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Thursday, February 17, 2022

Oh Yeah! Cartoons: #17: Terry and Chris


Previously,   Lying monsters ate our post  [HERE]

#17 Terry and Chris 

Season 2, Episode 13b

    We are in the season finale of season 2, looking at the second  segment of the episode, Terry and Chris. There's an interesting backstory to this one's creator.  John Reynolds  created this one at the age of 11.  Reynolds had not just worked on his own cartoons, but had a complete storyboard,  and character designs.  Butch Hartman supervised, which also explains the why it looks the way it does and he directed it too.  Pretty cool.  (source)   

     If it's not good, we can't be mean to an 11-year-old even if he's not eleven anymore... hmmm. 
       It takes place in a fictional town called Valley View, USA (in America),  our main character is a boy named Chris, talking about how normal things are and he is until THEY AREN'T.  Chris goes to a pet store to spend his birthday money for  pet, there's a cockatiel that has the ability to talk. Either the bird changes heads when it speaks in someone else's voice or that's a visual effect so hmm alright then.  
     He brings the bird to school for share day, (not to be confused with Cher day, where everyone dresses like Cher). There are two friends he has they all seem to be doing this "cool" act by wearing little glasses or something. (Little glasses are cool)  Oh he named the bird the Terry.  Since Chris does something stupid like telling the bird what they call the teacher behind her back, the law says the bird will repeat it and cause trouble. (Thy rule of writing cartoons be done) 

        Chris doesn't get that much trouble the principal seems to be very understanding and just tells Chris to leave his pets at home next time. (I thought it was Sting day) Chris sees  a girl with an Australian accent (voiced by Kath Soucie) and Chris likes her, you can tell by the music and hearts.  Angela is a new student and he gets to escort her to class.  Angela meets  the two friends  and kisses Chris on the cheek in front of them. 

        Then it gets awkward when Chris says something mean to impress his friends. Then a bully shows up, (I'd mean to people too if I was 4 times their size , otherwise they'd be mean to me)  Angela decides to go with him because Chris hurt her feelings.  Later, Chris gets mad that he didn't do the right then and Terry flies away to help. Jerry talks like Angela and makes Max , the bully, go away.  Chris meets with Angela and apologizes  and things are fine. 

        Simple story, but I liked it, there's a charm to it. (Yeah this is not my don't be mean to the post thing kicking in, it genuine)  The characters are kind static, but again it's a short or maybe a pilot ,so I understand that would be something, that and being written by an 11-year-old. 

     That does bring up the question of the series thing since, I think it would be hard for 11-year-old to run a series and do normal eleven-year-old things, this was done during some school off time. Though it could have maybe been done in the future , if he was still interested. Taking away logic for a moment,  it would be have been the most authentic to the kids series if it was written by a kid.  I could see Terry being used for different plots where things go silly or something.   

        There's some fun to be had here, to watch, it's not A+ , but it's charming in it's own way.

 That's it for now, tune in next time when we (Joke removed it was too stupid) 


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