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Thursday, August 18, 2022

A Charlie Brown Watch: Lucy's School


      Another special?  WildBrain and Apple have decided that after like 10-years of no new specials to just make a bunch and release them over a period of 8 months.  They made 4, this is the 4th one , now in total count of television specials we've reached 49.   They did the Snoopy Presents title again, and it's just "Lucy's School", so that's fun.   Actually, that they've not done much Charlie Brown focus in these specials is something else as well.  Part of this post will be me being pedantic, but that's how I am with Peanuts. 

          It might be hard for some to remember, while for others it might be fresh, but I am talking about the last day of school, for the school year. Though, not the way it's depicted here waiting in the classroom for the the final minutes, my last day of schools were always more casual, and  had sometimes had a mixture of melancholy because some wouldn't be coming back the next school year for whatever reason. I grew up in a place where some of the kids were from military families and moved and stuff.  The special starts with the feeling you get on the last day of school a countdown to beginning of what's seen as the best time of the kid year- summer vacation. 
They want to have their 104 days of summer vacation/Copyright Peanuts 

    It shows the school empty except this one classroom where Charlie Brown and friend are quiet, minus Peppermint Patty snoring, and the only noise you hear is the clock deeply ticking. You get the feeling of tense waiting and it's well done. They also get to show off some of their animation which again, in these specials have been nice. 

    Nit Pick #1 It shows Peppermint Patty and Franklin in the same school as Charlie Brown, so yeah holding that well guys. Though sometimes in some specials they would be shown in the same class/school as Chuck it's a something to nitpick.    
      The bell rings and it's summer.  There's a summer song that sounds like someone wanted the Beach Boys, but also wanted the Chordettes, and wanted them to be drunk. It's a montage song and pretty fun to see the fun of summer. (Even though summer is hot and annoying) It's still kind of funny to see them have Patty and Peppermint Patty co-exist.  The song dies and there's a giant sign that says "Back to School Sale" coming. I like how that's depicted too, it's like a looming danger which it does feel to a kid, the looming danger of the end of fun.  

Doom / Copyright Peanuts 

           The one week left until school, also apparently the Peanuts tribe are going to a new school, which brings me questions.  Mostly, what? Why? Did they age the peanuts oddly, what?  I'm confused. The others are nervous that the new school is huge and different. Lucy wasn't nervous but then gets more nervous. 
     I guess the idea here to show the fear of starting a new school, though being oddly vague at the idea that they apparently are going to a school where there are also bigger kids, that would only imply like middle school or something, which is what?   

More after the jump
     I like how artistic it gets with showing Lucy's fear it's very retro 60's art feeling, it was well done.  They are using a character that seems very confident but has a spot that's vulnerable. They seem to be wanting to do that with characters like Lucy and Peppermint Patty. It's interesting the direction they want to do.  Though it's hard if you are purist, but at the same time, Lucy did change over time in the strips, we are just given the memorable parts in our Peanuts call backs. Just like how Lucy changed wardrobes as  time went on, but specials, even this one, like to default to the dress. 
Lucy sees giant kids/ copyright Peanuts 

    The music is nicely done, they went for jazz this time and it doesn't feel forced either.  You can kind of feel the disconnect that Lucy is feeling.  She goes the library because they are saying they have answers to questions. (Like  She gets the idea to get her G.E.D they don't say that Lucy calls it a special test that if you pass, you get out of school. (The library confused her)  The other kids are interested in this test as well, because year round summer vacation. Though, she might be too over confident in not buying school supplies in case. (If she was that smart) 
Library or Church or Cult?  / Copyright Peanuts 

    Also, you can't have endless summer, when winter comes ... that's just endless vacation.  This is like Nitpick #2 or something. Linus gets to play the role of being a little concerned. Nitpick #3, I'm not a fan of them making Marcie seemingly smart bookish person, and removing her other things like her nativity and parts where she does dumb things just by default, it just ruins the fun characterization she always had, which was a balance.  Though, points to them having her join the scheme, but (big but) having Linus point out, he's surprised seems to defeat that  a little. 

     Linus  is again playing the role of being the guy who is like "I don't know about this". Lucy is starting her own school,  hence the title.  I'm not sure why he's joining in this madness, he could just not, join in, the madness, but apparently reasons.   
I don't want to be here, yet I came here anyway/ Copyright Peanuts 

    Lucy becomes a teacher, first she starting with science. This part reminds me of the Rugrats a little, where Angelica teaches the others stuff that isn't true, but in this case she doesn't know either. It's kind of fun and fitting, also odd I mention Rugrats in a Peanuts post. (woof) Marcie happens to slightly question this madness a little.  She uses  a TV show to do her job, and oddly using Star Trek.  (What?)  Oh No! They mentioned a refence to something! Someone might say, but I will add that the strips did reference things, just apparently never mentions Star Trek.  Also, I throw down , "FlashBegale". 
       True Math hours,  she teaches kids math by using bingo. Which is something.  I'm concerned that they really only  show Linus, Franklin, and Marcie being concerned about this.  I would think Schroder would maybe start to concern but you know, fine. alright. Geography time is mini golf. Hmm, yo Brit's why is your president called the queen. (I know, this is a joke, but it hurts)  Lucy attacks the 1960's band, the Beatles. (get her!) 

           I will mention that Lucy's stuff is charming childish.  I wasn't expecting a misinformation Peanuts special. (Is this joke misinformation?)  Lucy, Linus, and Marcie are not happy about Lucy's school.  (They have to kill her)  Linus commits a coup and calls their old teacher , Miss Othymer, to help out with something.  Lucy gets mad at Linus for going behind her back and shows her the practice version of the test she wanted to take.   
Hello, do you like Scary Movies? / Copyright Peanuts 
          The animation people had fun again making Linus mentioning all the stuff they learn in school over the next, hopefully many years.  Lucy refuses to accept this, because we have 18 minutes left.. (this special is 38 minutes long)  She instead decides to make up her own classroom. Ironic, she ends up buying school supplies.  It shows the costs of stuff being high. (Inflation) 
Blinded her with Science! / Copyright Peanuts 

           We get a montage where she reads EVERYTHING to make sure her school can be somewhat more school like.  The other kids notice she made a classroom and she now starts doing teacher stuff, including the fun part of telling kids to be quiet! (shut up!)  First off algebra, which is wow.  (a+12=38, have fun with that one ) She tries science again, but apparently,  Franklin can pronounce the fancy elements. What you see is Lucy having a break down.  
Me making this blog post/ copyright Peanuts 

      She admits she doesn't know it all, and that they aren't going to pass that test, it's over. (Not the special, we have 12 minutes)  Everyone leaves the classroom, except Linus, since it's his garage. He talks to her about feeling something is wrong with Lucy. (More than normal)  She admits to him she's afraid of going to the new school, he tells her, he is too, but he'll be there with her. 

   Nitpick #4: Uhhh something something oh, they showed Linus and Lucy in the same class too, so they just didn't care.  That's something. 

    It's the first day of school (What? I'm out... I'm missing so much help!)  The special uses the Amelia Earnhardt thing from before to have a good moment with Peppermint Patty talking to Lucy. Lucy gets the courage, after showing the other kids are nervous, to have them join her at the school.  Then the nice moment of her helping her brother when his confidence was a little shaken. 

wow/ Copyright Peanuts 

   This special is also about the importance of teachers. That's right it's a teacher's are great special. If you couldn't tell before.  

   Actually, there's two things going on here at once. The special is about the fear of change and using the change of school as the catalyst. Even if it feels odd they are doing it with Peanuts characters, the idea is that it's a change that happens and you have to face it, but it is hard. I think it was done well, not being for Charlie Brown's view kind of works, because it shows a different side to Lucy, where I think they, the writers and people behind these new specials want to give her a different image. That is something to kind of behold. I think she has been mis shown, because of how she's known in full pop culture versus even the deeper cuts of Peanuts strips and specials.  No Peanuts characters are flat,  (uhh) they do have things they gravitate towards and have as a focus, and maybe make this look weird, some are flat, but the bigger ones aren't.   They use her confidence well while showing she's using it in weakness. 
      The special covertly shows Lucy having a hard time teaching to show that teachers have a heard time... uh teaching. 

       I like Linus' role here, it works to his character as well, and has that same hallmark repeat from "Auld Lang Syne".   

   I'm  always a little unsure about these new specials, while I do appreciate they are trying to tell new stories with the characters and they are taking on the risk of not just taking from the strips like the specials between 2000 and 2011 did, and that's a big risk, because there's no Charles Schulz involved in this.  The hard part is I could write Peanuts and anyone can, it's not going to be the same as his, because each character is him in some way, but again I admire their risk and their writing has been interesting to see.  The special is fine, and does it's story well. I think it's less hamfisted in its message than say, "Small Things". I'm also happy they really are keeping themselves restrained on how much Snoopy they use.  I hope there's a Linus focus special at some point. (The 50th, in theory, should go to Chuck) 

     I do say check this one out, that's it for now tune in next time, when Lucy has to pay a very large late book fine. 


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