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Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Loud House: Season 1: The Green House/ Chore and Peace

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

    If you missed out past post , click here.  So, once again, Since I've already covered episode 11A, "The Butterfly Effect", which also happens to be another favorite episode of mine, we have to skip ahead to episode 11B.  Meanwhile,  Kind of funny , that the post where  I wrote about "The Butterfly Effect" also was has the look at the episode "Along Came a Sister" ,which is paired with "Chore and Peace". So, to read those click here.  This post looks at episode 11B and 12B.

  Episode 11B : The Green House

              You know this isn't a good episode , if you like it that's fine, but I don't think it's a good episode.   I've written about two episodes of "Captain Planet" that told it's audience of 7-year-olds to stop having a bunch of children otherwise you hate the environment.  This episode feels like it was written by those episodes , sub consciously.

                Lincoln's class is doing an energy reduction project  to win a save a polar bear challenge. (Yes that'll work?)  They want to get a polar named after the class (what would that name even be?)  I going to assume that everyone else in the class doesn't live in a house with 12 other people, I'm going to assume that. (reaching a limb here)  Meaning, that Loud family usage would be higher than everyone else by default.  The teacher and some of the other class members seem to not understand logic and that using more energy as a larger family means that he hates polar bears , somehow?

        Now to put logic into this , Lincoln's family could be eco-friendly or whatever for their family size compared to the the other kids, but again these people are being idiots. (Yeah I called them idiots!)    The teacher doesn't act like a responsible authority at all chastising Lincoln and implying that he hates polar bears. The other students are of no help and chastise him because they want their stupid names on a polar bear or whatever.

          Random question , why does Lola have a gas powered car? What?  Yes, there are somethings the Louds could do to reduce some energy use and that's show in the episode.   So he's  gets them to lower their usage.   Apparently, this show forgot Laptops are!   Battery power shouldn't mean that using more energy. (Prove me wrong!)   For part of this episode you can sympathize with Lincoln  but, then he makes his sisters give up more things so he and some stupid other kids can come over and use up energy for a game.   The sisters find out after he makes them wear sacks (clothes take energy now?)  and honestly , they are the only ones this entire episode that acting like stupid people.

      Lincoln does make up for it, which gives this episode a little redemption , small, but there.  During reruns and things this is an episode I avoid , really, the only one I do. There's nothing here, if it's an environmental message it's bad and without logic (If I was doing this a those PSA episodes it would have failed the getting it's message out test)  Everyone but the sisters are awful at some point (maybe not Clyde, but he's of no help either) and really just plain awful in every way. There's nothing even funny to hold it well. Yeah I really hate this episode, it's 0.03/10.

             Yuck, I hate being negative, more after the Jump

 Episode 12B: Chore and Peace 

          Your Messing with the Natural Order, Mr. Loud.   The Louds  have chores , Lincoln's job is to take out the trash.  He finds out that three sisters do dishes.  (It does make sense because yeah, I guess, though they should invest in a dishwasher)  He thinks his sisters have easier jobs.  Lincoln wants a different job but Lori and the other say no.  Lincoln decides instead of maybe doing that convincing thing he does and goes on strike. (Wonder question: why does Lincoln have to take out all the trash? Could they put out some of their own trash, I've seen in past episodes,  tangent over! )  The parents decide to let the kids handle things themselves, because alright then. (It's not like they were of any use before this episode)

         Now, the others decide to strike on their chores too.  The house goes into a messy chaos.  (I'm calling the EPA , what do you mean they are after some kid who bit a tree instead?, Ugh government)   The family only stops their fighting and chore strike to help find Lilly , which is a nice touch in this episode. It also shows that the chores fit each kid very well.  Luckily, Lilly was with her parents because the parents aren't insane.    Lincoln's  mind is blown that trash pick up people get paid. (woah)  The family strikes for money.

             It's not a bad episode, it's tedious but not a bad episode. It has some funny moments and the way the pulled together was sweet.   Lincoln could have gone at it different way and make a creative episode but alright.  I give it 6.8/10.

    That's it for now, tune in next time when the EPA finally shuts down the Loud house. (the house)

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