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Wednesday, May 02, 2018

The Loud House: Season 2: Change of Heart /Making The Grade


       We've done  a couple season 1 episodes halves of the Loud House  (which you can read here) so, It's time to do a couple season 2 episodes halves.  First there is a  rule that I didn't do in the first one for a good reason.   Since , season 2 has a few specials ( 2 holiday episodes and an hour long episode)  those wouldn't be counted for this. We'll maybe touch on the holiday specials around their respective holidays. 

     Like the last  TLH post we did it randomly in our episode picks so no bias in my picks  and makes it fun to go at  it raw.

         This is funny, the way the randomizer did it , this episode airs after the the other episode we are going to talk about.   This episode is the first half of episode 44 in the series over all. It aired on July 26th 2017.  Part of week of new episodes.

    Background of  the series and specifically the character Clyde.  Clyde has a thing for Lincoln's older sister Lori, he even the does the anime nose bleed thing around her. (gross) This episode starts with Clyde nose bleeding on Lori's shoes. (again ,gross)  It gives us a montage of Clyde doing that or the other thing he does where he's a robot and "system overloads" and still messes up her shoes with food. Lori , of course, is annoyed by this.  Clyde says he wants to act normal when  he's around Lori.

   Lincoln decides to get Leni, the 2nd oldest sister, to help with this situation. Lori sees Clyde and Leni hanging out with each other and she thinks that he's falling for  Leni. (I wonder what will happen) Lori's assumption makes her happy that maybe he's not interested in her anymore.   Lori then remembers the nice things Clyde did for her over time and this make her want to Clyde back. (what?)  Clyde  doing Leni's tips makes Lori think that he's not interested in her anymore.  Lori then over hears Clyde complementing Leni. (Who happens to be dressed like Lori at the time)
Clyde seems like he won the lottery but worried about the taxes

     Lori then decides to dress up to Leni. (If this was a different show  this would get dark)  Then she realizes  she doesn't need to do this  (very quickly too)  as Clyde comes over to try out the things he learned on Lori. Lori tells him that he's a special guy , but he nose bleeds on her shoes and passes out.  Lincoln explains the things she misheard and saw, then Clyde wakes up sees Lori and Leni (still dressed up like Lori) does his system overload thing and his nose bleed and leaves the house.

 more after the jump

               First on this episode, they did another good job at showing us Leni's  kind and helpful part of her personality. They did a good job showing that and not her hey she's a kind of dumb so let's be dumb ha ha ha.   Something noticeable, a lot of series have a plot or plot-line where a character like someone older than them , Dipper in Gravity Falls for example.  I first thought this episode would have been  a way to maybe get this character to maybe move past that, but it didn't.  Clyde did want to learn how to act like a normal person around Lori and did like his trying at that but he the episode kind of just says nope status quo at the end.  Lori did see that Clyde  is at least kind and affectionate and does things from his heart and she appreciates that even though  she has no interest in him.  But it's not an awful episode and nothing really hate-able about it, rough edges  but still not unwatchable.
   "Making the Grade" comes before "Change of Heart" in the episode list it's episode 31a over all and  5a of season 2.  It first aired on February 24th 2017.

      The episode starts with Lincoln enjoying is friends in the fifth grade. (meaning this will go wrong in this episode)  Then there's news Lincoln's little sister, Lisa, (the 4 year old smart one) is joining his class. Lisa asked for a transfer because Kindergarten is a waste of her time.  Lincoln asks why she's in fifth grade and response was the principal said that fifth grade was the best option and not med school. (Weird)

Side Eye Lincoln/ Copyright Viacom 

   In the class, the teacher want the class to read world history chapter 12 , when Lisa impresses her with speed reading she wants the class to the whole book  by the next day. Lisa being Lisa suggests a pop quiz. (The writers forgot what pop quiz means)  When the class has a robotics project , Lisa builds one in seconds. Lincoln's friends are mad a Lincoln with guilt by association.  At home, Lincoln asks her to act like a normal kid ,but she says that's impossible. Then she decides she wants to act 'normal' as an experiment.  The next day, Lisa comes into the classroom not wearing glasses (because she laser eyed surgery herself.)  and trying to act normal with a collar the squirts her if she acts not normal.
What's Lisa implying, that people with glasses aren't normal- monster! /Copyright Viacom

     So now Lisa is considered cool and Lincoln's class mates like him again. (yay fickel!)That evening Lisa gets rid of her science stuff because apparently she's happy about her new life.  Things around the house change to because she's not her normal self.   Earlier in the episode, there was Lisa working on a way to stop strep throat and this comes into play as now the kindergarten teacher needs help in her class with it.  Lincoln tells Lisa she has to go back to be herself.  Lincoln tells her that the world needs Lisa to be herself.  So she does.
Lincoln is confused alot / Copyright Viacom

        The other kids apologize to Lisa for the way they treated her the last time she was smart. Lisa also says that she's gone back to Kindergarten , because she gets to do her own studies anyway.

    Before this episode, I didn't think that Lisa Loud was in kindergarten because of her above age average of smarts.  There are also episodes where I've seen her teaching at a college and giving seminars.  I do like Lisa Loud as a character  and some things about her that makes sense for her character.  She doesn't act what a 'normal' kid  is like because nothing she does is normal she's a 4 year old with this overly smart mind and never really has had a connection with things or people like Lincoln has for example. 

      In the episode, there's one thing that also kind nitpicked me : She only was pushed up to the fifth grade because the principal chose to. In the show's world why hasn't she gone further in the first place? In real life there have been young students going to college. Story wise,  That excuse was written to have an episode where she would have to end up in Lincoln's class.  The writing sets it up as Lincoln enjoying fifth grade and his friends only to go all Timmy Turner, what could go wrong on us by having Lisa appear.

    This episode also boils down to Lincoln learns not change people for his personal advantage especially, Lisa who this episode and that episode "Butterfly Effect" apparently shows that she's a very instrumental piece to this family.   It can't be said that Lisa doesn't care about Lincoln and this episode shows that very well she chooses to change herself, Lincoln didn't force her. Where she does the laser eye surgery and the device that makes her not say something smart was beyond what Lincoln meant and this show she kind of over does things and you see that when she decides to act 'normal' at home as well.  At least that's what I saw.    No, it's not a bad episode it could have been if they had went a different direction , but it's alright and again not unwatchable.

     You maybe wondering if the next one will be season 3.  Well, not yet, that season just started, so I am going to hold off until a little later, we may return to season 1 before that though.  I may do a my favorite episodes list post too, one day!

  That's our not lookback , tune in next time when we wonder what Lisa did to have to wear glasses again.


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