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Thursday, February 25, 2021

One Shot Posts: Rugrats Chuckie and Angelica switch personalities

One Shot Posts Rugrats  Nickelodeon 


       It was time, so we return with a One Shot Post on Joshuaonline, here to focus on episode of what happens to be my personal favorite Nickelodeon animated series, "Rugrats". Why am I doing a post ? Why not!  Anyway, I have decided to do this episode because it was one that popped into my head when I was thinking about watching Rugrats on Hulu (this may date this post alot or not).

         This episode from season 5 is episode 9b  called  "Angelica For a Day" it comes from the period of "Rugrats" where it had been on its 2nd revival season and about to have a movie in theaters. It first aired in August of 1998. 

        The episode is based off the whole concept of walking in some else's shoes. It starts with a girl yelling at her dad and it's not Angelica yelling at Drew. The episode tries to be funny when Drew says he's glad he's not in that guys shoes and the music and Stu rolling his eyes is like yes, we know Drew  lacks self awareness.(True)  Since this is Rugrats,  the concept of most episodes are that the babies, in this case, just Tommy and Chuckie hear something said by an adult and hear it wrongly then Angelica explains in the most simplified sometimes wrong or outright lying sometimes way.  This time is more her own naivety and not outright malice. 

      She explains it if you put on someone else's shoes you will start to act like them. There's also a place Angelica calls "Big Kid Mountain" and  Tommy wants to play on it like Angelica. Chuckie, being Chuckie, doesn't want to go on it. (Tommy doesn't think to go alone) Angelica says that if Chuckie was more braver (her words not mine) Tommy could have fun. Later a boy threatens Chuckie over grass. (What?) This episode really ramped up Chuckie's fear levels. Angelica takes off her shoes for the sandbox for some reason, while Chuckie has his off for a nap.  (Plot trying to plot here) 

        Tommy, when he and Chuckie wake up, decides to have Chuckie wear Angelica's shoes so he'll be brave and more like her. Also her shoes fit, so that's good. This idea works. Chuckie starts sound like Angelica. Mean Chuckie is funny.  Angelica tries to chase them, but she's wearing just socks on her feet and gets poked by a plant in the foot. She insults Chuckie and herself at the same time, then puts on Chuckie's shoes. Which apparently gives her instant Chuckie powers and she starts to calm down and then think like him.(Yes) 

      Scared Angelica is also funny. Meanwhile, Chuckie starts to become crazy with power. Tommy now has stop him but first Chuckie gets back at those boys who were saying they owned the grass. Chuckie figures out Tommy's plan and starts to chase him, with Angelica being scared still being funny.  The shoes come off and Chuckie is still angry and evil, then Tommy falls in the mud and wakes up. Yep, it was a dream. (Wasted my time)  Tommy is happy that Chuckie and Angelica and some how is able to lift Angelica to hug her.  (What?) 

       Funny episode, just because it's funny to see two characters act the opposite of how they normally act. It does pace funny at the start really trying to set up the scene the plot , but it's really alright episode.  I enjoy enjoyed this episode, it's simple, funny and effective. 

That's it for now, tune in next time when we change shoes. 

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