this post for the 30th anniversary next year , I'd rather do it now. I will say more about the background later.

    The special starts with narration, and the narrator tell us that he going to tell us about a girl named Debbie. ( I hope she's the main character or this is getting strange.)  Who loved her stuff dolls , dog and  Ms. Muffet. One day she finds a strange book and something strange happens, they get sucked into the book. (Jump into reading)  She lands in Tattertown, and the narrator is gone or something.  Ms. Muffet is alive and happy that's she free of Debbie now.  Debbie doesn't like that she ran off.
See not very happy  

        Apparently this special was being narrated  by talking sax named Miles, he explains that Tattertown is a place where everything you've lost winds up.  (There should be more keys there)  Also the things that get lost become alive, (My question is who lost their sax?)  Debbie continues to chase  Mrs. Muffet who really refuses to go with her.   In Tattertown they don't know what about Christmas.
hmm that YO-YO looks like it had a night out

       Muffet  (yes writing ms. alot would be annoyiing) and a spider go to a part of the  town where the unsavories hang out , though Muffet is not impressed by them and says that she would them better at causing trouble than they are.  Debbie decides to continue her mission to find something for Christmas.  She explains what Christmas is to the members  of the town.   Muffet finds out that they are trying to make Christmas and she of course doesn't like that and wants to stop it.  (Scrooge like)
Looking like Christmas 

      Debbie goes to a book store that's run buy an evergreen tree named Tannenbaum (get it because ... oh forget it)  and she asks him to be the town Christmas tree, which he at first says no to before he finds out there's no  competition and goes along with it.   Muffet apparently has a thing for tabbaco pie  (what? Yes Really)  but doesn't get chance to eat her treat (results may vary).  Her spies Tad and Wendle end up as part of Christmas and they send her a post card. (That was nice of them)
Maybe this is why she's cranky , going through pie withdrawls

      Muffet decides to dress p like Santa Claus and have Sidney the spider dress up like a reindeer to trick everyone. Debbie tries to explain  a little more about Christmas while Muffet's army  heads into to town. Just as Muffet tries to take the town , the real Santa shows up  and Muffet wants to take him out , but her army isn't very bright and they start destroying themselves. Santa apparently is having fun and then he rides off. (well that was random)  Debbie doesn't feel the townsfolk know what Christmas is , so she plays "White Christmas" (I mean the one with Bing Crosby's voice ) and it causes everyone one to tear up and Muffet ends up in jail.  (That is one powerful song)
Santa's not coming to town this year 

      First my thoughts :   I think this was fun , the animation style reminds of me retro 30's and 40's cartoons, the jokes remind me of  Looney Toons.  Though it does seem a little messy in it's plot but I don't think that was point.  It's like pure madness as a cartoon but it's not like trippy animation it's more just how the special presents itself.   This was from the period were television animation was trying to get off the that whole "Sell Toys" thing it was going through and going into that  renaissance  that the late 80's started and this period became known as.  So harking back to the days of animation where everything was a lot more ,dare I say , loony and violent makes some sense.   There a lot of loose things to that to don't connect together very well, and the ending doesn't seem to do anything either, but there is something there. It's a good special : It's not the greatest but  I did enjoy it very much and just love the randomness and the characters are interesting and especially Muffet who steals the show.

    More after the Jump.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Christmas: Charlie and Lola : How Many More Minutes until Christmas

Joshauonline UK  Christmas 

      This time in our Christmas watching  we don't go really for a special  or something Peanuts related instead we delve into something off the wall for us.

   Short in short  : Charlie and Lola is  British animated series that aired on the young children's channel CBeebies and also on BBC Two, it has aired in other countries as well. It's based of a picture book series made by Lauren Child in the year 2000, it got popular to where it became a television series in 2005.

   We are going to be taking a look at the Christmas episode called "How Many More Minutes until Christmas?"

   The episode starts with Charlie explaining to his sister , Lola what an advent calendar is. Then she's in class with her friends and talking about what in the advent calendar and Father Christmas (Santa) .  The days progress on.   She makes a card for her friend Lotta and a card for her invisible friend Soren.  (Who we get to see!)  Then she writes a letter for Santa putting  it the same colored envelope as Lotta, guess what probably will happen later.   It's time to pick a Christmas tree.

    When it's time open the cards for each each other and Lotta opens hers and finds out that the letter for Father Christmas  meaning the two got switched.  Lola worries that Father Christmas might not come , Charlie tries to convince her that maybe if they try again  so she agrees.   When there's a phone call she finds out that her grandparents who she wished in her letter to come,  aren't coming.  Now It's Christmas Eve  and they all go caroling and the snow starts falling meaning (they dreamed a white Christmas).  Charlie and Lola do the Christmas Eve routine leaving milk and cookies out. They  can't find the door for Christmas Day in the advent calendar and I guess imagine themselves in the calendar.  The elves they meet all look dejected and C&L explain to them and wonder where the door went, and the Elves (Who speak in some of repeating thing)  to find out they've ran out of wrapping paper.

    We are Santa Elves.... well never mind / Copyright Tiger Aspect 

       So Charlie and Lola leave the Elves and  then they find out the sky is made of paper and decide to tear some of the sky off to make wrapping paper. Then help wrap up the presents and she wonders if they saw her letter, but they are unsure.  Then her letter makes it through the shoot.  (Charlie and Lola save Christmas)   Now it's Christmas!  (yay)  The presents are wrapped in sky paper  (what is this universe?)  and it apparently Llola asked Father Christmas to give her brother a pineapple, the grandparents make it after all.

        There is sparse writing in this because there are not alot of things that  were in the special that were part of the plot as much.  "Charlie and Lola" is a really good series for younger children  but can be enjoyed by anyone , there characters are charming and sweet.  For a Christmas episode it has alot of Christmas in it, the build up to Christmas from Charlie and Lola's point of view , where time feels slower and the excitement builds.   The animation of the series a whole is a nice mixture of taking the books and applying to animation. It uses a mixture of 2D cel animation , paper cut out , fabric , and photomontage.  Like the Peanuts the adults exist but aren't shown or even heard (even more  like the Peanuts in comic form) and they use child actors for the voices. 

    It's not a bad Christmas episode  either,  I like again like the charm of just showing Christmas ' build up and the things that we do this time of year, making cards , lists, getting trees, advent calendars and more.   Again like the series it's good for younger children that's the target audience but the older children and parents can watch with out feeling  like their brains are melting.

 That's the look at this tune in next time when we find out what happens we we jump into a calendar from 1923.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Christmas Lookback : Santa Claus


          Well this is different. Yes I say this a TV blog in the sense we talk about well, television  but we do sometimes have to veer away from that as I also consider this to be  a blog that talks about the media (though rarer  than talking about the Peanuts)  we instead take  a look at a movie. This movie is something.

   Our movie is from 1959 and called "Santa Claus" it's about Abe Lincoln.  (we kid)   Santa Claus was made in Mexico  in Spanish but was picked up the next year in for U.S viewers in English.  For you MS3TK fans it's been featured there, so for the first time that I can that about something on this blog.

      This bodes well huh?

      The movie starts with titles and credits with Jingle Bells playing and takes about 1:40 to get to the movie.  Apparently Santa Claus doesn't live in the  North Pole, no he's in space right above the North Pole. (That's kind of strange)  Spaces Santa is laughing as he decorates his house and it's almost Christmas .   Also Santa doesn't have elves working in his toy shop, nope he has children as the announcer put its  they are from different parts of the world.  ( Why dose Santa have children working for him, that seems to be not something that Santa should be doing?)  After going through each location of where he gets children from , they go through each stereo type of what you think of when the mention a location.   (Though weirdly , England's  kids are just singing London Bridge, for some reason)

Don't get mad that some got their countries others got regions it's 6 minutes long , good to hurry it up. 

      This movie is like 90 minutes long and they spent nearly 6 minutes on the thing with the kids. Then we go to the devil (what am I watching?) and his underworld  where apparently he does interpretative dance.   There's one demon that he wants to send to our world named Pitch to make the children of the world do evil , his punishment would be ice cream.  (noooooo!)
Ice Cream would just melt , wouldn't it ? 

       Earth now, and the children gaze at stuff  they want for Christmas. We focus on a mother who is very poor and she has a daughter named Lupita who wants a doll.  Also there 3 boys that the devil wants to use for his evil plan to make kids evil.  They already have turned against Santa.  So yes Santa and the devil are enemies.  Santa wishes he could stop him but he can only go down on Christmas Eve. (Why? You are magical but fine , plot reasons)

    Did you know Santa has a magic telescope?  Well he does, he uses it to spy on children. He also also has machine the knows everything, a machine that can listen to everything and see everything. (The government's dream)   So  Santa and 3 of his worker children decide to spy on the girl we saw earlier, Lupita in Mexico.  She apparently was thinking about stealing a doll  and Pitch tries to make sure she does it but the narrator doesn't want her to. (What?)  She decides not to steal it.

This is just strange 

        Santa is happy that she didn't listen to the devil. There is  a machine that can also find any child no matter where they are and they use it to find another child who is sleeping. So of course Santa invades the little rich boy's dream. (Personal space Santa.)  He dreams that his parents are  wrapped in boxes to be opened on Christmas day.  (alright then)  Santa says that all he wants is the love of his parents.  Then they spy on Lupita's dream. (because why not?)  The devil decides to also bother Lupita while she's sleeping. (This Lifetime movie is not strange enough)  Apparently Lupita dreams that she has a doll and is surrounded by living dolls. (what?)


      One of the dolls wants her to be evil but she doesn't be evil.  This wakes her up . Santa says Pitch way pay but again has to wait for Christmas Eve because reasons Now it's time to spy on the 3 boys there were being bad earlier.  They conspire to lie to Santa about being good this year but he heard them oh he doesn't like being called old.

          Now we get children writing letters to Santa , it was kind of cut in there randomly,  (When do the martians show up?  What? Oooh we should have looked at that movie instead) Ever wonder how Santa gets his mail in space?  Well the mail dumps into some thing and it flies up a Chimney into space into a door in Santa's house.  Also just for fun , one child asks Santa for a brother so  since they were good he arranges the later for the stork.  Those parents are going to be happy, how does he know they even want another kid ?  Come on Santa!
ehh not my problem 

         It's almost Christmas Eve and he tells his children workers to umm keep on working.  You know what this movie was missing? Yes Merlin, the wizard.   Merlin is Santa's helper and he has  a magic lab in space with Santa.  They only see each other once a year.  Also there's blacksmith who makes a key that opens all doors. (creepy)   Then Santa ummm exercises. (what am I watching?)

Merlin is not wizard in the kitchen though

      Also Half this movie is Santa laughing. Santa has a sleigh pulled by plastic reindeer that the worker children clean while singing.  Santa has to get back before the sunrise or the reindeer will turn to dust. (why?)  This Santa eats a diet of pastries and ice cream of clouds. (what?)  He says that on Earth we eat everything.  (better than clouds ?)    So Santa finally can go to Earth now.

      Rich boy's parent have rich parent things to do  so they'll leave him at home as they see him in the morning. Meanwhile the 3 bad boys want to capture Santa , take his stuff and make him their slave. (What am I watching?)  Lupita wonders who Santa Claus , and he's never brought her any dolly.  Oh yeah there was a devil in this movie, Pitch is freezing  and he hears Santa Claus.  His plan is to stop Santa by moving a Chimney out of place.   (that's how they work?)     So, Santa goes to the spot and he tries to go down the chimney and he smells Pitch is around. Santa uses his parasol to land on the ground to get in the house, because apparently chimneys don't have holes that lead to fire places? 

more after the jump

Friday, December 15, 2017

A Christmas Lookback: A Christmas Story (no, not that one)

Christmas The Flashback 

       I remember seeing this special every year when Cartoon Network used to air classic cartoons as part of their Christmas line up . I really didn't know the name  of it until later on though.  "A Christmas Story" is a special from Hanna-Barbera made for syndication.  It is interesting to note that is one of the few Hanna and Barbera specials that didn't include their characters from other works.

    It was written by Ken Spears and Joe Ruby (later on starting Ruby-Spears)  and premiered in 1972.   So let's look at "A Christmas Story".  (We already made that joke in the title) 

    Hanna and Barbera did reuse the songs in the special for other holiday specials because they were masters are re using their stuff.   It's Christmas Eve and a boy a named Timmy has to go to bed but his father promised to read a story to him so he gets a little extension.  His father reads "A Visit from St. Nicolas"  The mouse that lives the house (named Gumdrop)  remembers that he didn't hang up his stocking so he grabs it tells the dog named Goober.    The Father continues reading the story and Timmy falls a sleep and gets to put to bed.
A Young Fred Rodgers gets read to by his father. He does look like Fred. /Copyright Time Warner

        Goober and Gumdrop decide to go to bed, but then a crisis is happening Gumdrop finds Timmy's letter for Santa on the floor and Gumdrop wakes up Goober to tell him that Timmy's letter never made it. Goober misses the point and tries to go back to sleep so Gumdrop tells him that hey they need get Santa that later tonight because well it's Christmas Eve.
Goober looks like he's seen the 60's / Copyright Time Warner 

    So they decide to get to Mr. S.  Claus. to get the letter to him before it's too late. So first they have to figure out where to look for Santa, and that means a song.  There's a montage of them looking for where Santa might be fitting the song. Some cats who live in garbage cans spot Gumdrop and they of course want to do umm well you know.  (Join them for Dinner)    We get a chase scene that makes me wonder where Goober went.    Finally , Goober shows up and scares off the cats.
Ahh We were just inviting him for dinner! /Copyright Time Warner 

   They spot Santa he doing his Santa thing and heading toward the orphanage then they tail him (ha tail) but they lose him and they start looking through windows to see where he's been. (Where Santa leaves his presents)  They find a house that hasn't been visited  they need to get on the roof , the best  option is to take a ladder they found and climb on the roof.  The wind has other plans as it blows the letter and the ladder turns into stilts which Goober uses to  chase the letter which he does get. (Most unbelievable part of this whole thing)
Alright then, a dog can use silts/ Copyright Time Warner

    They spot a mail truck (what's it doing out here at this time of night?) the mailman spots Goober  and puts him in his truck so he can see where he lives to get him home and out of the cold. Santa goes to the roof they were on while Goober tries to break out of the truck , but instead knocks the truck out of break and he turns the truck but crashes it into a tree. (woah)  Then Goober cries, and this inspires another song, this time about hope.    Goober makes a noise and the other dogs  know him apparently and pass the word to the other animals to search for Santa. ( I like how one dog finds the cats from earlier and demands them to look for Santa.)     Another song, "Which one is the Real Santa"  another song they  reused for another special later one.  So there's a montage of them looking at different Santas. (So Many of them)
  And thus Santa Con was born / Copyright Time  Warner 

     Sadly, no luck and they return home dejected.  They feel bad for Timmy , but Gumdrop suggests they stay awake for Santa maybe he'll come but guess what they fall asleep.  The next morning Santa Came!  Woo hoo.  Apparently , Santa found the letter and read it. (Santa is a wizard!)  It ends with Peace on Earth.

           I still like this one, there's something simple about it but that's a good thing they have a clear goal and it moves the plot along, the songs were good and honestly H&B thought the songs were good enough to reuse them for other later specials.  It does have some H&B goofiness but that's their thing.  The two main characters are great  and believable that they are friends.   It's a fine Christmas special I give it a 7/10.

    Tune in next time when we get our mail truck out of the shop, it crashed some how.  


Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Walt Disney Company Buying Fox Assets

NEWSLINE   On the Money 

       After all the rumors and reporting, the official news is out today.  The Walt Disney Company has announced they will be purchasing assets of the 21st Century Fox Corporation.    Disney is buying these assets for $52.4 Billion  in stock.

   First off What Disney is buying.
          Fox Film and Movie studios  like 20th Century Fox.  FX Networks  (FX, FXX, and FXM) , Natural Geographic Networks.  Fox Sports Net (Regional Sports Networks)  Fox's stake in Hulu meaning they will have a controlling interest in the service.  They would also have Fox's current 39% stake in the  British company ,Sky.  (And 100% if Fox can buy the rest).  Fox's Asia pay tv company , Star.

    What Fox is keeping.
     Fox will start a new company that will incorporate the  Fox Network (including the stations they own, Fox Sports 1 and 2 , Big Ten Network, Fox News Channel, and Fox Business. 


      If approved , there are some anti-trust  things that could come up, since Disney would be one of the largest  content companies now.     With Disney's recently announced plans to make their own streaming service  , this would give them a large library of movies and TV Shows including popular shows like "The Simpsons". 

    Also Netflix may seem like it's not worried, but this could be a problem for them, they stand to lose a large amount of content.   Also could companies like Comcast , who owns large studios like Universal think about doing their own service too?  Read : Why Netflix has been doubling on making own content. 

    More about the business side of the story read here 

Press releases from Disney and 21st Fox after the jump

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Christmas : Haunting Hour : A Creature was Stirring

Christmas   The Flashback 

       I did say I was going to return to "The Haunting Hour: The Series" around Christmas, at least I think I said that.  Anyway I am doing it.   (You can read my Synopsis of the show here to get caught up if you don't know what it is)  The episode  I am looking at this time is episode 3 from the very first season , and it was aired on the Hub (Now Discovery Family) on Christmas Day in 2010.

      It starts with it being Christmas , a boy named Timmy Morgan is happy that it is Christmas, everyone else in his family seem to be well not happy.  The parents have something they are planning to do (maybe it's divorce).  Timmy has gotten alot of presents  , oh and this special mentions Twitter , I think.   The family seem to be in disarray.  Timmy apparently asked Santa for something big, when he says "please Santa" a big snowstorm randomly starts and  box magically shows up that Timmy notices.  When he opens the box a creature comes out.

Guess this is the creature and it's stirring / Copyright the Hatchery 

    Meanwhile the snowstorm continues and Timmy tries to tell his parents that their is monster in the house.  It also ate Mark's pod (yeah that's not an I-pod reference at all)  The parents don't believe him because that's how plots work.  The monster destroys  more stuff.  Timmy tells his other brother , Mark, about the monster but he doesn't believe him until  it shows himself to Mark.  The little guy destroys his TV.  They go to Becky the sister, who also doesn't believe until  hey there monster.  (I guess she believes now)  They think they contained the monster , but we know there's like 12 more minutes left so of course we know it's not contained.  The parents think all 3 kids are lying and the kids find out that the parents are getting divorced.

I guess this is symbolism for messy marriages or something/ Copyright Hatchery

      I guess after seeing the monster the kids apparently have gotten along.  The parents search for the whatever in the basement and it shows up. ( I guess they believe now)   Meanwhile, the snow has gotten very high very quickly meaning they are trapped.  Like a horror  movie the phones don't work.  The whole family escapes to the attic and try to block the monster from getting them.  The monster turns on the gas stove. While the family talk about memories of camping. Timmy says they don't feel like a family anymore, and then parents say they've been having problems.
Fire +Gas = what the heck /Copyright the Hatchery 

     Timmy says that Santa didn't give him his Christmas wish after all. Then the monster lights a fire and with the gas blows up the house. He tries to get into the basement and they all work together to try and stop this thing. Their ideas is to tear a whole in the roof and have to jump into the drifts as the house explodes some more and sets on fire. (this got dark quick)  They do make it (with show anything could have happened.)  They notice all the snow is gone as the house is burning down and the notice that all their stuff is gone now. Timmy then says  it's the best Christmas ever.  (Merry  Christmas!)
at least we have our dignity/ Copyright The Hatchery 

 Spoliery Spoiler

     Then we get the ending with Santa in a limo as he calls the monster back to him and he throws out a letter that Timmy wrote saying " Dear Santa,  Please make us a family again"

Traded those reindeer in for a sweet ride . ho ho ho / Copyright The Hatchery 

Be  Good or I'll blow up your house, ho ho ho /Copyright The Hatchery 


more after the jump 

Monday, December 11, 2017

The Golden Globes 2018 : Nominations

       The 75th annual Golden Globe awards nominations have been announced, we have the list here for you.  You can watch the awards  January 7th at 8pmet/5pmpt  on NBC.

Best Actress in a TV Series, Drama
Caitriona Balfe, Outlander

Claire Foy, The Crown

Maggie Gyllenahall, The Deuce

Katherine Langford, 13 Reasons Why

Elisabeth Moss, The Handmaid’s Tale

Best Actor in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy

Steve Carell, Battle of the Sexes

Ansel Elgort, Baby Driver

James Franco, The Disaster Artist

Hugh Jackman, The Greatest Showman

Daniel Kaluuya, Get Out

Best Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture

Willem Dafoe, The Florida Project

Armie Hammer, Call Me By Your Name

Richard Jenkins, The Shape Of Water

Christopher Plummer, All the Money in the World

Sam Rockwell, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Best TV Series, Drama

The Crown

Game of Thrones

The Handmaid’s Tale

Stranger Things

This Is Us

Best Supporting Actress in a Motion Picture

Mary J Blige, Mudbound

Hong Chau, Downsizing

Allison Janney, I, Tonya

Laurie Metcalf, Lady Bird

Octavia Spencer, The Shape of Water

Best Original Song – Motion Picture

“Home”, Ferdinand

“Mighty River”, Mudbound

“Remember Me”, Coco

“The Star”, The Star

“This Is Me”, The Greatest Showman

Best Actor in a TV Series, Drama

Jason Bateman, Ozark

Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us

Freddie Highmore, The Good Doctor

Bob Odenkirk, Better Call Saul

Liev Schreiber, Ray Donovan

Best Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy

The Disaster Artist

Get Out

The Greatest Showman

I, Tonya

Lady Bird

Best Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama

Timothée Chalamet, Call Me By Your Name

Daniel Day-Lewis, The Phantom Thread

Tom Hanks, The Post

Gary Oldman, Darkest Hour

Denzel Washington, Roman J Israel, Esq

Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy
Judi Dench, Victoria & Abdul

Helen Mirren, The Leisure Seeker

Margot Robbie, I, Tonya

Saoirse Ronan, Lady Bird

Emma Stone, Battle of the Sexes

Best Actress in a Motion Picture, Drama

Jessica Chastain, Molly’s Game

Sally Hawkins, The Shape of Water

Francis McDormand, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Meryl Streep, The Post

Michelle Williams, All the Money in the World

Best Director – Motion Picture

Guillermo del Toro, The Shape of Water

Martin McDonagh, Three Billboards

Christopher Nolan, Dunkirk

Ridley Scott, All the Money in the World

Steven Spielberg, The Post

Best Motion Picture, Drama

Call Me By Your Name


The Post

The Shape of Water

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Best Actor in a Limited-Series or TV Movie

Robert De Niro, Wizard of Lies

Jude Law, The Young Pope

Kyle McLaughlin, Twin Peaks

Ewan McGregor, Fargo

Geoffrey Rush, Genius

Best TV Movie or Limited-Series

Big Little Lies


Feud: Bette and Joan

The Sinner

Top of the Lake: China Girl

Best Original Score – Motion Picture

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

The Shape of Water

Phantom Thread

The Post


Best TV Series, Comedy


The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

Master of None


Will & Grace

Best Supporting Actress in a Series, Limited-Series, or TV Movie

Laura Dern, Big Little Lies

Ann Dowd, The Handmaid’s Tale

Chrissy Metz, This Is Us

Michelle Pfeiffer, Wizard of Lies

Shailene Woodley, Big Little Lies

Best Foreign Language Film

A Fantastic Woman

First They Killed My Father

In the Fade


The Square

Best Supporting Actor in a Series, Limited-Series or TV Movie

David Harbour, Stranger Things

Alfred Molina, Feud: Bette and Joan

Christian Slater, Mr. Robot

Alexander Skarsgard, Big Little Lies

David Thewlis, Fargo

Best Actress in a Limited-Series or TV Movie

Jessica Biel, The Sinner

Nicole Kidman. Big Little Lies

Jessica Lange, Feud: Bette and Joan

Susan Sarandon, Feud: Bette and Joan

Reese Witherspoon, Big Little Lies

Best Animated Feature Film

The Boss Baby

The Breadwinner



Loving Vincent

Best Actress in a TV Series, Comedy
Pamela Adlon, Better Things

Alison Brie, GLOW

Rachel Brosnahan, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

Issa Rae, Insecure

Frankie Shaw, SMILF

Best Actor in a TV Series, Comedy

Anthony Anderson, Black-ish

Aziz Ansari, Master of None

Kevin Bacon, I Love Dick

William H. Macy, Shameless

Erik McCormack, Will & Grace

Best Screenplay – Motion Picture

The Shape Of Water

Lady Bird

The Post

Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri

Molly’s Game

Friday, December 08, 2017

The CW to Have 'SuperGirl' and 'Legends of Tomorrow' To rotate on Mondays

The CW  Winter  Spring TV

           The CW  will be having it's DC series "Supergirl" and "Legends of Tomorrow" rotate in the Monday 8/7c slot.  This means they would be offering 23 consecutive weeks of original episodes

     Supergirl will return on January 15th as planned in that time slot and will air until February 5th. Legends of the Tomorrow then takes the slot starting February 12th airing for 9 weeks , then from April 16 to June  , Supergirl returns. 

   The  CW gave  new series, "Black Lightning" the Tuesday slot of "Legends" , that was announced back in November. That Series  January 16th at 9pmet. 

  related: CW Midseason Dates 

Press release after the Jump

Thursday, December 07, 2017

The Lookback: A Garfield Christmas

The Flashback  Christmas Garfield 

    As part our our new found Garfield specials kick, we look at his Christmas special, which turns 30 this year.   It came out in 1987  on the CBS television network  and would rerun until 2000, and sadly no one re airs. I think there was once where ABC Family aired it (now Freeform) because I have it recorded, but otherwise it's kind of been un loved airing on our TV screens, but it is on  DVD and possibly some streaming sites.(depending on when you are reading this.)

   Now let's take a look at this special.

   Looks like animation budget took a hit  (this is a joke).  Garfield is dreaming that he getting a trail of lasagnas to the Christmas tree and then Jon gives him a giant gift that he had to bring in with a fork lift.  Garfield opens the gift it's a machine that gives gifts and will give you whatever you think.  Then the theme music starts. (Hey Lou Rawls)   The animation gets better because the dream is over.
Needs more decorations/ copyright Film Roman

    Jon wakes up Garfield and tells him that it's Christmas Eve Morning and they are packing up  and going to the farm to see the family.  (Don't worry Garfield is not going to THAT FARM) Garfield is his usual grumpy self. So cut, they are in the car on the way to the farm,  and Jon is happy.  Then we get a song by Jon remembering his childhood Christmas, with Garfield giving his two cents. Only Garfield and Jon could have a joined song with out one character just thinking the words. 
Sing a long / Copyright Film Roman

   They make it to the farm and are greeted by Jon's family : his mother, father, brother-- Doc Boy, and Grandma (who you may remember from thanksgiving).  She asks Jon to hit her in the stomach , which Jon distracts from by showing her Garfield. (Sorry, Grandma I can't punch you right now, would be a strange sentence) 
So when's the Baby due?/Copyright Film Roman 

   It's finally Christmas Eve dinner. (yum)  Grandma is nice enough to sneak some food to  Odie and Garfield.  Then it's time to trim the tree, which the family does together, while Grandma talks to Garfield on her rocking chair. Jon asks Garfield to climb up the tree and put the star on. (don't do this at home, folks)  Poor Garfield looks nervous as he looks down, but puts the star on and falls down the way he came.
I am the Christmas tree. don't fear me! / Copyright Film Roman 

     Grandma once again steals the show and makes " O Christmas Tree" jazzy.  Then Mom takes over with a slow song and this is our next over lay song.  Garfield decides to  sit with Grandma who is sitting next to the window in her chair.  She mentions how she misses Grandpa  and this is the sweetest  part of the special.
                                             AWWWW/ Copyright Film Roman

     Now it's story time with Binky the Clown who saved Christmas. (what?)  Father reads the story as Jon and Doc Boy listen.  (spoiler: Binky saves Christmas)   Meanwhile, we get more Odie collecting stuff, for who knows what.   Odie checks to see if Garfield is alseep and he wonders off ,then Garfield wakes up and wonders where he went.  Odie puts the stuff he collected together as Garfield spies.
Odie is smarter than you think/ Copyright Film Roman

   A box of letters falls on Garfield and they are around 50 years old , as he remarks.   Now It's Christmas morning and Jon and Doc Boy want to open their gifs at  1:30 in the morning. (dang boys calm down!)  Now finally, it's Christmas morning  and it's time to open gifts.  Garfield decides to give Grandma the letters he found which are love letters from Grandpa to Grandma when they were courting. (aww) She is happy that he found them. Odie wants Garfield to follow him , the thing he made was a Christmas gift , a back scratchier, for Garfield.
Merry Christmas to all/ Copyright Film Roman

   Garfield says Christmas is not about the getting or giving it's about the loving. Then a song.

 That's our lookback. I am not sure how to explain it , but to me this special just feels like Christmas it emits the feelings of Christmas. I did tear up with the Grandma -Garfield scene it was  a sweet scene with a great emotion to it.  The songs were good and the animation was nice and fluid.  It is a shame that this special  isn't run on TV anymore, it needs to be it fits right up there with the other classics.

 Tune in next time when we wonder get down from this Christmas tree.


Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Fox Winter Schedule 2018

Fox  Winter 2018 

    Editors Note: Meant to post this earlier but it got lost in the drafts.

    FOX released its winter schedule. There are some changes to schedules with a new vocal competition series , with FOX back  in the game of having one  called  "The Four"  the series will air Thursdays meaning  that  "Gotham" and "The Orville" are being moved from that day.  The return of "The X-Files" and new series ," 9-1-1" get Wednesdays with "Empire" and "Star" returning in Spring.

             -"Gotham" return date hasn't been announced yet.
            - "The Gifted" has a season finale on January 15th
             - Tuesday series get shifted for "LA to Vegas"

  Here's a look at  the full schedule.
Monday, January 1st
8/7c  Lucifer
9/8c  The Gifted

Tuesdays starting January 2nd
8/7c  Lethal Weapon
9/8c  LA to Vegas (Series Premiere)
9:30/8:30c  The Mick (Time Period Premiere)

Wednesday starting January 3rd
8/7c  The X-Files (Series Premiere)
9/8c  9-1-1  (Series Premiere)

Thursdays, starting January 4th
8/7c  The Four : Battle for Stardom (Series Premiere)

Sunday , January 7th
7:30/6:30c: Bob's Burgers
8/7c: The Simpsons
8:30/7:30c: Ghosted
9/8c: Family Guy
9:30/8:30c: The Last Man on Earth

Monday, January 15th
8/7c: The Gifted (Two-Hour Season Finale)

Sunday, January 21st
6/5c: NFC Championship
10/9c: The Resident (Special Premiere)

Mondays, beginning January 22nd
8/7: Lucifer
9/8: The Resident (Time Period Premiere)

Press release after the jump

Monday, December 04, 2017

The Lookback: Cosmic Christmas

The Flashback Christmas 

         We had back into Nelvana specials because that's what we do here, dip back into things related to things we've  done before. But instead of Thanksgiving , it's Christmas.   But timing is good too, because this special is 40 Years old , it came out in 1977,  December 4th to be exact. (Yes the 80's are nearing 40 year old territory now)   A Cosmic Christmas , aired in Canada on the CBC Television (guess which C stands for Canada, and Shout out to Joshuaonline Canada)  Let's take a look at this Christmas special and wish it a proper birthday!

        It starts in space as something is preparing to land on Earth on the date of December 24th. (Wonder what is going on that date?)  Meanwhile there is boy looking for  someone called Lucy while he's a store that's filled with procrastinators. Oh, Lucy is a goose  alright then and his name is Peter.  Peter sees something moving in the sky and people apparently don't care. (darn people)  Some bully kids make fun of him for thinking he saw a space ship.
   Nothing from space.. but us  maybe? /Copyright Nelvana 

       Peter leaves that and still sees the space ship but now it lands on our earth as an orb. (orbs are scary) The orb opens with awesome electronic music and 3 space beings come out  and their little space "pet" finds Lucy and they spot Peter. He doesn't run but instead says who he is and where he lives. (Hey you aren't supposed to talk to strangers, Peter!)  But they don't eat him , oh they understand his language and they tell him not to be afraid.  One of the beings says that they  saw a great star (Dick Van Dyke?)  you know the one from the Christmas story.   They are on Earth to find the meaning of the star.  Peter tells them about Christmas .
   Hello, we mean you no harm , I guess/ Copyright Nelvana 

    So Peter shows them around town to look at Christmas stuff.  There's also town talk about a UFO landing. (ha ha that's silly)  Then he takes him to town hall where apparently they are being inundated with calls about said UFO.   But first, I think the space pet and Lucy are falling in love?
Love is in the air? / Copyright Nelvana

   Peter decides to take them to his house , his parents and grandma are getting everything all Christmas ready. Grandma is making an angel , and the mother remarks that people don't make things anymore , you buy them. (Hmmmm) They also think space folk are nonsense well until well ....  (Also father took our strangers line)  The parents seem a bit nervous but Grandma decides to roll with it and gladly let them in.  Also the long haired bully boy (who is called Marvin, we later find out )  is lurking.  Grandma tells a Christmas story to the aliens and the family.  Then the aliens decorate the Christmas tree with magic. Then they make more Christmas show up with food , but it was all a hologram.
mmm low calorie food/ copyright Nelvana 

    Marvin goose naps ,  Lucy because we'll find out later.  Meanwhile the mayor and some townsfolk decided to approach the space orb.  While, Peter's family chase after Marvin.  Marvin then falls into an ice lake and he can't swim or get out. Peter paces on the frozen lake bed as it cracks to try and save Marvin, but Peter and Lucy can't do it alone. The towns people form a chance , and ask the aliens to help but of course they wander what help means then help anyway.  Marvin and Peter don't die and are rescued.  When the towns people shame Marvin and hate on him because he took the goose, Grandma then brings up "maybe he was hungry".  The aliens wonder how he could be hungry on Christmas.  Grandma says because they were wondering about themselves and not other people,  Peter and his family ask to share some Christmas with them. The townspeople offer stuff too.
His heart grew three sizes that day, wait wrong show/ Copyright Nelvana 

  Marvin and his friends, along with townsfolk have met up at Peter's house to have Christmas.   The Aliens then leave, with mission finished, I guess.  They make a cool angel light show too.

     I will have to say it's a nice warm Christmas special. that's what I got from it. Where those in the story learn about what Christmas is, while the visitors from outer space help the people of this town learn about it.   I enjoyed this one very much it had a heart too it.   I think it's worthy of being  a classic.  

    That's our lookback , if you look after the jump there's something special there, otherwise tune in next time ,when we look for where our goose went.