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Thursday, March 04, 2021

DCOM Shows us the Worrying AI Future : Smart House

Disney Chanel Original Movies   The Lookback 

           I like that this movie came out in 1999, we people might have been fearing about the future when everything collapsed in 2000.  If you are reading this blog post after 1999 then, congrats you've made it! If you are reading this from before 1999, uhhhh Time traveler? 

       I think "Smart House" is one of Disney Channel's  most remembered and iconic movies and for a movie with technology in it, it's not dated at all really as much well things do date it because of time marching on.  "Smart House" premiered  on June 26 1999 starting  Ryan Merriman (who later on was on "Luck of the Irish")  and Katie Volding , who was also on "Brink".  They play brother and sister Ben and Angie Cooper who live with their widower father (because Disney) and that plays more intothe movie's plot because it has too.   Fun fact: This movie is directed by LeVar Burton. (Yep THAT Levar Burton)

           I haven't mentioned the most important actor yet, so stay tuned.  That's not to say that Ryan's character isn't important either. The main of  point of this movie is not really the house, strange really, because it's called "Smart House" you'd think that the house is the  most important part. Ben is a 13-year-old boy who after the death of his mother decides to take upon himself to "take care of the  family". 

       The movie does start with the house who is voiced by  the one, the only Katey Sagal, she does a great expressive monotone voice. Yes, that's a sentence I just wrote. (You typed it!) They also have Jessica Steen in this movie, whom you know from "Heartland" (thanks Canada).  She is the inventor of the smart house named Sara Barnes.  There's a contest for a family to win the house, why? Maybe she likes giving things away for tax purposes.  Meanwhile, the movie does a good job of showing us  the viewer, how Ben takes care of things around the house filling in as role of his passed on mother.
         You see through his interactions with his sister, especially that role.  There's a dog in the movie played by an actual dog.  The Dad, who also played the dad on Home Alone 3, is a busy working man because he's a single and ready to mingle?  (What?)  The reason why I say that is Angie does want him to date and find a new Mom, while Ben is more not wanting that.   I did say that Ryan Merriman played in "Luck of the Irish" so of course he plays basketball in this movie because BASKETBALL. 

BASKETBALL SHIRT /Copyright Disney 
      Sara has a pet rat, this is important information for later.  Since this 1999, dial up exists and there's a reference to the line being tied by the internet. (So, yeah)   Also, Ben is trying to make sure his dad doesn't find a new lady to marry. (this is also important information)  Now Sara and two other people I really don't care about since, they'll be gone soon pick the winner, gee I wonder who this winner will be.  (That family from "Quints"?)    The house's name is PAT, also important.   There's a bully character because 90's or something. (Yawn)   

   The father sees Sara's picture in the newspaper and thinks she's beautiful.(This is for the plot) Now there's a tour of the house.  One of the best features of the house is green screen vision or blue screen whatever.  The family decides to move in the house, but with the idea that if anything doesn't work out they'll go back home.  This movie remembers  c'est la vie by B*Witched , do you remember it?
B*Witched seems confused here /Copyright Disney 

         Angie  says to Ben she thinks their father is in love with a beautiful woman, fine that's  my line , but you know Sara, because yes. (thanks for that)  Ben doesn't like that idea one reason is that  he doesn't want the memory of his mother replaced.  He explains that is why doesn't go out for BASKETBALL (our running gag ) and be with his friends making sure the family runs smoothly. He wanted to win the house because he doesn't want Mom II: The second Mom.
Love House/ Copyright  Disney 

               The movie goes through the first part where the it shows how the house helps the family, blah blah, I need this movie to have the part where it goes wrong.  The bully is still annoying and unnecessary to the movie.   Oh look something went wrong with the smoothie maker had a glitch and that means the father wants Sara to come by and this makes Ben find out about the main control room of the house.  He doesn't want to get to know Sara. (Because TENSION)   Ben is grumpy. 

more after the jump

          Angie tells her father what Ben said earlier about taking care of the family and not wanting his father to have other women. (new wife?)  The father (funny I don't use his name) talks to Ben and encourages him to do what he thinks he needs.  That is harder than he thinks.  Now here's a stupid idea, Ben decides to mess with the house's control system to make the house act more motherly by using old mother media, this is a really stupid idea.

the heck?/ Copyright Disney 

          Now, the house acts like a creepy fake sitcom mother which seems like a bad idea because it is.  The house wants to kill the bully, so that's fun.   Ben still misses his mother dang it movie, I wasn't here to cry.  Because  he was watching videos of him and his mother on the wall the house decides to take this in as learning and makes it more insane.   1999 movie has better video calling than we do.   The father (still didn't have time to look up his name) asks Sara out on a date. (Also, they said bigamist in  Disney Channel movie )   Now Pat decides to find fun and finds old MTV spring break videos and MTV videos and creates a party by emailing of Ben's friends because personal space doesn't matter.

         Sara and Nick (looked up his name) are going on a date.  Now there's a house party put on by the house and she didn't tell Ben and he doesn't stop it so, yes.  The late 90's continues.   Also, the important part of the party is that the house invited the bully and his guitar riff too revenge him.  The only difference between this movie and horror film in that moment she decides to mess with the bully is she doesn't kill him.  The other kids cheer because they must fear the house could kill them if they don't.
I'm your god!/ Copyright Disney 
       They clean up the house so Nick doesn't find out about the party but he finds out because he of a jacket left behind.  He finds out that the house had a party, a house party.  Nick gives the house a lecture and some new commands that screws up the house some more because yes. (The future is awful)   The house now starts going weird.  (It sounds more evil)  Sara comes over and shuts the whole house computer down for the night , this apparently angers the machine. (Windows 98 was mean) 

                    Ben and Nick to each other how both miss the dead mother. After some talking they see to be resolved but now  it's time for the house to go weird.  So Pat turns herself back on then starts making a hologram of Katey Sagal.  (Woah that's the best feature)   Her performance as an off center and slightly crazy house in human form is great. It makes me feel uncomfortable like a horror film, I mean this movie is one step away from being a real horror movie. Great work Katey! 
Weirdest episode of Married With Children ever/ Copyright Disney 

             Ben tells Nick and Sara that Pat has lost it.  Pat throws Sara out of the house and locks them inside , herself, what? She even has long term plan of keeping them inside forever!   Also file footage of the atomic bomb?  This part of the movie really plays an unsettling mood well and it's slightly horrifying.   Sara's rat was part of the plot like I said earlier, she sends him in to send a message to Ben with Butler, the rat.  I also like how Ben uses the knowledge that Pat can't see people in the bath/shower to use his computer to email Sara for help.  The hints and little things in this movie being used for the plot is amazing.  Now there's a plan in place. 

               Sara makes it into the house with Ben's help and now Pat and Sara face off. (It's time for some Control Alt Delete, unless this is Mac then they are screwed!)  Then Pat wrecks herself , and the yes the Mocking Bird song is creepy.   Ben then says that she could never be a real mother no matter how hard she tries.  Then Pat changes emotions to be somewhat sad at the realization that she's not real and "kills" herself. 

             Sara fixes everything and Pat is back and a little more normal now.  Sara and Nick seem to be dating.  The movie ends with Ben and Katey Sagal winking at each other. 

         This is a great movie, it is somehow the most off settling movie yet done well. Katey Sagal really owns this movie and she's great as always.  Some of the graphics and stuff are low-grade especially compared to now but they don't really detract from the movie.  Check out this movie!

  Tune in next time when they reboot "My Three Moms"


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