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Monday, May 04, 2020

But First These Messages: Meow Mix

But First These Messages 

      Meow meow meow meow meow. Meow meow meow meow  (meow meow?)  meow meow meow meow meow meow.  Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.

  Alright, that's enough of that... this time cats like food, (I mean they need it but won't mess up where this is going)  and of course there's only one food they ask for by name and that's  Charles Hammer. Or Meox Mix get it? because cat's meow.  Well anyway, we figure out that yes today's going to the cats. 

           But First These Messages....

  I was watching television and saw this

        Better than all the current pop music (yeah! Send your hate mail , I love it! or hate tweets )


                 Anyway, and I was wondering, I haven't heard the Meow Mix jingle on TV in sometime,  it's so rememberable where it's stuck in your head so long after or that's just me.

          Better than most current country music.  (Playing with fire in this post!)

This cat better have a bar license! 

Meow after the jump where you'll land on your feet 

             Hmm the early days of Meow Mix (that's not a sentence I'd expect to see on this blog) they didn't just start off with that jingle. They just had boring yet 70's boring not our current boring. (Our boring sucks)   

     Meow Mix made of Tuna, liver (cow liver), chicken and people it's people!

Sacrifice your tuna to the Meow Mix god! 

             What does cat do when you're not at home well...

        So umm... did she forget she had planned to have the store call her or....?

"If you tell her, I'll will kill you"   (that's what he's saying) 

      Now  Now Now Now Now Now Now  the legend 

   I want everything you better give it to me.

     I'm surprised they were able to translate the cat, even our modern translation stuff can't do that.

You what?

               You're stuck in your sad corporate late 90's early 2000's  life and your cat calls you and you hope he's calling to pep up your sad life when....

  He calls for demands.  I want it now!   It really was the late 90's

That's what's wrong with our society people want things now now now,now instead of later.  In a rush and a hurry.

            In my day, cats used to dance for their food, or they wouldn't eat... (what?) 

              Is this a daily occurrence at her house?  I mean, she just rolls her eyes and it's like yeah yeah everyday same ole cat.

He's so over the top....

Has anyone seen my gold fish?

I like Salmon  bump bump bump

Take his demands now!  

Anyway, better than today's current music jab  #3 brought you by the 80's

   Even 80's meowing  music rocked!


 What do cats say in Dutch?


Strange looking cat 


        His owners kept giving him Friskees, when he wanted meow mix.  Then again, if they knew his meow was backwards then ohh...


   Meow  Meow Meow Meow , that is catchy 

They knew it gets stuck in your head  they knew !  meow

The dog didn't meow  0/10 

    I think that's enough for meow , (oh no)  anyway,  the genious of a such a campaign can't be forgotten  it's so simple yet, works as away to help you remember Meow Mix.

That's it for now, now back to our program  "That's not my Wife, That's my Mother!"

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