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Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Loud House: Season 1: Dance, Dance, Resolution/ A Fair to Remember

The Loud House  Nickelodeon 

  Previously on the Loud House:  Lincoln learns the true meaning of magic, what? Read the past episode here, now on to episode 22.

 Episode 22A:  Dance, Dance, Resolution 

            It starts at school and we see that Lincoln has other friends all with red hair (finally some good progress in media)  and they want ladies to ask them something, I don't know because we just kind of walked into this. (The same thing they ask every night, to take over the world!)  Ah! It's a Sadie Hawkins dance, for those don't know, that's where the ladies ask the guys to dance.

      Divergent Fun fact Time      This post is diverting here for a second, fun fact time! (Loud noises)  Sadie Hawkins dance idea comes from the comic strip  "Li'l Abner" as Sadie Hawins is a character in said comic. She was 35 years and un married. ( This is the 1930's so, you do what you want with that) and her father was worried that she would never leave the house so he gets all the un married men to do a foot race ,the twist being the losers would have to marry Sadie. Anyway the other spinsters think this was a good idea and every year they want to do it, if they caught a bacheolor and dragged him (ouch) kicking and screaming across the finish line before sundown then they must wed.

        Back to the Episode Time      Anyway, so the boys hope to be dragged screaming into marriage, no wait.  Re-checks notes.Oh, they hope to be asked by a girl for the dance, since it's the Sadie Hawkins dance meaning  the girls asks the boys. Fun fact about that, (stop we did this).   Lincoln is hiding from Ronnie Anne because he doesn't want her to ask him to the dance. (Now why you may ask, dear Jimmy)  He doesn't want to go because there's 2 for 1 thing at the arcade and he doesn't want to miss that. ( I understand, Lincoln).

            Lincoln comes home and his sisters have nothing better to do but stand behind the door for how long were they there lurking and waiting?  (This is me being silly) They want to know if Ronnie Anne asked him to the dance and he tells them that she didn't ask him but, not telling them the truth.  Gee, I wonder what happens next.    Luan, Lynn, Lucy, and Luna all know 10-11 year old girls (yes?) to help Lincoln out and bring him to the dance. Which, is quite sweet seeing the sisters do this.  He tells them the truth about the arcade and really he should have told them in the first place, but hten we would have no plot and I wouldn't be writing about this episode right now and everything would not EXIST. (cool off and come back in the next paragraph, seesh)

          Now, they make him go to the dance since they don't want their friends  to be sad and now Lincoln has to take out for 4 girls (dang Lincoln, has the ladies).  Lincoln also doesn't want Ronnie Anne to see him at the dance because he doesn't want to hurt her feelings.  This episode also heads to standard sitcom stock plot number 93 , the person trying to be with more than one person at the same time plot. Let's see how this goes.   Lincoln's  4 friends don't have dates well I'm sad now. ( Someone, take Zach out please)   Clyde is busy helping Lincoln do his thing.  There's a girl named Tabby  who is Luna's friend and yes, she does like music and talk British. (How did that happen?)  Giggles (I hope that's nickname or she should sue her parents) is Luan's friend from clown school who seems committed to the act.  Lucy's friend is Haiku who oh yeah , is like Lucy.  Polly who is Lynn's Roller Berby mate, and yeah.   I like how the episode flows with the Lincoln and the 4th girls working out pretty well.

          Clyde almost dies from the heights he is in. Ronnie Anne, what are you doing here!  Yep, Ronnie Anne shows and now Lincoln has to figure this out.  So, he asks his friends to help out and dance with the other girls while he hides from Ronnie Anne.  I do like how they used that random detail of a raffle as a way to drive the plot and this is where Ronnie Anne finds out that Lincoln is at the dance.  But first, the other girls  find out that Lincoln with the others but they are happy because they like Lincoln's friends.

    He finds out that Ronnie Anne wasn't going to ask him to the dance because she wanted to go to that arcade thing. 

    This episode uses the standard sitcom plots and gives them their own twists , the plot itself is tightly done and nothing is out of place or hanged on too long.  I think it's a strong episode and one of the best for the season 10/10.

  more after the Jump

     Episode 22 B :: A Fair to Remember

                     Since Lori is dating this boy named Bobby it does allow some stories where Lincoln, the only male sibling in the Loud family, can hang out with an older brother like figure.  Finally, there's an episode that has this story to be told. (Which one is that?)   Lori recommends that the two of them go to a truck show.   Now, Lincoln and Bobby seem to be friends. Bobby seems to also want to include Lincoln a lot.  The episode is setting up that Lori might be bothered by this because it seems Bobby is not giving attention to her.

          When she goes to tell him that she's going to stand for this, the show does that thing where the person is about to tell someone off but the person makes them feel different by the words they say before they tell them off. (This show has done this a few times already)  Bobby tells Lori , Lincoln is like the brother he never had.  Leni gives a good joke, by saying Lori should hang out with Bobby's sister to be like the sister she never had.

      Her plan is to make Bobby jealous so he'll stop hanging out with her brother.  (Wasn't this a plot on Days of our lives?)  Of course, her plan is use Clyde.  With the amount of blood he keeps losing he's gonna die.    This episode turns into "Weekends At Bernie's" as she hangs out with a passe dout Clyde. (Wait I think that's illegal)   I'm worried that Bobby didn't notice that Clyde is unconscious and relived Lincoln did.   He figures out that  Lori is trying to make Bobby jealous. (Not sure he would even notice , since he couldn't notice an unconscious person)   I'm still sure the brother and sister kind of fighting over the boy was a plot for "As the World Turns".

        Because, I am a silly person the Clyde passed out stuff is kind of funny, so I'm giving this episode an extra 0.8 pts.    This episode really gets weird, I don't even know what's going on anymore. How has Clyde not woken up from being hit in the head, thrown around by accident, and having  sprayed water on him? (I',m calling the morgue!) Also, Lincoln your over use of 'bro' is hurting me , bro, (I'm taking away 0.3 points for that. )

             On the tunnel of love , Lori feels sad that she's not with Bobby as she spills her guts to Clyde.   Some of the gags I don't need to mention but, I am just gonna add 0.2 pts for something. Lincoln sees Lori crying and feeling bad that she might not have a boyfriend anymore. Lincoln decides to break up with Bobby. (Yeah, I wrote it that way, try and stop me!)  He tells him that maybe they should cut back and he should hang out with Lori.  It's the sweetest dang thing.  Also, Clyde is n not dead.  The ending was nice because everyone is happy.  Clyde dies again and they laugh.

         I really enjoyed this episode, it's weird, and fun at the same time. It was sweet to see Lincoln and Bobby hang out ,even if the bro puns killed me. It doesn't put Lori in a bad light for feeling the way she does.  I think it's a really  fun episode that I personally think I over looked.  It gets a straight 9.7/10.

That's it for now, tune in next time when we wonder if Bobby really knew Clyde was unconscious but didn't want to call Lori crazy.

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