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Friday, August 09, 2019

The Loud House : Season 1: House Music/ A Novel Idea

The Loud House  Nickelodeon 

 Previously episode 16 you can read that here. Now Here's episode 17.

  Episode 17a : House Music 

          Luna likes music as this show has shown through the series, now they've decided to give an episode with more a focus on here. (Woah,not focused on Lincoln? I'm scared)   There's a family talent event that evening and Louds  end up doing some music stuff.  Luna tells her family the best thing to do when doing music, is to have fun. (Pay attention to that)  The father, Lynn Sr, tells the family about his being kicked out of a band because of his obsession of cowbell so, the family let him join the fun too.

     They practice but Luna seems to get a call from her favorite artist, Mick Swagger, is going to be the fair  looking for talent. (Yeah, sure that makes sense) Luna then changes her mind on having fun because she wants to impress Swagger. So, she gets mad and fires her dad from the band.  Then, the rest of the family kick her out of their band.  She goes on to try and work on her own.

       She ends up at dinner trying to figure out a song and runs into an old man. (Gee, I wonder the old man is, it's not like he's Mick Swagger in disguise.) She tells him her problem and he pretends not being Swagger and reminds her about having fun. (She also eats his food)

     So now, Luna runs back to her family and to have fun.  The family does let her back in and she reconciles  with Lynn Sr. and lets him back in the band.  (He really needs new pants) They have fun at the fair and Luna meets Mick Swagger for real.

      This episode gives us some great Luna development  and apparently some background story for Lynn Sr. It has some funny moments as well. I think it's 9.7/10 (I was going to make it higher but, not enough cowbell)

 More after the Jump

   Episode 17b : Novel Idea

             One Boy , Ten Sisters, but it's take your daughter to work day so, poor Lincoln can't go to his dad's work this day.  (I also wonder if there is a take your son to work day in Royal Woods)  He even attempts to disguise himself in a dress to hope that maybe his father wouldn't notice.  There's Rita  who decides to take him to her work.  We find out that Rita works at the dentist's office.  Which, Lincoln agrees too, even though it's not as fun.
    Time to break format a little.  I like this episode because the middle of it really is quite fun in away. Lincoln finds interesting ways to stop his boredom by using his imagination.  In the background you'll notice that Rita is writing stuff.   I don't know If  I mentioned this , but this season has the parents faces be unseen so everything from the character depends on everything head down.  Eveything Lincoln does he notices his father's workplace still looking more fun. (It's across the street)   It is relatable to see him try to have a good time and notice someone else having a better time.

   Now the book Rita has proves important for the bottom section of the episode because he has to watch after the book. He goes the arcade  and accidentally leaves the book there and realizes that. He also finds out that his mother was using that notebook for 7 years for reading a book. (She had time for that)   This leads to the fun sequence of events of Lincoln getting the book back.  The whole sequence is really enjoyable.

     He makes it back the office and the book crumbles so, he ends up telling her what happened. What's interesting his events helped her with a new book idea instead.  The end is great where he and his mom show up  on roller-skates with a horse.

             Like I said, I think this episode is great fun and really like seeing some Lincoln and Mom time and it's subtle creative episode that really brings a lot to the viewing table. I give it 10/10.


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