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Friday, August 23, 2019

The Loud House : Season 1: The Loudest Yard/ Raw Deal

The Loud House Nickelodeon

   Previously, The Loud House episode we have that here, now to episode 21.

Episode 21A: The Loudest Yard 

         For some reason this episode has Rita wanting Lincoln to be more active in exercise, why?  Plot reasons?  When he doesn't really do anything , she makes him join a football team. Because , plot.   Anyway, he tries to get out of it and asks Lola to maim him but he gets scared and causes Lola to crash  her car. (This needs context) Lynn sees them "wrestling" and learns that Lincoln is joining a football team so she trains him.  So we do get some good Lincoln and Lynn interaction.  Since this blog has covered almost every Peanuts special, and has focus on the Peanuts we see that Peanuts reference and give it an automatic +1 pts for that. (So it's guaranteed to not get a 0/10).

            Anyway, there's a couple of football  players from the other team who apparently too old, had a growth spurt in a strange way, or a steroid scandal they want to use the park where Lynn and Lincoln were practicing.  When Lynn stands up to their taunts it gives Lincoln an idea, to have her pretend to be him on the team.  She agrees.   Now , I being of sound mind and you being of sound mind would know how this already ends up before  even watching rest of the episode.  Especially, would this show have been allowed to have an episode where the characters do this and get away with it?  No way!

        Is this bad for the episode?  Well, maybe. The thing is if you know that the plan is going to end up with people finding out about the switch, are you invested in the story it's showing for the rest of the episode?  In some cases, this works because the journey of seeing what happens is enjoyable in it's own self.  In my opinion, there's not much journey to enjoy with the way the went with the premise.    I do have question of how someone who is known and explicitly says in this very episode isn't very good at sports is some how doing great at football without anyone thinking  hmmmmmmmmmm. Or wondering why Lynn is never present at the football games. 

     I do like that the coach  liked how Lynn played and wants her on the team for the next year, since she hurt her ankle in this episode which leads to our reveal of the scheme.  If it stopped there, I'd give it a 6/10 +1/10 for the Peanuts thing but the ending goes with something that bugs me personally. Lincoln ends up playing football to make sure the team does well again, keeping this episode at 7/10  but, they decided to write it where oh he does this thing where he accidentally touchdowns in the wrong post so he loses. That could happen but what was the point for the story?  I give it 5/10 keeping the 1pt bonus so 6/10.

       PS: I do like they are accurate with Lincoln scoring a safety, though.

 More after jump

Episode 21 B : Raw Deal

             The Louds are on a road trip to see a state park and Lucy decides to help with the time with fortune telling cards.  Also, Lisa does a line like Chandler Bing, so .2 pts for that. (Don't start that again!) Lincoln gets a fortune that  his day will end in tragedy. Lincoln starts to worry, especially as the sisters starts to have their fortunes come true in fun ways.  Also .2 pts for the Luan and Lynn Sr. pun workmanship and sweetness for their moments.  Lisa to tries to convenience  Lincoln not worry.   When Lisa's comes true he loses it.

       The rest of the episode is Lincoln trying to avoid having fun because he's worried about everything being dangerous.  I kind of feel bad that Lincoln missing the fun because  of his unnecessary worry.   Nothing is really making him do it but his own fear and it feels natural and something that does happen to people for real.

     The discovery Lisa made earlier that the park ranger put antlers on an owl to get people to visit the park. Lincoln now feels bad that he missed his whole day.  The nice thing  though is he does get to see the geyser that was dormant actually went off.  I also like the ending gag with the card as well.

         It's a creative episode and nothing comes off as  un-enjoyable and it's funny and a  good moral.
   I give it 8.4/10.

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