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Sunday, February 20, 2022

Oh Yeah! Cartoons :#20: Elise


   Previously,  Making movies is hard to do when the actors are hard to deal with [HERE]

#20 Elise 

Season 3, Episode 4b

    Elise ,or,  Elise: Mere Mortal is another entry from Guy Vasilovich. Our main character is Elise Crump, who's voiced by Cree Summer. This time our MC looks different from his past too, but you can tell Vasilovich was going for  certain vibe for his cartoons.   In this cartoon, Elise has to go the orthodontist, to have her braces tightened. 
       The orthodontist is very eccentric,  and really there's an atmosphere to this cartoon that just embraces a whole what am I watching? thing.  There's  a spot where teeth are dancing, for example, Meanwhile in Siberia some scientists shoot a beam that some how make it and zap Elise's braces. (Reminds me of "Braceface") 

      There's a spot where teeth sing a rock song for some reason  and Elise is none the wiser of whatever just happened.(same)  Though she seems to keep zapping  stuff without noticing it, and she's getting radio signals through her braces.  It is kind of weird she doesn't notice the electricity doing stuff. 
           The funny thing watching this, is it felt short, like shorter than the 7 minutes, not much happens, it's a strange girl going to the orthodontist then gets zapped , then goes home. She doesn't seem to notice it and nothing goes from that plot. Just weird doctor and stuff just happens and gives up.  If I was comparing it to Vasilovich's other two I've covered  I would say this is the weakest one.  

     If this was like a start of a new series and setting up the idea of everywhere Elise goes something strange happens like she gets zapped, or  the eye doctor thing they mention at the end, she goes there and ends being able to see people naked or something, or have strange stuff happen and she never notices it, that could work. But as is, it wasn't that much to write about, kind of a shame but it happens. 

   That's it for now , tune in next time, when we talk abut the idea of implanting radios into your head so you don't need head phones anymore. (what?) 

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