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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Flashback : Halloween : Pepper Ann: A Tween Halloween

The Flashback Halloween 

      We've not done something  Pepper Ann  related  since  ("Thanksgiving Dad")  which we covered in 2017. So it's time to do a Halloween episode.  In great timing this episode turns 20  on October 31st , 2018 so that's fun.  It's also the only 11 minute Pepper Ann holiday themed episode since "Thanksgiving Dad" and "A Kosher Christmas" were both full 22 minutes specials.   

      Our main character , Pepper Ann, is twelve  and this seems to giving us an interesting plot for an Halloween episode. Where the character might be feeling a little too old for trick or treating.   You can also see this theme in the "Gravity Falls" episode "Summer-Ween"  I did get a little ahead of myself.    At the start Pepper Ann and her friend, Milo, are discussing what they dressing up as for Halloween.    The episode starts with the date stamp of  "October 29".  Anyway Pepper Ann wants to go over the top for Halloween this year.  At a thrift shop the two of them are searching for costumes.  When Milo grabs a box , a younger child wants the same box and when the younger children find out that Milo and Pepper Ann want to go trick or treating , they are shocked. 
Costume in a box is mine/ Copyright Disney 

        The statement that they are too old starts to bug Pepper Ann , while Milo doesn't care he will go out no matter what.  She asks here other friend, Nikki, how old is too old for T or T ing but Nikki doesn't like the tradition on the first place. (You'd think Pepper Ann would know how Nikki feels in the first place)  Pepper Ann decides to ask other students if they are going doing the thing and of course,  she finds out that they all said no.  I will note that Milo has decided to wear his costume to school days before Halloween.  He is playing the person who has decided that he doesn't care what other people think and will do it because he loves it.  (Could this be the moral of the episode?) 
I have a couple questions/ Copyright Disney 

       A thing about this show is that Pepper Ann has discussions with herself  to figure out  what she should do. Internally, she does want to go. At lunch she decides to declare that she is going to trick or treating.  Then she asks everyone to believe in Halloween  to which apparently everyone wore costumes under their clothes this day.  Oh it was a fantasy thing. (Well now I am sad)     When  she tries to do it for real, she gives up at the last second. 
Isn't he super?  / Copyright Disney 

    Later on she gets mad at Milo.  Now It's Halloween.  Milo comes over to her house and he's unhappy and says that he decided that she's right and that he's given up too. Pepper Ann tells him that she was wrong. They go trick or treating after all.  The end of the episode shows a montage of the other middle schoolers removing their costumes from their own night. (Even Nikki) 
Marge Simpson sure has changed her hair/ Copyright Disney 

    As I alluded, the center message of this episode is that if you love something (that's not harmful) why stop? Pepper Ann did want to continue doing what she liked but she felt  that that it would ruin her social status or something if she did. Milo was the pretty much willing to do it he cared for it Pepper Ann knew this that she decided when she saw that Milo gave up that snapped her into want to do it.  The ending was also nice to show it.   A nice Halloween episode with a different take to it than others. Even being 11 minutes didn't hurt it.      

  Anyway, tune in next time after we get candy.  

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