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Thursday, September 29, 2022

Weekendering: Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 3: The Invited/ Real Fake

The Weekenders Disney 

 Previously,  Tish's Diary is the next great novel... read here 

Episode 3a: The Invited 

            The cool kids, who are depicted alot in this series, named Bree and Colby have invited Tino to a party.  They just call him blonde kid, so that helps show that they know him well. Bree and Colby are kind of funny characters in how they are cool, but we don't know how or why they are cool and they are just kind of there.... but anyway they've invited Tino but none of his friends, they tell him this. (Important) 

            Tino doesn't want to tell his friends, but does want to tell us, because he doesn't want to hurt them  and that he doesn't want them to know because they planned to do stuff together. Ah F-R-I-E-N-D-S.  They show up and Tino has do weird moves to keep them from finding out what he's doing like shopping for something to wear for the party. He runs into Tish and he finds out that Tish was invited.  (Pay attention, folks, ooh nickel)

        They don't want Lor and Carver to find out, because it would hurt their feelings or something.  (Tino spends $20 on a mask, he didn't have to) Tino's mom comes in and tells him that he should just tell them. (She's like the audience surrogate of things they would tell at them)    He choses to build up lies instead when he's covering for Tish.  It's awkward and funny. 

       Tish and Tino (wait hold on) work together to make their costumes.  They don't do the best at making costumes. It is party night and they find out that Carver and Lor were invited and to add another thing, it was a prank by Bree and Colby to have Tish and Tino show up in costume, whilst it wasn't a costume party.  So they should have been talking to each other a little more.  
        Good episode, kind of can figure that the cool kids invited all of them, but the main twist of it being just two of them being told that it was a costume party.  Yep very simple moral of them just telling each other what was going on and could have saved Tino and Tish a little heartache and embarrassment.  7/10.

More after the jump


Episode 3b: Real Fake 

    The Weekenders gang are going to be stars! The teacher's former student is in community college and making a doc about kids and is going to film them. She wants them to be themselves. Why yes Jimmy, this is going to be a be yourself episode, how did you know? 

            The four of them feel they might be not engaging for a film and they decide to be more interesting and start acting like people on a show called "Teen Canyon" which is something.  They each pick a character to act like  is this going to work? (What do you think?)  It is kind of funny to see them act like these characters in a strange way. 

        The crew think (minus Carver) do figure out they scared off Candace, but they figure they weren't acting good enough, so they work harder to act like the characters they picked. They decide they want to quit, Then the teacher tells them the movie is going to be shown at school, they decide to act like the characters even harder now.  
         Finally, Lor snaps and doesn't want to act like this anymore and they talk to Candace and she's happy they act like themselves.  

     Like I said it's a "be yourself" episode.  It's mostly entertaining to see them act a little a wacky that's what makes it work and there's some great funny moments. It's a good episode 7.5/10. 
    That's it for now, tune in next time when we wonder if there are other cool kids and are any of them named Cheddar.  

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