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Thursday, September 05, 2019

The Loud House: Season 1: The Price of Admission/ One Flu over the Loud House

The Loud House  Nickelodeon 

        Memories, oh memories, I remember the last episode we covered here .   Now to episode 25.

 Episode 25A: The Price of Admission

            I'm starting like this, this is one of plots where Character  can't watch something because the parents say they are too young for it and might get scared then character watches it anyway and gets scared and has to hide it.  This is not me saying this makes and episode bad because it uses a stock plot it's fine to use a stock plot.  I'm just acknowledging that this is that plot.

          I do like the premise of the movie presented in this episode where a farmer goes crazy after a drought and starts harvesting human organs, that sounds like a fun movie. Lincoln and Clyde go to the theater and apparently there's two choices the "Barney" parody  and that harvesting human organs movie. (Bad theater)   Clyde is going to see the movie made for children 6 or less because , comedy?.  Lincoln decides to watch "The Harvester" as I said above we knew this already.

         Lincoln proves his mother right because he is terrified now. How is the episode going to make this interesting so, we can have more fun even though it is a stock plot?  He  comes home and the parents are decorating for fall because it's fall apparently?   The fun in the episode come from Lincoln getting scared by random things because of the movie.  The father's descriptions of where things are in the basement ,attic. and garage this episode deserves a point for that.   Why is Mr.Grouse gardening at night? Nobody knows.  This episode also has some great moments to have laughs at so, there is that too.

            There's not much I can say about what goes on in the episode,so I'm skipping a head, to the ending.  The parents decide that sure yeah Lincoln can go see the movie and they are going to see it with him.  Like I said, he tells his parents that he was scared and they don't get mad at him which, is a nice touch and glad they didn't.  This is a great episode, it's enjoyable  and has great comedy and funny moments. It's also good at showing fear and how simple things in a different context can be scary. It's a great episode one again, these later season 1 episodes really have some nice tight writing and this is another episode showing that. I give it 9/10.

  More after the Jump...

  Episode 25 B: One Flu over the Loud House
     This episode has a great aesthetic to it, because it does a great homage to classic horror B-movies about zombies.    Lincoln wakes up and notices that his house is quiet , too quiet. In the Loud house where there are so many people an epidemic can happen when person gets sick- count on others getting sick.  The episode plays the sick Louds as zombie like.  Leni, Lisa,Lucy, Luan, and Luna are the only sisters who aren't sick.   Even the flashback plays how the flu spread really well and again like a zombie movie.   

     So Lincoln's goal this episode is to get the non sick sisters and himself out of the house and to Clyde's.  Apparently, Luan is infected and can't go now.  Another thing this episode does is show us more to Leni's character , her more kindhearted side where she wants to help her family members who are sick.  They even have weapons to shoot chicken noodle soup.  They lose Luna.  The creativeness of the episode is how Lincoln stratagizes  his way in the situation.

          This episode does have good comedic moments as well , and for an episode with sickness , it does keep it's gross tones down.  They do a good job at playing the tension of the situation as well.  It's down to Leni and Lincoln.  Leni decides to stay behind to help her family  and let's Lincoln leave without her but when she takes her time looking for the right mask, he jumps in front of sneeze to save her.  Clyde comes over in a hazmat suit (what?) and takes care of the Louds.

       A fine episode, that plays a great homage b movies with some great heart put in. It's  a well crafted episode. So I give it 10/10.

   That's it for now, tune in next time, after we find this guy who took a kidney, he better give it back!

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