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Tuesday, May 01, 2018

The Loud House : Season 1 : Along Came a Sister/ Butterfly Effect


      If you remember my "Arthur" lookbacks for the 20th anniversary, you know the structure of those where by random use I took an episode half from two seasons and did a look at them. Well we are doing the same here , but with a little difference. Since "The Loud House" hasn' t been on the air for 20 years (as of this writing) and only has so far 3 seasons (third just started in January)  we are going to look at two episodes from one season, in this case season 1.   So again this are random picks that  I used site to pick for me.  I had no say in which episodes would make it to this lucky lottery.

     Wait , what is the Loud House?
            The Loud House is an animated series about a family called the Louds  (they live in a house) they are an interesting family because the middle child. Lincoln is the only boy out of  11 kids. (Steady show) Episodes are about the characters and what ever antics bring them in a day.  This is the simplest description but the one that makes the most sense.

       For reference the sisters' names are in order of age  : Lori, Leni, Luan, Lynn Jr. (Lincoln goes between these two)  Lucy, Lana, Lola (Lana and Lola are twins) , Lisa, and Lilly.

     Season 1 premiered in 2016 on Nickelodeon it has 26 episodes (or 52 half episodes / 11 minutes )  All the episodes ran in 2016.

    Along Came a Sister   first aired on May 4th 2016 as part of a week of premieres when the show first started.   So let's take a look at the episode.   (finally , after all your yapping up there)


          The episode starts with Lincoln getting to watch the class spider for the weekend, he really wanted to watch it.  Lincoln takes Frank , the spider, home  and Clyde , Lincoln's best friend,  tells him that Leni , the second oldest sister, would be terrified of the spider.  Lincoln likes plans (he's the plan man) and sneaks into the house with Frank easily. He makes it to his room but we need something to happen let's see.... oh hey Lana.  Lana comes into the room to borrow something and she sees the spider and she's excited by it ,Lola and Lisa also get enamored  by our eight legged friend. (he's our friend? I don't know him)   The other sisters that aren't Leni finally all crowd in impressed by the spider repeatedly asking if Leni has seen it.   
Hey! You are breaking like 30 fire codes! / Copyright Viacom 

      Leni doesn't see it because the others did a good job at blocking the cage (container).  Frank gets out of the cage (they called it cage, leave me alone)  and so the mission is to find ole Frank before Leni does.  After trying to evade the non Leni sisters  they eventually figure out why he's acting weird after he tells them.  They join in the mission to find Frank. 
needed picture of the spider 
No they aren't disappointed by her smoothie./Copyright Viacom 

      Frank falls into Leni's cup and now she reacts to what their worries were by screaming then spraying bug spray. Poor Ole Frank is  dead.  (cries)  So the Loud siblings that aren't Leni  have a funeral. Leni overhears Lincoln defending her in the death of the spider.  Cliff the cat  coughs up a hairball that looks like the dead Frank, and they add 2+2 and well that's not Frank.  (Frank lives!)  Their father is heard screaming because spider. (He has a fear of them too)   He calls  the world's fastest exterminator ever. (Like one that is just to eager to kill) 
He seems a little too into his job/copyright Viacom

      The Louds find ways to stop exterminator while, Lincoln goes and looks for Frank.  When it looks like it's all over, there's a savior! Leni!  Leni saves Frank from the death and the kill happy exterminator leaves.  Lisa (the smartest sister)  then remarks it's strange that a girl spider is named Frank , Lincoln is surprised by that. (Hey Frank is a great girl name,)  Also Frank is pregnant.  Episode ends with Frank's babies scaring Leni. 

more after the jump 

          This is fun episode more than anything.  The Louds working together to help take care of the spider is great.  Even though Leni  is terrified of spiders she sees how important it is too him  so much she apparently has a hazmat suit ready to help save the little guy.  If you haven't seen the Loud House, you should give it a watch and this one episode you should start with.  The gags in the episode are funny as well, you have to be slightly concerned on how excited the exterminator is with his job.  

        The next episode we are looking at is called "The Butterfly Effect" it's not about butterflies though.  This episode first premiered on June 9th 2016.

    Lincoln is playing with his yo-yo and ends up breaking his sister's , Lisa, science stuff  and was thinking about telling her but decides against it.  He takes the yo-yo and runs. (coward!)  Eventually an explosion happens  and makes a whole in the wall which happens to be Lori and Leni's bedroom closet. Lori finds a picture of her boyfriend Bobby that was supposed to be gift for her that he asked Leni to hide. Lori gets unhappy at Leni and storms away. A shelf falls on Leni's head and she gets smarter this causes her to say that Lisa's study was wrong and causes Lisa to give up on science.  Lynn comes in the house angry because she's kicked off her sports teams because Lisa doesn't tutor her in her schooling anymore.  Lynn throws a soccer ball (football to our non US viewers)  which Marcia Brady's Lola's nose. 
Jan Jan Jan/ Copyright Viacom 

       This messes up her pageant career.  Charles the dog, who has been trying to get Lincoln to confess to Lisa, goads him again and Lincoln decides to tell. (Alright I'll tell . I dropped the screw in the Vase!) Lisa has ended up working for  the convenience store owner, Flipp,  where Lincoln tries to convince her to come back but, this fails. Lola is not having good time with her nose and teeth all knocked out (That sounds not fun.) so, she has decided to move away.  Lana is now in a bubble because she doesn't want to take risks anymore.  Luna writes and uploads a song that gets her noticed by Mick Swagger (guess who he is based on?)   He whisks her away and leaves.  Lincoln finds out -his best friend, Clyde, who has a crush on the oldest sister, Lori is now dating him. 
Love is in the air/ copyright Viacom

    Luan, who is normally the jokester sister isn't very joke-y anymore and she gives Lincoln her dummy, Mr.Coconuts, to Lincoln. Lincoln asks what brought this on and she says that because Luna moved out and shared a bedroom she has no one to try jokes on anymore so, she's watched alot of cable news and got depressed. (Moral : Cable News is bad)  The rest of the episode gets out of hand.  Lucy, the spooky sister, got bitten by a vampire bat and is now one.  Lilly, the baby, has become a giant and tries to eat Lincoln. 
Giant Baby, Copyright Viacom 

   This was all a fantasy. (you think?)  Lincoln ends up telling Lisa by accident because she popped in the doorway when Lincoln was saying he has to tell Lisa.  Lisa hugs him because he apparently helped her. 

         The moral is don't lie. (and don't watch cable news)  This episode does a great job at showing the characters' personalities somewhat.  It is a wacky episode, it doesn't start that way but snowballs into finely.  At first it feels normal  for this show , where Lisa  does do scientific experiments and maybe she would lose her love of it because the sister who's not the brightest becomes smart and corrects her. It stays somewhat like hey yeah that could happen in this show, where Lynn possibly does get help from Lisa with studies (why couldn't she ask Leni then?) Lola does do pageants so her nose getting damaged and teeth getting knocked out would effect that.  Lana could possibly go into a state of wanting to stay safe after. Luna getting carried away by a rock star crashing through her roof is less believable and that's where it tells you something is off.   Until eventually the episode loses it's hinges.  This episode knows the characters and it rewards the viewers who've gotten to know them by starting like it would be plausible before derailing.   The winning character is Charles, the dog, he made me smile the whole episode with his reactions. Really good episode. 

           We may return to season 1 soon for a couple more episodes, but next time we will be doing two episodes from season 2. 

   Tune in next time for when we  wonder why spiders and butterflies are at war with each other.  


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