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Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Loud House: Season 1: The Green House/ Chore and Peace

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

    If you missed out past post , click here.  So, once again, Since I've already covered episode 11A, "The Butterfly Effect", which also happens to be another favorite episode of mine, we have to skip ahead to episode 11B.  Meanwhile,  Kind of funny , that the post where  I wrote about "The Butterfly Effect" also was has the look at the episode "Along Came a Sister" ,which is paired with "Chore and Peace". So, to read those click here.  This post looks at episode 11B and 12B.

  Episode 11B : The Green House

              You know this isn't a good episode , if you like it that's fine, but I don't think it's a good episode.   I've written about two episodes of "Captain Planet" that told it's audience of 7-year-olds to stop having a bunch of children otherwise you hate the environment.  This episode feels like it was written by those episodes , sub consciously.

                Lincoln's class is doing an energy reduction project  to win a save a polar bear challenge. (Yes that'll work?)  They want to get a polar named after the class (what would that name even be?)  I going to assume that everyone else in the class doesn't live in a house with 12 other people, I'm going to assume that. (reaching a limb here)  Meaning, that Loud family usage would be higher than everyone else by default.  The teacher and some of the other class members seem to not understand logic and that using more energy as a larger family means that he hates polar bears , somehow?

        Now to put logic into this , Lincoln's family could be eco-friendly or whatever for their family size compared to the the other kids, but again these people are being idiots. (Yeah I called them idiots!)    The teacher doesn't act like a responsible authority at all chastising Lincoln and implying that he hates polar bears. The other students are of no help and chastise him because they want their stupid names on a polar bear or whatever.

          Random question , why does Lola have a gas powered car? What?  Yes, there are somethings the Louds could do to reduce some energy use and that's show in the episode.   So he's  gets them to lower their usage.   Apparently, this show forgot Laptops are!   Battery power shouldn't mean that using more energy. (Prove me wrong!)   For part of this episode you can sympathize with Lincoln  but, then he makes his sisters give up more things so he and some stupid other kids can come over and use up energy for a game.   The sisters find out after he makes them wear sacks (clothes take energy now?)  and honestly , they are the only ones this entire episode that acting like stupid people.

      Lincoln does make up for it, which gives this episode a little redemption , small, but there.  During reruns and things this is an episode I avoid , really, the only one I do. There's nothing here, if it's an environmental message it's bad and without logic (If I was doing this a those PSA episodes it would have failed the getting it's message out test)  Everyone but the sisters are awful at some point (maybe not Clyde, but he's of no help either) and really just plain awful in every way. There's nothing even funny to hold it well. Yeah I really hate this episode, it's 0.03/10.

             Yuck, I hate being negative, more after the Jump

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Loud House : Season 1: Overnight Success/ Hand-Me-Downer

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

                Sometimes the present is difficult, maybe you feel nostalgic for the past or you want to see things from before, well you can read about episode 8's pair of segments here.

    A quick explainer first.   Since I did the Loud House out of order in past posts , using a ranomizer site, I already did a few episodes.  We've reached the point where I've done some of the episode pairs so, here's how this  post will be done :  This will be a combo of episode 9A: Overnight Success and episode 10A: Hand-Me-Downer.  For anyone wondering if 10B's episode will be done will 11a , that answer is no , for two reasons. The most important reason is I've already done 10B's episode as well.
           Links to those will be posted in this post and you will see those, but now let's get going.

   Episode 9A: Overnight Success

                  For the first time, Lincoln gets to have a sleep over  as he explains that  because of previous sleep overs by the other sisters have not gone well.  Fun fact: This is the first episode to explicitly state that Lynn is Lynn Jr., though we still weren't sure which parent was Lynn Sr. yet. (AT least I wasn't. )  Lincoln tell us that he convinced his parents through a presentation, which we've seen him do in "In Tents Debate" as well.  Also, cats hate Lincoln, this episode.

         This is more for history, otherwise has no barring on the plot, but gets a mention: This episode was when the Loud House revealed that Clyde's parents are a gay couple.   Oh, yeah Clyde apparently went to the bathroom to sniff the shampoo he thinks is Lori's ,because comedy?  The robot thing doesn't bother me so, it's evened out?  (What?)  Lincoln has the evening planned out because that always never fails.
       Clyde decides to interact with the sisters  which, Lincoln is bugged about.  The Clyde and Lynn hacky-sack interaction is awesome.   As Clyde is engaged with more sisters Lincoln gets more annoyed. (It's like a math problem)  He decides to call the sleep over off and walk away in anger. (Don't look back in anger, I heard you say)

   Lincoln decides to find  a new friend to sleep-over with   and this brings us the first time we see Liam, who runs out after getting made over by Lola.  Then, some kid I never saw after this episode so, I assume he's dead. This another kid that I never saw after this episode so he's also dead, and few more who are dead as well. (we get the point of this "joke). The legend himself, Zach, was introduced to the series and he has the best reaction.

    Anyway, Lincoln realizes he misses  Clyde and goes to make up with him  and eventually finds that he never left because fainting works for the plot.  Lincoln finds out that Clyde likes hanging out with the sisters because he is an only child. Lincoln destroys his plans and decides to let Clyde do what he wants and it ends well.

            An entertaining episode.  Clyde being with the sisters was fun and seeing their interactions with him.  I like they gave a little more insight into Clyde's family life including the fact he is an only child, giving him a contrast to Lincoln.  The only thing I didn't like was the thing with Clyde being creepy with shampoo sniffing, the robot thing doesn't bother me though.  I'm giving this episode 8/10.

          Before we go to the next episode.  Episode 9B is  "Ties that Bind" you can read about that (along with another season 1 episode) here

Now to Hand-Me- Downer , after the Jump

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Loud House :Season 1: Linc or Swim/ Changing the Baby

The Loud House  Nickelodeon 

            I don't  know how to start this creatively so instead, here's where you can read the previous Loud House post  that's here   meanwhile,  here's today's Loud House look at episode 8.

   Episode 8A : Linc or  Swim

                Apparently, it's a hot summer day and The Louds keep getting kicked out of public pools  because why of course they have. Lincoln really just wanted to do a cannon ball.  So he decides to go to a store and get a family pool but he imagines that things would go not the way he wanted to so instead he buys a pool called  Paradise for One. (Coming soon to ABC)

               Now he tries to put the pool together and different gags come of out his setting up this poll which makes this quite fun.  When he tries to do a cannon ball now, he finds Leni and Lori in the pool because the pool for one is apparently marketed badly.  The other sisters join in the fun as well and Lincoln still hasn't got to his swimming. 

                   Guy whisperers in my ear : Has there been a conflict in this episode? I  say no, not really no.  We have like 3 minutes left.  Yes, I know.

                     Anyway, Lincoln snaps and kicks his family out of the pool. Also, plot convenient label says no canon balls.  So Lincoln now finds out that his alone fun isn't fun after all and  he starts to miss his sisters.  Then He finds out they have  a pool now.  They allow  Lincoln to join their pool  and o he canon balls and destroys the pool and good this his pool works now.

             It's not episode where much goes on  but it's alright episode  I love the long gag play that Lincoln has while setting up the pool it has an old time cartoon feel to it.   I'll give the episode a 8/10 ... oh wait yeah, why is there like a multiple "fecal incident" gag going on?  7/10.

   More after the Jump

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Loud House: Season 1: Picture Perfect / Undie Pressure

The Loud House  Nickelodeon 
    This is the part of the blog post where I point to the previous episode blog post in case , you missed it here.   This is the part of the blog post where I say we now continue to the next episode in this case episode 7's two segments. Thanks for reading!

  Episode 7A : Picture Perfect 
                Lincoln makes his parents coffee mugs every year for their anniversary they don't look that good but are still serviceable (the mugs not the parents)  he makes them with his pride. For some reason this year his sisters criticize his mug workmanship. Lola decides to let it slip that the parents put their mugs in the attic every year.   After seeing this is true , Lincoln isn't a give up person he decides to instead chart a new direction a new concept a new idea!  (Calm down!_ 

         He decides to make them a family photograph because, the best anniversary gift is to remind them of what most likely started on their honeymoon night. (This is mostly a joke) So he takes the picture and apparently the camera has the world's longest plot convenient timer because they get ansy and start doing things and the camera , 80 years later, snaps the picture of the chaos.  

      Lincoln is displeased with this picture and wants to do it again.  Also apparently, the Loud House has a really long hose that he could bring up to the second floor and wash his sisters' faces off with the water. So, he starts re gathering the sisters to re do the picture. He makes Lisa take off her glasses  puts the glasses on Leni (causing two sisters to fall down the stairs),  Lynn is easy to convince because she is apparently part dog this episode, Lucy was easy to move by book,  he hides Luna's ax and Luan's  funny glasses. He gets a replacement Lori to convince Lori to do it again. 

          Then he puts them in "perfect picture" and it seems to go well for  him until he notices that  a) his sisters are happier as themselves and b) looks miserable in the picture.  Now it's anniversary day  and he gives them the original picture and everything ends well. 
                Today's moral: there is so such thing a perfect person  and that each person is an individual and that's what this episodes says as a message. Kind of the parents learned that with the dang mugs but alright. It's a fine episode to show us that message plus, some fun jokes and moments that add iot it. 9/10 from me.  

 More after the Jump

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

This is a post about Nichijou

One Shot Posts 

             I wasn't really going to do this post but, there's a really good reason why I'm doing this and will mention that way later.  I found "Nichijou" a few years ago and enjoyed it. The hard part is writing about it because how do I describe this to someone and make them interested in watching without either killing a joke, looking insane, or making the show  sound boring?  Eh, who knows?

      Nichijou is  a 2011 anime with 26 episodes based of a manga of the same name written by Keiichi Arawi. The anime was produced by  Kyoto Animation (who also did "K-ON") . It's pretty much about the everyday lives of the characters in the series. It's comedy and slice of life series, but again that is underselling it badly.

           This series has a large cast of characters mainly focusing on a trio of three high school girls  named Yuko Aioi, Mio Naganohara, and Mai Minakami.   The  other main characters are in a different part of town with Professor (no other name is given , In Japanese it's Hakase )  Shinonme, Nano, and Sakamoto. The professor is an eight-year-old girl  who made Nano, who is a robot, Sakamoto is a cat who can talk because the professor made a scarf that allows him to speak.

     The plots of many of the segments have Yukko trying to get a joke in, being lazy, or having just hte worst luck.  Mio is Yukko's friend and she has more a short tempter and  plays a straight man to Yukko's comedy. She also is a talented manga drawer and prefers to draw yaoi which she likes to hid doing and this has caused some great scenes in the series.  Mai  is the quietest of the three but is a prankster  and really is a foil to Yukko's comedic acts.   

     Meanwhile in the Shinomone household, Professor is one of those really smart kids who might have a degree or something. She doesn't really act like an overly intelligent girl and more like your average 8 year old.  Has a penchant for sharks, snacks, and fun. She spends most of her time at home . She created Nano, who is a robot that looks like a teenage girl (The future is now!)  Much  like how when watching you can forget that the professor is a genius the same is forgetting that Nano is a robot.The only way you can tell is the giant key in her back, or if a limb comes off.   The cat, Sakamoto, wants them to treat him like an adult since in cat years he's the oldest.  He also still is  a cat.     Nano does want to go to school and be a normal girl when she does she ends up meeting the three above thus, combining the worlds that were separated.

   These aren't the only characters that have a role in the series either. There's a teacher with the characteristic  of being nervous and easily frightened.  Her name is Izumi Sakarai. Meawnhile, there's a male teacher that likes her but afraid to tell her. The principal has the same name has The Professor but we don't know if they are related in anyway.  There's also a vice principal who likes to do mean things to the principal he's kind of bitter.  There's also a science teacher who comes into play later on with her plots centering on being obsessed with Nano being a robot

         I'm not done yet, but more after the jump

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

2019 Prime time Emmy Nominations


           The 71st annual prime time Emmy Awards nominations are out.  The awards show airs on FOX  , Sunday September 22nd  at  8PMET.

 Here are the list of nominees:

Outstanding Drama Series

Better Call Saul
Game of Thrones
Killing Eve
This Is Us

Outstanding Comedy Series

The Good Place
The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Russian Doll
Schitt’s Creek

Outstanding Limited Series
Escape at Dannemora
Sharp Objects
When They See Us

Outstanding Television Movie

Black Mirror: Bandersnatch
Deadwood: The Movie
King Lear
My Dinner with Herve

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series

Jason Bateman, Ozark
Sterling K. Brown, This Is Us
Kit Harington, Game of Thrones
Bob Odenkirk, Better Call Saul
Billy Porter, Pose
Milo Ventimiglia, This Is Us

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series

Emilia Clarke, Game of Thrones
Jodie Comer, Killing Eve
Viola Davis, How to Get Away With Murder
Laura Linney, Ozark
Mandy Moore, This Is Us
Sandra Oh, Killing Eve
Robin Wright, House of Cards

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series

Anthony Anderson, Black-ish
Don Cheadle, Black Monday
Ted Danson, The Good Place
Michael Douglas, The Kominsky Method
Bill Hader, Barry
Eugene Levy, Schitt’s Creek

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series

Christina Applegate, Dead to Me
Rachel Brosnahan, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Veep
Natasha Lyonne, Russian Doll
Catherine O’Hara, Schitt’s Creek
Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Fleabag

Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series or Movie

Mahershala Ali, True Detective
Benicio Del Toro, Escape at Dannemora
Hugh Grant, A Very English Scandal
Jared Harris, Chernobyl
Jharrel Jerome, When They See Us
Sam Rockwell, Fosse/Verdon

Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series or Movie

Amy Adams, Sharp Objects
Patricia Arquette, Escape at Dannemora
Aunjanue Ellis, When They See Us
Joey King, The Act
Nicey Nash, When They See Us
Michelle Williams, Fosse/Verdon

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series

Alfie Allen, Game of Thrones
Jonathan Banks, Better Call Saul
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Game of Thrones
Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones
Giancarlo Esposito, Better Call Saul
Michael Kelly, House of Cards
Chris Sullivan, This Is Us

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series

Gwendoline Christie, Game of Thrones
Julia Garner, Ozark
Lena Headey, Game of Thrones
Fiona Shaw, Killing Eve
Sophie Turner, Game of Thrones
Maisie Williams, Game of Thrones

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series

Alan Arkin, The Kominsky Method
Anthony Carrigan, Barry
Tony Hale, Veep
Stephen Root, Veep
Tony Shalhoub, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Henry Winkler, Barry

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series

Alex Borstein, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Anna Chlumsky, Veep
Sian Clifford, Fleabag
Olivia Colman, Fleabag
Betty Gilpin, GLOW
Sarah Goldberg, Barry
Marin Hinkle, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Kate McKinnon, Saturday Night Live

Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie

Asante Blackk, When They See Us
Paul Dano, Escape at Dannemora
John Leguizamo, When They See Us
Stellan Skarsgard, Chernobyl
Ben Whishaw, A Very English Scandal
Michael K. Williams, When They See Us

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series or Movie

Patricia Arquette, The Act
Marsha Stephanie Blake, When They See Us
Patricia Clarkson, Sharp Objects
Vera Farmiga, When They See Us
Margaret Qualley, Fosse/Verdon
Emily Watson, Chernobyl

Variety Talk Series

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Full Frontal with Samantha Bee
Jimmy Kimmel Live
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
The Late Late Show with James Corden
The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Variety Sketch Series
At Home with Amy Sedaris
Documentary Now
Drunk History
I Love You, America with Sarah Silverman
Saturday Night Live
Who Is America

Competition Program

The Amazing Race
American Ninja Warrior
Nailed It!
RuPaul’s Drag Race
Top Chef
The Voice

Outstanding Animated Program

Big Mouth  - "The Planned Parenthood Show"
Bob's Burgers - "Just One of The Boyz 4 Now For Now"
Bojack Horseman - "Free Churro"
Come Along with Me (Adventure Time)
The Simpsons - "Mad About The Toy"

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Loud House : Season 1: Sound of Silence/ Space Invader

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

    In the Loud House we duck and dodge and head to episode 6's pair of segments. If you did miss our look at episode 5' pair we have that here.

          Now we continue.

  Episode 6: Sound of Silence 

         Finally, an episode about the Simon and Garfunkel song , where Lincoln has to embrace his old friend ,Darkness, because the vision was planted into his mind and he still remains in the sound of silence. Oh, wait , sorry about that.

            Living in house where I'm surprised the fire marshal hasn't shut them down yet, with so many people that sometimes it's loud. (Oh wait title of show)  Lincoln strives to read a comic book in peace and quiet and can't accomplish this mission. He finds a plot convenient commercial that offers him the promise of silence  so when he sees ten thousand people  maybe more he won't have to hear their noises.

     He gets Noise  Be Gone ear buds that make it peaceful and he can read his book while his sisters have some weird urge to walk into his room and talk to him.  He then starts using the ear buds to tune out his sisters beyond the comic book and what could go wrong?  Lola informs him the next day that  he promised to do something for her at 3PM that day, he doesn't know.  Lynn comes in and uses him as a sparring partner because he promised.   He has fear because Lola tends to be a little vengeful.  Now he ends up having to figure out what Lola was doing this day and also doing stuff for his sisters.   Each sister also mentions that Lola really does like vengeance and I think she killed a frog.

         Since Lincoln was a fool  and does not know what Lola wanted him to do, he gets an idea from Lana to do everything he thinks she would want him to do.   Eventually he finds out that Lola figured out he was using noise canceling ear buds. The sisters find out that and use that teach him a lesson w, where everything they did was faked. 

         This could have been a really bad episode, but instead they did it in nice well done well. It wasn't wrong for Lincoln to want some peace and quiet it's just that he went overboard on it and got caught out on it. I hope my words don't fall like silent rain drops but I think it was a fine episode. 

  I give it 9/10 because I think a frog died.

         More after the jump

Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Loud House Season 1: Project Loud House/In Tents Debate

The Loud House  Nickelodeon 

                So last time on the Joshuaonline ,we looked at episode 4's pair of segments which you can read here.   Now  on to episode 5's pair of segments, thanks for joining us. (Coats go on the rack over there)

   Episode 5A: Project Loud House 

                     Since Lincoln lives in a house with a large population of folks, mornings have got tobe hard to get things done in a timely fashion.  In this episode Lincoln has finished a project for school a  diorama of his family.  He worked on it very and now has to get it to school in one piece.
         This episode shows Lincoln's strength of understanding everyone is his family to get everyone out the door in the morning. He knows Luan's pranks, how to negotiate the twins' fighting. work with Lynn's high energy playing, Lisa's experiment, trying to get Lilly to wear some clothes, Lucy's poem rhymes. and more.

     He's also good at knowing how his family members like their eggs which is a nice touch.  Of course, when things were looking good there was a wrench the plan because Lori is un happy with her boyfriend and then Lisa has to fix something she did to cause Leni to turn blue. ( it's more a ..don't you start)  I like Lincoln's perseverance and optimism this episode it is a great showing of his characterization.

        We even get a slight Peanuts gag in this episode. He manages to get all his sisters in the car and  fixes Lori's problem in a genius way. (It's also good that she doesn't know the Loud House's  phone number)   Sadly, Lincoln's diorama dies after a slight slip by Lincoln but the ending gives us the sweetness of the Loud sisters going to his class and re-enacting the diorama.  Though the teacher knowcks some points off the grade with Luan wets her with water. (rude teacher)  Doesn't ruin the episode.

     I was going to give it some extra points for certain things I liked in this episode but really it's a just already a pure 10/10 episode it didn't need the extra help at all. 

more  after jump

Sunday, July 07, 2019

The Loud House Season 1: The Sweet Spot/ A Tale of Two Tables

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

 Previously : The Louds commit a coup but like all coups it failed. You can read about those episodes Here now we continue with episode 4's pair of segments.

    Episode 4A: The Sweet Spot 

     So the Louds have a really old van that can fit all of them and the condition of the seats are varying this means Lincoln's quest is obtain a spot he thinks is best, or in his words "The Sweet spot",  and the segment starts simply enough Lincoln is packing up for a family trip the next day.  He mentions each seat's problem and how he figured out which seat is the best.  Anyway, his plan is to sleep in the van until morning he ends up there and everything is fine.

   He contacts Clyde who puts into his mind another wrench in the gears, asking who will sitting next to in the car, so he goes back inside and figures that Leni would  the best person to sit with in the car. Everything is solved oh wait, Clyde once again puts another wrench in the gears.  This time who is sitting behind Lincoln?  So, he figures Lisa would be the best even though she likes to talk about the dangers of car riding.  Lisa. later talks to him and now she wants to make sure Luna doesn't sit next to her then sets in the motion of moving everyone around. He finally gives up on Clyde. 

   Now the bridge into the rest of the episode is when the girls find out that he was trying to get the best spot in the van.  This turns into a mess where the characters starts fighting each other in the literal sense causing the mother to make them stay in and not be anywhere near the van until 7AM. (4  in the West)  When it hits 7AM they start an all out battle with each other causing the van to even get destroyed.  The trip was canceled and they now have to sit in the living room.

     Time to  play "OVER THINK IT"  : All Lincoln really should have done was ignore Clyde in the first place and sleep in the spot until morning, then hope for the best which sister sits next to and behind him. Oh well. 

          Unlike the past few episodes where it seems the mold was character learns something at the end  this one, nope not at all which I am fine with, really, the reason being that not every episode needs to have a lesson and it doesn't mean everything is worse for the wear.  I think the episode is entertaining and I don't get a sense they are doing it in spite or hatefulness  it's just they all really want something that before Lincoln even thought of it they didn't know they wanted.  It does show that yeah sometimes they love and hug other times they fight over stupid stuff like normal people.   It's not a gold star episode oh no,  but there was some comedy in the episode that I enjoyed  it gave me some laughs so 7.7/10.

            More after the jump

Saturday, July 06, 2019

The Loud House Season 1: Driving Miss Hazy/ No Guts No Glori

The Loud House  Nickelodeon 

    Our Journey through Loud House season 1 continues , if you missed the past post you can check that out here. Now on to the pairing for episode 3.

    Episode 3A: Driving Miss Hazy 

             The character of Leni is one of those dumber characters but this show does do more to her character than just make her the "dumb one" which is a nice welcome change.   In the series canon Lori is 17 years old and the next oldest sister Leni, is 16-years-old and is also legal to drive that drives (boo!) our plot for this episode.  In the Loud House, Lori likes her power to be able to drive as the only Loud child who can legally drive. This means when the others want to have a ride she makes them pay with different thing like having Lincoln do her laundry., Lisa doing her calculus, and Lucy do a poem. 

    Lincoln remembers that Leni is old enough to drive but apparently Leni has a Spongebob problem meaning she has failed her driver's test 12 times.  This episode gives us the first glimpse of a parent as well. This show was feeling a little Peanuts there anyway, Lincoln decides to help Leni learn how to drive by using a video game. (Not Grand Theft Auto, that'd be strange ,right?)  Leni does prove to be a tough case to teach.  Apparently, Lincoln thinks that her doing well on a video game is good enough for a real test and she goes to do another test.  Lincoln thought wrong she did tackle an old lady though.

     Lori makes fun of Lincoln for trying to teach Leni how drive and Lincoln tries again.  Leni is also good at making a bed. The others in the family decide to also in tune their help with making sure Leni knows how to drive.  After some more problem Lincoln decides the best way to teach Leni how to drive speaking the way she speaks.  This works.

   When Leni goes to bed, Lori decides in a moment of madness to corrupt Leni by putting a recording into Leni's head of driving instructions. Now, umm this is bad idea because you know, she could get Leni killed if this was different show, in fact when Lincoln finds out that Lori  did this he mentions that she really could have gotten Leni hurt.  Lori does explain that she would feel unneeded if Leni gets her license. They rush to go check on her and she's not hurt but she did fail her test.  Lori lets the truth out to Leni and makes it up to her by teaching her how to drive.

     Again, this show did a nice job of making the "dumb character" archetype work and giving Leni more than just that as her personality where she has genuine sweetness to her. The episode itself was great as well.  I give this episode 9.7/10.

 More after the Jump

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Scooby Doo 50: Scooby Doo and Guess Who?: First Look

Scooby Doo 50 

             Back in the post about "The New Scooby Doo Movies" I mentioned that they are going to be bringing back this format idea in a new series called "Scooby Doo and Guess Who?" at some point in 2019.  Well, that series has come out and being released  (as of late June 2019) a weekly series on the Warner Brothers owned Boomerang app.  The first episode came out June 27, 2019 and this post is more to talk about that first episode to give what we think about it.

         This is Scooby Doo and Guess Who? With the episode, "Revenge of the Swamp Monster".

                     I must say the theme song is a nice call back the original theme with the title cards matching "The New Scooby-Doo Movies", the only complaint is that it's short.  (Longer Theme Songs 2020)   The animation design fits off their more original designs as well it's nicely done to fit that aesthetic. Though this series takes place in our modern times.

       This episode starts with two guys golfing , when one of the guys worries about a swamp monster hears a crow and runs away then the other golfer is taken away by the swamp monster.  Later, Shaggy gets  a call and some rich guy takes them away in his helicopter.  They also point inward jokes at  themselves on the things Scooby is known for , the guy in the costume and the famous "I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids and their dog (variant)". 

        Since the format of the series is to have a guest star in each episode this one has basketball player Chris Paul who wants Shaggy to help caddie him for a charity golf thing. Ok pay attention, he is doing the golf thing to save an art school so he can teach kids bowling. (Yes?)  Apparently, it's built on a swamp land. Is that teacher the monster? Is that teacher the monster?   Anyway, I'm going mention that the other golfers are introduced with the strangest intros ever.

         They've gone for comedy in this series and I'm glad they have.  They also have the classic Scooby Doo chases as well it's like a love letter to the original formula. (I'm glad they did) We explain how Chris Paul saved Shaggy's life, guess how he did that? 

     This was a fun episode and I liked how it followed the hallmarks for what we expect in Scooby Doo.  I think it might be fun series, so check it out on the Boomerang streaming service/app.  Might talk more about this series in the future.

       Tune in next time, when we have a guest star show up!

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

ABC announces Fall 2019 Premiere Dates

ABC TVLookFall2019 

    ABC has released their fall TV programming premiere dates.  They are premiering most of their line up during the "so-called" premiere week.  ABC starts their season off on Monday, September 16 with a new season of  "Dancing with the Stars". 

 Here's there full premiere dates , all times ET unless otherwise noted

    Monday, September 16
    8-10pm Dancing with the Stars  (season premiere)

    Monday, September 23
      10PM  The Good Doctor (season premiere)

     Tuesday, September 24
      8PM    The Conners (Season Premiere)
      8:30     Bless This Mess (Season Premiere; new time)
      9PM      Mixed-ish  (Series Premiere)
      9:30PM    Black-ish (Season premiere)
      10PM       Emergence (Series Premiere)

     Wednesday, September 25
      8PM The Goldbergs (Season Premiere)
     8:30pm  Schooled   (Season Premiere)
     9PM     Modern Family (Season Premiere)
     9:30pm   Single Parents   (Season Premiere)
    10pm   Stumptown   (Series Premiere)

    Thursday, September 26
      8PM  Grey's Anatomy (Season Premiere)
     9PM   A Million Little Things (Season Premiere)
     10PM   How to Get Away With Murder (Season Premiere)

     Friday, September 27
    8PM    American Housewife (Season Premiere; new day and time)
    8:30PM Fresh Off The Boat ( Season Premiere; new time)
    9-11PM   20/20

   Sunday, September 29
    7PM    America's Funniest Home Videos (Season Premiere)
    9PM    Shark Tank (Season Premiere )
   10pm   The Rookie  (Season Premiere; new day and time)

    Sunday, October 6
     8PM   Kids Say the Darndest Things  (Series Premiere)

Press release after the jump