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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Into the Twilight: The Shadow Man

The Flashback 

           We are taking another look at a segment from the 1985 version of "The Twilight Zone"  and thankfully the show has so many segments for us to look at.  This time we are looking at season 1 ,episode 10, segment 1 : The Shadow Man.

          This episode first aired with two other segments included on November 29th 1985.  Some spoilers ahead but not too much.  

           A thirteen year-old boy named Danny Hayes wants to get this girl named Lianna to notice him.  He's a smart kid who has a fear of the dark.  There's  a bully named Eric who likes to mess with Danny because all things with children have to have bullies it's the law!  His mother is annoyed that he's afraid of the dark because he's 13 and we need this plot to get going.  (Hurry up plot!) Anyway, because this is the "Twilight Zone"  a creepy dark figure named The Shadow Man  (roll credits) shows up and tells Danny that he'll never harm anyone who owns the bed he lives under. (Otherwise, it's harming time!)  
I'm the Shadowman , does this hat make me look good?/ Copyright CBS 

                  Danny tries to tell his friend about the creepy figure but his friend doesn't believe him because that's the first rule of horror.   Danny overhears that two students were attacked the last night and it sounds like they were attacked by the figure creature thing. The next night, Shadow Man shows up and repeats his lines and goes out again. Danny takes pictures with his instant camera.  Everyone around the school is talking about creepy guy.   While, Danny thinks the same guy is both.   Anyway, back to Danny liking Lianna (brought to you by today's sponsor)   Danny uses the knowledge of "I never harm the person of who's bed I lie"  to go see Lianna and help her with math.  Since Eric is Afraid of the dark and shadow man.  The next day, Eric sees Lianna with Danny and doesn't seem happy.

Hmm did I leave the oven on?/ Copyright CBS 

              Now Peter, Danny's friend, says he kind of believes Danny about the Shadow Man and thinks he should do something to stop it but because Danny is a stupid smart person (someone is smart but also does dumb things) and is happy about the new found popularity he brushes it off. Eric challenges Danny to a fight. Danny wants to fight at  night , because Shadow man.  Shadow man likes to repeat his lines the same time, is that all he can say?   That night, Eric shows up and they were about to fight and the shadow man shows up  and Eric runs tries to get Danny to run but I won't give away the ending.   [Though, if you really want to know then click here ]
Yeah Swing at night and live dangerously / Copyright CBS 

            The ending is pretty interesting  though.  The episode plays very much like a future Goosbumps episode with less restraint because network TV versus show made for children but still. kind of like that.   I do like how the Shadow Man repeating his phrase does come in handy to the ending and yes.  It's not the most gripping episode or interesting but it's serviceable and not bad.  

 That's it for now , tune in next time when say tune in next time again because This is Joshuaonline and we never confuse our readers. 


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