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Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Loud House : Season 1: Overnight Success/ Hand-Me-Downer

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

                Sometimes the present is difficult, maybe you feel nostalgic for the past or you want to see things from before, well you can read about episode 8's pair of segments here.

    A quick explainer first.   Since I did the Loud House out of order in past posts , using a ranomizer site, I already did a few episodes.  We've reached the point where I've done some of the episode pairs so, here's how this  post will be done :  This will be a combo of episode 9A: Overnight Success and episode 10A: Hand-Me-Downer.  For anyone wondering if 10B's episode will be done will 11a , that answer is no , for two reasons. The most important reason is I've already done 10B's episode as well.
           Links to those will be posted in this post and you will see those, but now let's get going.

   Episode 9A: Overnight Success

                  For the first time, Lincoln gets to have a sleep over  as he explains that  because of previous sleep overs by the other sisters have not gone well.  Fun fact: This is the first episode to explicitly state that Lynn is Lynn Jr., though we still weren't sure which parent was Lynn Sr. yet. (AT least I wasn't. )  Lincoln tell us that he convinced his parents through a presentation, which we've seen him do in "In Tents Debate" as well.  Also, cats hate Lincoln, this episode.

         This is more for history, otherwise has no barring on the plot, but gets a mention: This episode was when the Loud House revealed that Clyde's parents are a gay couple.   Oh, yeah Clyde apparently went to the bathroom to sniff the shampoo he thinks is Lori's ,because comedy?  The robot thing doesn't bother me so, it's evened out?  (What?)  Lincoln has the evening planned out because that always never fails.
       Clyde decides to interact with the sisters  which, Lincoln is bugged about.  The Clyde and Lynn hacky-sack interaction is awesome.   As Clyde is engaged with more sisters Lincoln gets more annoyed. (It's like a math problem)  He decides to call the sleep over off and walk away in anger. (Don't look back in anger, I heard you say)

   Lincoln decides to find  a new friend to sleep-over with   and this brings us the first time we see Liam, who runs out after getting made over by Lola.  Then, some kid I never saw after this episode so, I assume he's dead. This another kid that I never saw after this episode so he's also dead, and few more who are dead as well. (we get the point of this "joke). The legend himself, Zach, was introduced to the series and he has the best reaction.

    Anyway, Lincoln realizes he misses  Clyde and goes to make up with him  and eventually finds that he never left because fainting works for the plot.  Lincoln finds out that Clyde likes hanging out with the sisters because he is an only child. Lincoln destroys his plans and decides to let Clyde do what he wants and it ends well.

            An entertaining episode.  Clyde being with the sisters was fun and seeing their interactions with him.  I like they gave a little more insight into Clyde's family life including the fact he is an only child, giving him a contrast to Lincoln.  The only thing I didn't like was the thing with Clyde being creepy with shampoo sniffing, the robot thing doesn't bother me though.  I'm giving this episode 8/10.

          Before we go to the next episode.  Episode 9B is  "Ties that Bind" you can read about that (along with another season 1 episode) here

Now to Hand-Me- Downer , after the Jump

     Episode 10A: Hand-Me-Downer 

          I'm glad they did do this aspect , the concept of hand-me-downs  because a large family. Since this is animated show where the characters wear the same outfits it's hard to tell if  any of the clothes are hand-me-downed or not.   Like was Lisa's  sweater once Lori's or something?   So this episode explores that with Lincoln. (not the clothes)

 I do love this title card because of the elements of the older sisters are what Lincoln is wearing that's really nice. 


         In this case the thing that's a hand-me-down is a pink bike that was once Lori's bike. Lincoln br brings down what else he has gotten as hand-me-downs before.  Leni's sparkly shirt, Colonel Crackers from Luan, an electric guitar from Luna (broken) , Lynn's  jock strap (no).   I do like how Lori got Lincoln a personalized plate. 3 random boys show up on their bikes and make fun of Lincoln's bike.  Lincoln lies and says that it's not his bike , his bike is getting some work done and they want him to bring it.

    Plot convenience time , Lynn has a nice bike that's not pink and girly so  he takes that one. (Weeee)  Why does Clyde have a tandem bike what am I looking at?   The boys make Lincoln the leader  of their bike gang. (where they terrorize Royal Woods and kill...oh wrong show , sorry)   Lincoln manages to get the bike around Lynn from seeing him use it.

        Even cheerleaders like the bike, also a farmer.  This plot  needs something , hmmm let me think, ah yeah .   The bike gets stolen.  Now Lincoln has to worry about telling Lynn who has a stunt bike competition. Lincoln uses that s time for find the bike. So he uses the pink bike and even tells the boys that is his bike and they leave him because yeah.
           Lincoln tells Lynn that he lost her bike and explains why. Lynn tells him that her bike was a also a hand-me-down. Also, showing that the bike can be customized and changed and he really should have thought of that.   The bike is found and Lynn lets him have it and she won on the pink  one.  Lincoln then lets Lana have the bike as well.

                 I am glad they explored hand-me-downs in this show and many in the audience would find it relatable since they may have to go with it as well.  I like how they showed that everyone in the house has them and that learn to work with them, which Lincoln should have done with the  bike.  The episode gave me some laughs as well and gives great enjoyment of an episode.   I like this episode it's 9/10 from me.

     The pairing episode of this one "Sleuth or consequences" we've already written about so here's  a look at the one here .

     That does it for us thanks for reading, tune in next time when Lincoln joins that girl bike gang as the leader "Sweet Feet" and puts the town in cowering fear with his iron-fisted rule.

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