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Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Loud House: Season 1: April Fools Rules/ Cereal Offender

The Loud House   Nickelodeon 

       There's really no way for me jazz up saying hey look here there's where you can see the previous episode here.   Anyway, we continue with season 1 and this time episode 18.

 Episode 18 A  : April Fools Rules 

       It's kind of how "The Simpsons" does a Halloween special every year, this show , at least for season 1-3, has a April Fools' Day themed episode. Forget the timeline of the show somehow having 3 April Fools' Day episodes happen because that's too much thing ,and join us on the journey of the one that started it all.

        Luan Loud has been show in the episodes before this one to be the comedic sister and also a slight prankster. This episode shows she takes pranks and  knocks the level up to 11, screw it , 12, 15, over 9000!.     She also uses her pun powers at a heightened sense of ability no average human could do. 

        The others are preparing for April Fools' Day by bubble wrapping themselves, having a bunker, etc. Lincoln's plan is to stay in his room that whole day.  I love how the episode sets up the tension and fear really well. Ronnie exists and she texts Lincoln that she's coming over the next day, THAT DAY,  to bring a present. (Lincoln really should have been suspicious of that timing, darn sweet trusting Lincoln)   He tries to convince Luan to stop the prank thing  but she says no.

      Plan B, Lincoln tries to stop Luan from doing the pranking thing so, they get her while she's a sleep and lock her in a cage. (Yes, of course)  Now the other Louds make bad crate puns. Apparently, Luan can rip through metal and got of the cage.( Help!)   Lincoln gets the idea to run through all the pranks Luan set up to make sure that Ronnie Anne won't be get pranked.    The pranks are interesting use of the medium , animation, because they are over the top (Would make Home Alone blush) and rather genius.

    Leni follows Luan's signs that say the kitchen is outside where and was never seen again.   Clyde uses his Lori obsession powers to get take the pranks for Lincoln in her and Leni's room.  Ronnie Anne shows up and also I'm shocked , Luan invited Ronnie Anne over to make sure he would get pranked.  (Darn sweet, naive Lincoln)   She also a pie (not sure where she stored it  because we didn't see her walking up to the house with it but, alright)  but instead of pieing Lincoln she gives ot Luan instead.  They go out for milkshakes.  Meanwhile, rest of the family has to go find Leni and Luan does more one prank and pun.

          A fun episode that uses the medium of this show well, also showing us the interesting abilities of Luan and honestly, her knowledge of how Lincoln would react is well done.  There's nothing in the pepisode that makes it feel too uncomfortable to uneasy to watch and it has some great pranks.  It's a 9/10 episode indeed.

 More after the Jump


Episode 18 : Cereal Offender 

     Lincoln sees a commercial for a cereal called "Zombiebran" (It's still just a bran cereal so why?) and wants it.  Setting up part of the goal for the episode.  He asks his mother who explains that they have a tight budget (Feeding 13 people isn't cheap Lincoln!)  so, he convinces her that he could do the shopping and  find a way to get the cereal.  (Achievement unlocked)

        Dear sir, we need a slight conflict in this episode, and another goal for Lincoln to keep to attain his goal.  Really, well then I have an idea.  Lincoln's sisters want to go shopping with him.  Weridly enough Rita does have money for a pedicure not the extra 4 for cereal. (shrug. jpg)  There is also an overzealous manager who's seen things in his life.    (Passing to next level)

          Lincoln  has to make sure his family doesn't  mess up at the store so, they don't get kicked out.  So this mostly sets up the rest of the episode where  Lincoln finds deals to save  money and have to makes sure they don't get kicked out. It goes into some jokes and gags and fills up the rest of that. Also, there's another boy that wants the same cereal as well that's another part.

      What you might be thinking happens, does happen.  The other boy gets kicked out , then the Louds get kicked out after the sisters find out that Lincoln gets to get a special treat and they wanted one too.  The ending the sisters feel bad and get him the cereal and it gets a nice ending note.

    This episode is alright, we get some fun comedic moments, nice use of a different setting that's not the house. Lincon's resourcefulness is show well  and nothing made the episode un fun to watch. I give it   8/10.

   Tune in next time, when Luan's pranks go too far and she stars a war between France and Canada!

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