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Friday, September 06, 2019

The Loud House Season 1 : Study Muffin/ Homespun (Also some extra thoughts)

The Loud House Nickelodeon  

   Previously, the Loud House had an organ harvester and zombies, you can read that here. Now to the final season 1 episode , 26.

    Episode 26 A: Study Muffin 

             Poor Lincoln, he got an F  (Apparently he joined Denzel Crocker's class)  and he worries about turning around his grade so of course he first asks Lisa to help, but she's fully booked. She suggests that he get a community college student to help named Hugh. (He's British)  Meanwhile, Lori spots him  (and oh no! He's hot!) and forgets that Bobby exists. Oh look there's Lana , oh my gosh she likes him too! Hugh makes everyone love him. Even the animals. (What is this episode?)  Lincoln doesn't like this because he is trying to get his tutoring done.  Even Lincoln's dad likes Hugh because England. (what is this episode?)

Wait. That's illegal. Someone get Hugh an adult! /Copyright Viacom

                 Lincoln tells his family that they need to tone it down because he needs to study.  When he finally he gets some time with Hugh. Also Lincoln knows the exports of Bosnia and Herzegovina. (Suure why not?)  Hugh  finds out that Lincoln doesn't need his help something else must be making Lincoln fail.  If Hugh leaves the country I don't blame him. Anyway, poor Lincoln gets another F anyway. 

     The sisters found out Lincoln has  a sub named  Ms. DiMartino. (And Oh no! She's Hot!)  Also, Lori remembers Bobby existing.  The Flashback shows that yes Lincoln  has fallen for her. There's a good solution for Lincoln where he takes his test in a locker to not see Ms. DiMartino.

     It really could have been an awful episode but , no it's not. When Lincoln really wants his sisters to back off they do, they help him figure out his problem. I do feel sorry for Hugh.  This episode is strange and weird but it made me laugh a lot, it's really an entertaining episode  9.5/10 (the extra .5 pts is because oh no! it's hot! ) 

   More after the jump

    Episode 26 B: Homespun 

            Finally, an episode about the Loud House, the house , the main star of the Loud House. Yeah you heard me, the  main star of the Loud House is the dang house, because without the  house there would be no Loud House, it would just be Loud. So yeah, it's the Loud House , with the house the house is the important part of the show its' the most important part of the show.   (Cut , we need to calm down a bit.)  
     This episode shows us that the Loud House, the house, is more than just a house , it's a home. (Full House audience aww sounds)   The Loud House, the house, does need some love  it has a doorknob problem, it has bad  water pressure, creaky floor boards, rotting wood, messed up furnace, that's more of antenna problem not the house's fault.    Also a big storm is coming with maybe a tornado.  

       They hide in the basement like you are supposed to during a tornado chance. I like that this episode tells people what a tornado watch is thanks to Lisa, meaning that conditions are favorable for a tornado a warning means there's been one spotted. So 2 pts for that.   They hope that the house gets blown away by a tornado. (What?)  They start having memories about the house.     The flashbacks are nice showing the great family bonds and memories.  

         They also start to show appreciation for the Loud House, the house. I will say the show is confused because do they have antenna tv or cable because now my head hurts, I need to stop putting logic in a show where a 4-year-old knows how nukes are made.  This episode remembers that the kid table exist.  They've also stolen a lot of pizza. (Wait, that's illegal)    Luan speaks baby. (sure alright) 
                  A tornado comes and if this was the last episode, that would have been a dark ending, (I'm kidding) they live of course.  The house doesn't die. The Loud House, the house, and the show continues.  
      Another really fine episode, that if the show hadn't been renewed would have been a good series finale. It shows us this family and their bonds and that yeah the fight sometimes and have issues but they care about each other and that they have their own interests but can get along.  I give this episode a strong 10/10. 

    Now stay tuned for  more.... 


              For me , this is was more focused re-watch of the show's first season, since I do watch reruns of the show in general.  It was fun looking at minor details and interesting tidbits.  I've watched the show from the start when it came out in 2016, and before that with the original pilot short. I think the thing that made like the concept when I saw the pilot short was the art style and the character of Lincoln, and the energy of the show was great.  

  In speaking of characters, of the main Loud family there isn't a character I dislike at all. Lincoln is good focal point character  as he is an interesting character (and remember I'm this in the bubble of only season 1, other seasons don't count for this analysis) with his planning skills ,and isn't annoying or Loud (ironic?) he gets selfish sometimes but most of the time he's caring and understanding and I'm glad he wasn't made the male character as his only character trait.   The sisters are interesting characters as well, they have varied personalities to play with  and bring their own charm.  This also gives the viewers choice in picking a favorite sister.  (Popping the bubble for a second, as the show went on they also try to do episodes focused less on Lincoln and more on the sisters , individually to mine for plot lines.)  I know people see different things in the same type of media but I personally never thought of the sisters as mean spirited (though I don't like that term much) to Lincoln or the other characters. (I'm just throwing that in)  If you care to know my personal favorites : Lana, Lisa, Lucy ,and Leni. (Not in a ranked order)  Like I said, there's not one I dislike.  

       Here are my personal top 5 favorite episodes of the season in ranked order (1 meaning most Favorite.) 

         1. Cover Girls.   This is episode is "That escalated quickly" incarnate and it's great!) 
         2. Butterfly Effect. It's such a strange episode but I enjoy it 
         3. Project Loud House.  A simple episode with so much. 
         4. Study Muffin.  I've seen this episode but not enough apparently, because I laughed at the whole thing. 
         5. One Flu Over the Loud House. Gotta go for the zombie film parody. 


      My personal  least favorite episode. 

             1. The Green House.  No just no 


         Now our rankings  (in order of episode appearance) 

  *if your ranks are different , that's fine.*  
                   10/10 episodes 
                    1.  Left in the Dark 
                    2. Project Loud House 
                    3.  Undie Pressure 
                    4. Toads and Tiaras 
                    5. Cover Girls 
                    6. A Novel Idea 
                   7. Dance, Dance Resolution 
                   8.   Funny Business 
                 9. One Flu over the Loud House
               10. A Tattler's Tale 
                11. Homespun 

         9/10 to 9.9/10 episodes 
               1. Driving Miss Hazy (9.7) 
               2. No Guts, No Glori (9.5) 
               3. A Tale of Two Tables (9.8) 
               4. Sound of Silence (9.0) 
              5.  Space Invader (9.7) 
             6. Picture Perfect (9.0) 
             7. For Bros About to Rock (9.0) 
            8. Hand me Downer (9.0) 
           9. Butterfly Effect (9.5) 
          10.  Attention Deficit (9.9) 
          11.   House Music (9.7)               
           12. April Fools ' Rules (9.0)  
           13.  Roughin' It  (9.5) 
           14.  A Fair to Remember (9.7) 
           15.   The Price of Admission  (9.0)
          16.  Study Muffin (9.5)

   8/10 to 8.9/10 episodes 
             1.  Get the Message  (8.0)
             2.  Changing the Baby (8.5) 
             3. Overnight Success  (8.5) 
             4. Sleuth or Consequences (8.3) 
             5. Along Came a Sister (8.5) 
             6.  It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud House (8.5) 
             7.  Save the Date   (8.0) 
             8. Cereal Offender (8.0) 
             9. Waiting Game (8.0) 
            10.   Raw Deal   (8.4) 

 7/10 to 7.9 episodes 
           1.  Heavy Meddle (7.0) 
           2. The Sweet Spot (7.7) 
           3. In Tents Debate (7.5) 
           4 Linc or Swim (7.0) 
          5.  Ties that Bind (7.5) 
          6. Out on a Limo (7.0) 
          7. Girl Guru         (7.5) 
          8.  Lincoln Loud Girl Guru  (7.5) 
         9. Snow Bored  (7.7) 

     6/10 to 6.9/10 episodes 
        1. Making the Case (6.5) 
       2. Two Boys and a Baby (6.0) 
       3. One of the Boys   (6.0) 
       4. The Loudest Yard (6.0) 

      4/10 to 4.9 episodes 
         1.  Come Sale Away 

    0 to 0.9 episodes 
        1. The Green House 
     Again this is how I scaled the episodes, it may differ from your view , because part of my scaling is subjective. 

          I did notice that the latter part of the season's episodes did get more up ticked in quality and a smoothness that it had compared to the earlier  part of the season.  I think it's fairly good season with some memorable moments and a great introduction to Lincoln and his family.     

     Why should you give the show a chance?   Give it watch if you want something that has fun characters , fun stories and some nice animation. While, the series doesn't go into long depth arcs and sagas ,not everything needs that.  You may find it relatable in some ways even if you might be single child. It's good series for families to watch together as well. That's my opinion.  

  I want to thank you all for reading the blog  posts with our Journey through the Loud House, we will be doing season 2 sometime in the future.  (Unless you reading this in that future, then we have already done season 2)  

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