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Saturday, February 19, 2022

Oh Yeah! Cartoons: #19: Skippy Spankerton


Previously,  it's my world, I'll save it if I want too! [HERE ]

  #19 Skippy Spankerton

Season 3, Episode 3b 

    Skippy Spankerton Presents: Hot Tamale Monster Movie Madness!  was created by Eric Bryan and Michelle Bryan. So this is a cartoon about a movie being made by a kid, a 9-year-old girl named Skippy.  Who sounds like Carl Foutley beause well it is Jeannie Elias , who would voice that character.  Kevin Michael Richardson is back too voicing trademark safe not Godzilla, Zolla.  

      Skippy is trying to make a film for the film festival with two monsters  and trying to make a movie before bedtime.  Also the monsters aren't real it was Skippy working with toys, I kind of think that's creative but also kind of sad they revealed it too early, would have been a nice way to end it. 

    Skippy's mom makes her eat dinner, cutting into her time. It's tamale night too (cool).  The parents are kind of  weird, but not bland so that's kind of fun. The super hot tamales gives her an idea to use  for fire breathing monster action. And just to make things mean for Skippy, the father remembers Daylight Saving Time and moves the clock up an hour ,meaning she lost an hour. (Daylight Saving Time is evil  so I give it points for showing that)   

      The wagon is a "Citizen Cane" reference action.  The monsters don't want to eat the tamales because of reasons.  Skippy has to contend with this while trying to get things done.  I can feel the urgency.  Finally she gets her fire breathing and the movie done before the parents check on her and mission accomplished.  We get to see her movie too , which again is just her doing normal things with her toys. 

         I love the concept of this one, even though the idea of making a movie as an idea for a story is kind of basic, the idea of it being Skippy's imagination that the toys are really moving gives it a charm of child imagination. The parents are weird and I feel embarrassed, but pretty funny. The cartoon really is charming and a joy to watch.  Again, I kind of wish they held off the reveal until the end , but the early reveal doesn't hurt it and kind of makes it funnier that she's imagination having difficult actors and we already know they're toys. 

     It works as a one and done story, but if  it was a show I could see Skippy having more adventures with imagination.  
  Give this one a watch! 

   That's it for now, tune in next time, when we make our movie about someone making a movie about making a movie. 


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