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Friday, August 30, 2019

The Loud House : Season 1: A Tattler's Tale/ Funny Business

The Loud House Nickelodeon 

     Previously, Lincoln has to claw back 4 girls (not really) and later, Lori wants Bobby back , for real context read that past post Here.

    So, is the last time time for this season (1) where I will have to mush together remnants of episode pairs because I'd have previously done them before. 

  So First, off "A Tattler's Tale" is from Episode 23 it was paired with "One of the Boys" which I covered here

     Episode 23B: A Tattler's Tale

             This episode is on Lola because she is the resident tattle teller (because sure, alright yes) why so, she can get what she wants. (Like a politician)   It stats with the Louds that are the parents or Lola in Lori's room which is somewhat massive if 10 people are able to fit in there like that. (You are trying to a logic in a cartoon again, that doesn't work *sets water on fire*)  We found that Lincoln killed disco. (Someone had to do it)  Alright, the Loud kids are sharing secrets from their father.  I like this part because it is nice to see the Loud kids hanging out, chatting, and giving out secrets in confidence to each other.  It's a nice touch.             Score board : 1 pt.

          And Secrets from Mom too. (Coming to Lifetime Movies Network)  There is one sibling that can't be trusted with secrets and that would be Lola.  Lola isn't happy that the others won't spill secrets to her.  For you detailed people and if you watch the episode (and you should) watch Lola what Lola does when she gets mad in Lori's room and leaves, it's important, and kind of crafty. The later season 1 episodes seemed to be getting good at using little details to fit in the story well.

       The next day, Lola wants Lincoln to be her butler.Lincoln decides no.  Lola decides yes because black mail. (see politician)   She continues to use her knowledge of the secrets to black mail the others.  I like how we the viewer are also left to wonder how she knew when wasn't in the room at the time. (ear to the door?)   Score board : 2pts   ---    The others aren't pleased with being blackmailed.  They think each other might be a rat but Lincoln figures out the detail that she hid a ██████████ in her  █████ (blanking it out if you want to go in fresh to the episode if you haven't seen it before)    Now, the plan is to find one of her secrets to use against her.  And she's good at secrets hiding.   Lincoln decides to get some dirt on her from the competition. (Like a politician, dang this is working well, and it's sad)

              Funny enough, when he mentions her name to some other beauty contestants they scream in fear. (Good sign)  Anyway, that is except for one girl who gives him so much dirt he's gonna need a truck. (Why are you like this?)  What was the secret . we don't know.  It could be ██████████ or █████  but we don't know.   Anyway, they tell Lola if she tells their secrets she'll tell her secret. Later  she's seen leaving the parents' room  where they found out she's been grounded for a month for taking wrap for everything the others did. She wanted to be included with the others and felt that was the one way she could maybe do it.  They decide to let her in their secrets thing because she earned their trust.

    I think is a really good episode, the premise they did could have really been done awfully and it could have been a mess but, they really hit the right marks with this episode. We get a side of Lola where she wants to be included in the things her siblings do and figures out she did it the wrong way.  I like the sibling bonding. I think it's a strong well done episode, the humor hits some good zones a well, and I think it needs a good 10/10.

More after the jump

             I did the episode that is conjoined to this one ,that would be "Snow bored"  This is one comes first in the pairing and here is episode 24 A.

  Episode 24 A: Funny Business 
           We get some focus on something else Luan does and giving her some time with Lincoln as well.   The one thing is Luan doesn't treat comedy as an easy thing to do but, treats with the hard work and passion and I'm glad this episode says it.

           Luan asks  Lincoln to be her assistant for her birthday party clowning business and after we see how not well the other siblings were at it , he decides yeah sure I'll do it.  Only after seeing cake, which makes Lincoln my spirit child.  (Why did I use that word? I feel sick.) 

       This episode kind of turns into "Ripped Pants" from "Spongebob" hear me out.  Lincoln trips and they laugh at him and he enjoys that feeling of making people laugh. It diverts, because i'm not saying it's a copy,  where Luan does get annoyed  that Lincoln is over shadowing her  when he was only picked to be an assistant.  Lincoln starts to continue doing his pratfall thing constantly anyway because the laughs work.   There is something you'll notice with Luan is that her parties do have themes she's not doing the same exact thing each party , and this is not by accident and I'm repeating myself I love how they are working these into these episodes it's very tightly done and well thought out to see that when re-watching the episode. 

             Luan tells Lincoln there is more too clowning to pratfalls and gets mad at him. There's a phone call that Lincoln gets booked for a party , himself. ( I wonder how this will go)  When Lincoln mentions the audience liking his falling thing it's not just being repeated without purpose. (or I may be reading into this way too much, but hang on with me.)   Meanwhile, Royal Wood is apparently has the largest population of cynical emo tweens and teens in the country, because this party is whoa.  Oh because of this audience (see, see) things don't go well for Lincoln.  Because Lincoln was using Luan's business name and hears other parents saying they shouldn't book Funny Business (roll credits)  he calls Luan to help. 

       Luan tying this back together first looks at the audience she's gonna work with, the emo tweens  and tunes her act to fit it. This shows her abilities and  everything this episode was giving to us to make the point subtly. 

     I don't know what's going on but, these later episodes of season 1 have really been smooth in the style and writing, while still holding a charm and comedy. The episode's plot was well executed and brought the viewer some great development to Luan's character.  I have to give it a fair 10/10.

  That does it for now, we have only two more Loud House episodes left, so tune in next time when we hire a clown the keeps our secrets , all of them.

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