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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Halloween: Scary Godmother


        This time we go into a staple that many in the US who if they wanted Cartoon Network in the 2000's would know.  But before I talk about the special I am going to talk about where "Scary Godmother" comes from.   "Scary Godmother" started as a book series (also with some comics) created by Jill Thompson.  Scary Godmother is about a godmother (duh) but you know Halloween also she's not scary. (what?)   The next common step for a book series is to make it into a television special. There are two movies based off the books.  The first one we are talking about is called "Scary Godmother : Halloween Spooktacular" .  It first came out in 2003 and appeared on Cartoon Network in the US in 2004.    That's where we start.

     Let's get (not) scary.

             The animation style reminds me of a picture book but with 3D elements, I'll get to more in that later. The movie starts with some kids trick or treating because it' s Halloween (either that or it's may 25th).  There's a girl named Katie she's wearing a cat costume , and a boy named Daryl is who is dressed as a piece of candy because why not?  Daryl was seen running to Katie who was standing by a cemetery.  She informs him he's late .  Then another kid named Bert, who is dressed as a baseball player in an SUV (creative?), shows up and they are waiting for their friend , Jimmy.  Jimmy is late  because he to take his cousin, Hannah trick or treating with them. (He's a devil and she's a fairy princess).   Hannah is afraid of monsters.    (That's important info.)
I',m also scared of whatever this is. 

      Jimmy tells his friends that they are going to ditch Hannah, which they don't seem to like this idea but convince themselves that this is a good plan.  So, Jimmy tells Hannah that if she wants to trick or treat with them then she has to go into the spook house. This house is described that  the people who lived there didn't give monsters candy  so they eaten. (monsters are mean)  He says that Hannah needs to leave candy in the house , so the kids around the neighborhood don't get eaten.  The plan doesn't go as uh planned so they have to create the scares themselves.  Hannah goes the basement  and she finds that Jimmy and his friends have left.  Then she starts crying.  Finally, the title character shows up. (9 minutes in this 47 minute film.)  She tries to get  Hannah's attention and instead of just saying hello she starts fake crying to get Hannah's attention.
She's afraid of monsters, but random ladies -nope. 

       She introduces herself as Hannah's Scary Godmother (roll credits) and Hannah says that 's she's scared of monsters, so the fairy takes Hannah on broom. (Good thing she's not afraid of brooms )  The end up another house that looks kind of nice. Back over to Jimmy and his gang they are laughing waiting for her to come out. Back to the SGM and Hannah. Scary is looking for her friend named Skully who is a skeleton.  He shows up.  Oh Scary is having a party.  He's a skeleton in the closet. (uhhhhh what?)  He says that almost everyone has a skeleton in their closet he's there to keep their secrets safe. (welp, I ummm out)  Scary uses magic to make her house  look good for the party.

This is my dream home 

    Over at the spooky house , Hannah hasn't gone out.   I think Katie and Daryl had a moment.  But, back to the party.   The first guest is werewolf named Harry. He really likes food. Hannah is scared of the werewolf.  He thinks that's she's a famous actress and they try to him that's she not but he  keeps talking.   Then the movie interrupts itself , yes it does. Scary tells how to make peanut butter and jelly crackers  which she then uses to shut up the werewolf. (so, it was  necessary) 
a werewolf and skeleton walk into a house... 

   The next guests are vampires : Count Maxwell , Ruby- his wife,  his boy Orson, that's it.  (When two vampires love each  other they have family) This movie goes with the vampires can't enter a house unless invited.  Orson and Hannah seem to hit it off. Up next, that next guest  named  Bug-A-Boo. He's an actual monster. Hannah is terrified of him and this causes a house chase around. Hannah tells him he's scary and he decides to leave ,but Hannah feels bad and tries talking with him. He stays.  Jimmy and his friends still wait for Hannah. (maybe she died ,Jimmy, maybe yous should check)  More monster party interludes because we need to fill in some that 47 minute run time.
Vampire Yawns.. 

      Jimmy and friends notice that the houses are closing up and they can't get tricks or treats  or see the Great Pumpkin. They start voting on who should be leader of the group this takes us nowhere.  We also have a recount joke, because 2000 happened. Then they rock paper, scissors and it keeps coming up rock. Jimmy conveniences them to try something different so, everyone tries scissors but Jimmy with a rock. (Need to fill that 47 minute run time.)  Then we get Maxwell talking about seeing his wife's dress and that's annoyed that you  can practically she her ankles.  (Woah, I though this was rated Y not TV PG)  Then it moves on to Max feeling down so his wife helps  his spirits then they umm neck. (Rated TV MA)  The werewolf guy  eats all the food.  So they decide to order Pizza.

    Hannah and the monster find out they have something in common.  Hannah finds out that monsters don't eat kids  because that would ruin the kid scaring business. (Wait I think Monster's Inc. got off that)  Jimmy+ gang still wait for Hannah and they start losing it.  So the only option is to  go back to the party and the pizza is there.  Also there's a Lincoln assassination joke in this movie. (awk-weird) Hannah has learned the true moral of Halloween - that monsters aren't that bad.  Anyway Hannah mentions Jimmy and they decide to something about him.  The kids decide to enter the house to see if they can get Hannah.  They meet Orson and don't believe  that he is a real a real vampire. His parents come out and scare the kids then Skully comes out and impresses them with a show tune.  They get scared when they figure out he's a skeleton.  They also get afraid of the werewolf who wants to eat Daryl because his costume.
oh my god, they do have eyes!!!!!! 

      They run to the basement for safety where they get scared by Bug and lucky Hannah "saves " them with her flashlight.  Scary gives Hannah a special key that she can use to visit them anytime she wants. 

   The animation is early 2000's CGI, it's not too bad.Though of it's time.  The humans though do look at little strange with such tiny eyes except Hannah who has 'normal eyes' and not dots.  The backgrounds look like book drawings and that's a nice aesthetic look it gives.  Some of the backgrounds are 2D  which does give the characters some pop out.    The movie itself is enjoyable , it has points that do feel to drag on like they need to fit it for 47 minutes to fit an hour on a commercial channel.   Besides my joke from the Ankle line, it is an alright film for the children and family to watch.  So , anyway, we may talk about the sequel at some point, but that's for a later time.

   Tune in next time when we look at werewolves vs. cows. (If, it's not real then yay, if it is , we don't care)

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