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Tuesday, May 05, 2020

The Last Episode: Sabrina The Teenage Witch: The End of an Era

The Flashback 

       I haven't done this feature in a couple years, a look at final episodes of TV shows to give a little insight on how they ended, rather it be big, normal, whimper, strangely, and anything in between.   Today, I'm writing about the 1996 series "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" one of my favorite sitcoms. One thing about this show is that it has two different series finales.   The one we are talking about is the one from season 4.  in 2000 , ABC had decided to let the series end, but the WB network decided to renew it and well this became the season 4 finale instead. 

         This episode is called "The End of an Era" get it? It first aired on May 5, 2000.

             This episode takes place at the last days of High School for Sabrina as she's looking forward to graduating. You can see why this would be a good point for to have the  series finale. An arc for the season has been  Harvey having problems with Sabrina's boss, Josh, as the college guy might also have a crush on Sabrina.   She decides the best thing to do is use a spell to get Harvey and Josh to be friends. (Put this in the what could go wrong? Category) As with how this show works, this spell will not end well.
mmm breaking bread for peace/ Copyright CBS 

         There is also some background plots with  the aunts, Hilda and Zelda, feeling bad that Sabrina is about to go to college because they'll be alone.  Salem, the cat, thinks the aunts want to get rid of him. A common misunderstanding plot thing going on there.

           The bread spell didn't work as Josh and Harvey became to friendly and were ignoring Sabrina so, she ends it and Harvey says that if Sabrina doesn't quit the coffee shop then their relationship is over.   Salem tries to figure out a way to not get kicked out of the house. Sabrina tries another spell to help her figure out how pick a boyfriend by having them compete in an obstacle course. (By picking which one doesn't die, like those odds)    The end of the game is one them has to save Sabrina from quick sand (this game is weird)

Circles in the sand/Copyright CBS

            Salem's plan doesn't go to well, since he bought an expensive meal for Hilda and Zelda. Also the random like not really a plot line of Willard, the school principal, suing Hilda and Zelda was resolved. Salem figures out that they aren't kicking him out of the house.  Salem does hit Mr.Kraft with a car, though. The main thing of this episode is that Harvey's spell quota is up and he figures out that she is a witch.  (whoa)

       That's kind of how the episode just ends with the ending scene being Salem complaining from a dog house.

       This episode feels like part of it was made for the promo, like ABC even spoils it that Harvey figures out she's a witch.


     The whole promo gives an impression you are going to get a great impressive series finale with action and secrets revealed.  The finale episode doesn't really have the finale feeling, I'm guessing they were expecting to go on and the show was renewed by the WB network.  The WB didn't want the show to be more mature and changed up many of the writers and staff, Harvey's actor didn't even show up in the 5th season (he does come back later)  and they had Sabrina and Harvey break up "over the summer" The episode doesn't have that finale feeling, it could have aired in the middle of the season and there would have been no change, minus we could have gotten more with the  Harvey and Sabrina plot.

      Most of the episode felt cluttered with the Salem plot and Mr. Kraft, the aunts and the idea of them being sad Sabrina will be leaving soon only lasts for awhile.  Even, the Sabrina, Josh,and Harvey triangle didn't get solved.   So, it's not really a good series finale, the other one is better, which I may get to one day.   It wasn't a bad Sabrina episode, just not the best to go out with.

      That's it for now , now to tell people I'm not a witch!  Tune in next time.

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