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Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Flashback : Why Yes, There is a Second Scary Godmother Movie

The Flashback  Halloween

          The first "Scary Godmother" special did so well that they made a second one.  This one is called "Scary Godmother: Jimmy's Revenge" (This time he's ummm un happy) It's the same length as it's predecessor and premiered in 2005  (at least, on Cartoon Network USA).  Let's see why Jimmy has to take some revenge.

       The special starts with credits of the names of the characters which apparently is being done by the werewolf from last time named  Harry, (Get it?)  is apparently doing a television broadcast.  Scary GodMother brings up something from the last movie where he  has to work for her to pay off for Halloween the last year.  So, she tells him to get busy.  Harry decides to tell a story and has cameras that zoom into Jimmy's room  (well, I am out) who is very scared from the last Halloween.  He has nightmares about the monsters coming back. (meaning, good work monsters from last year)
a broken boy 

   The same friends from the last special show up.  He even monster-proofed his room. The others didn't think they met real monsters (or Ahh Real Monsters!) just teenagers in costumes who taught them a lesson after being mean to Hannah. Jimmy's friends have apparently come to be friends with Hannah. (yay?)  They announce their plans for Halloween to which Jimmy protests and says that he is boycotting Halloween. So the friends leave.    Hannah was decorating her room for Halloween when Bug a Boo shows up. (under her bed)
Under the bed walk 

  Remember that key from last time? Hannah uses it to visit Scary where she "Sabrina the Teenage Witch's" the closet to the other side.  Scary is prepping for Halloween. Meanwhile, Jimmy hates Halloween.   Hannah calls Jimmy to tell him that they are getting pumpkins, tomorrow to which he protests then gets an idea. Then we rip off the Grinch and we get the scariest face ever with this animation.

    Remember the vampires from last year? They return mostly to ask Scary if she has anything she needs.  Jimmy decides to smash pumpkins to which he created a band called Smashing Pumpkins then he got sued. (everything after Jimmy smashing pumpkins in the sentence is untrue.)   The next day, the other kids see the pumpkins smashed and Halloween is  now ruined.  The pumpkin on Scary's calendar has shrunk meaning  something bad is happening. (Also, there's only one pumpkin patch in the whole world)  Hannah thinks of an idea to used the destroyed pumpkins  and this makes Halloween spirit grow again.   Jimmy decides instead to get rid of costumes and candy.  (Jimmy's unseen parents are best characters in this thing)  He goes to to the stores and messes up the merchandise. (This time he did multiple stores)  Halloween is ruined again. Scary's house dissolves and so does the world around her.( I guess she depends on one town to exist.) Scary sends a message to have Hannah help fix it.  Hannah thinks up making the treats.  In the last movie Scary did a little treat making segment now it's Hannah's turn. She shows how to make s'mores.
Umm that's more terrifying 

  Hannah has a PHD, because she thinks of making costumes like they did last year. Jimmy hears about the party and I guess this means he's going to destroy that as well. Scary God Mother got squished under her own house. (special over)  Oh she's not dead. (That would have been dark ) Jimmy decides to TP the old house where the party is going be taking place.  Because Katie says Halloween is ruined again and October 31st disappears from the calendar.  (Why does this set of kids or town have all the power to get rid of Halloween )  Then one again, Hannah saves the day. The toilet paper makes great decoration. Hannah and friends are wearing the same things as last movie because gotta cut costs somewhere.  Hannah decides to take the  others to Scary's place.
Uhhh yes....

    Jimmy decides to come in and  ruin the prize because he's still on this revenge kick. He takes the price during the dance montage because yes but, the dance montage gets in locked up in a coffin under the prize pumpkin. Some sweet moments  happen like Hannah helping the vampire kid , Orson, not have to wear something he doesn't want to wear. Jimmy wins  best costume.  Halloween goes well and Jimmy likes Halloween again.

    If I have to pick between the two I'd say that this one was the better special.  It was funnier and also did better use of its 47 minutes.  The animation still is kind of strange and the stranger faces didn't help.  The story was alright as well, if not a little silly  when you over think it but  it fits the logic of the story not the logic we have  in our world. It was pretty nice to have a sequel to see the characters we first met  how they are a year later.   So again, this a good special for younger kids and a family to watch. 


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