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Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Oh Yeah! Cartoons #16 : Lollygaggin


   Previously,  you can't spell school with out C.O.O.L  [HERE]

#16 Lollygaggin

    Season 2, Episode 8b

             Back to Guy Vasilovich and another short he made. If you looked at Earth to Obie you'll notice that the main character has similar look to him.  Lollygaggin  is about a young girl named Lollygaggin, she's apparently not a well liked person becuase of her many faults. Including the fact the was  a big lair sometimes. 

          In her room she finds a creature that apparently is related to her fibs. He starts eating stuff in her room, including almost her cat. (we almost had a dead cat thing going on here) The monster is played by Kevin Michael Richard, who really brings a lot to the character he makes it feel intimidating and menacing ,yet charming.  The monster has a creative design about him as well. 
                   He turns his idea to eating Lolly  and she starts to run away from him. She finds a room of other smaller fibs and they scurry out, the main focus is big thing.  After along amount of running, she runs back home and does the only thing she could do- tell the truth , well that stops the creature as she shrinks down. 

     The plot is a really classic concept of someone's lies turning into a monster and getting worse as they lie more and making the truth a resolution. This a good telling of that idea. The animation style is very nice, I'm getting some Courage the Cowardly Dog  vibes from it.   The parents are kind of funny parodies of 50's ad parents. Marsia Clark and Carlos Alaraqui bring a lot to these characters you see a couple times.  Lolly is an interesting character, too I think a series of this would have been interesting with a main character who is not the squeaky clean protag.  
          I did like this one more than Obie , if I'm forced to choose between the two. I think a series would have worked from this one, there's some potential.  If you had to watch this one or Obie, pick this one more (but do watch both) .

 Tune in next time, when we post another blog post. (no fibbing) 


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