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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Weekendering: The Weekenders : Season 2: Episode 2: To Each His Own/ Diary

The Weekenders  Disney 

Previously: Radio Drama causes drama and traditions are important   Read here 

Episode 2a: To Each His Own

          Usually the focus of this show is seeing the whole group usually doing weekend stuff together, hence the name of the show. They do have common interests and are good friends but they also have their own interests.  They are having a meeting about what they want to do for the weekend, since the last weekend was all homework. (fun)

        They all have different things they want do; Tina decides to channel his mother and have them compromise and they all do everything, which is a good plan. Will it go well? (That's the question) 

       Carver's event  is looking at new shoes, because he likes shoes. The others aren't having fun. Then it flips to Lor's event which is Scottish games. Which is interesting. The other aren't enjoying this either.  Next, it's Tish's event and the same thing happens where only one of them is enjoying and the rest are bored out of their minds. 

          Here's where the episode makes a turn, Tino's event is the next day, The Capitan DreadNaught convention. Carver decides he's not going to go to the event, this causes the other two to join in.  Even though, Tino did sit through their events, and he couldn't enjoy the convention.  Tino's mom tells him that maybe they should have compromised by finding something they all like. 

      This is a good episode, and it expresses the good characterizations of the characters and showing how they do find things they have a shared interest in and wanting to keep some bonds even if they have separate things they want to do.  7//10

More after the jump

Episode 2b: Diary 

     Here at the JOL museum of history, we like to dust off an old , maybe classic plot, the diary plot. Yay!   That's this episode.  

           The gang is helping Tish clean her room, which is interesting to think that Tish is a messy person, you'd think the opposite. She has stuff she doesn't want to throw way.  Carver trips with a box of books and finds her diary. He fakes that it lands open  and reads something that shocks him. (Tish killed a man?) 

      He tells  Lor and Tino that he read that she was moving away.  There's a context, that the book in this box might not be recent and well, you know, she's gonna be on the show, so we are getting diary misunderstanding episode. (Yay)

         Lor and Tino think it's strange that the family would be moving back to the "old country" and want more info before they think the worst. (smart) The best way to do that is eavesdrop.(Uhh) They hear the parents talking and think that Tish has 4 days left before she moves.  They decide to stuff Tish likes to give her a good send off. (They would have saved a few hours of their time if they talked to her) 

        It is funny to see them to like art stuff, but Tish doesn't even like the art fair. Next, they want to see a play, which confuses Tish some more. (The play is kind of interesting)  Tish found it boring, and Lor almost spills the reason, which would have been helpful. 
        Carver suggests that they ask her what she would like to do, but that doesn't work. Finally, Tish asks what's going on here? Lor gives a partial reason,  then Carver says he read her diary and Tish walks away.  

        They finally tell her that they found out she's moving away and she starts to laugh, she tells them the Carver read her novel called "Diary" (how art-y).  The thing the parents were talking about, they are getting the kitchen remodeled. 

      It's a fun episode, though kind of  already knowing what's going on type of episode. It's a classic misunderstanding, just talk to her you, idiots episode.  It was funny and it's nice to see how much they care about Tish.  6.5/10

 That's it for now, tune in next time when we read your diary.  Later Days! 

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