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Thursday, October 06, 2022

One Shot Posts: The King of the Hill Spinoff That Didn't : Monsignor Martinez

One Shot Posts

            Welcome back to "One Shot Posts" or posts I don't know where they go otherwise, this time, we have a little something different.  So "King of the Hill" was an animated show on Fox that ran 13 seasons, and most people who went this post already knew that probably.  There has been some talk about bringing it back, which I have thoughts on, but not really going to bring up. The series was a fun well written animated show without falling into the traps of other shows in the same space around the same time.  Today's post has to do with something from KOTH.  For the viewers of the show they would be aware of Monsignor Martinez, from the series the Hills sometime watch, that priest seems to be caught up in shooting people and stuff and less on doing boring stuff. There's even an episode based around him.  

       There was more.  Apparently, there was enough popularity or someone really liked the idea that there was interest in making a show based around this character. That's what we're talking about today.  There was a pilot made, that seemingly didn't have light of day and was lost media ,until it's not lost media. (You could have written about it without the pilot somehow?)  

        For King of the Hill knowers (that's a word) it was written by Jim Dauterive, Mike Judge, and Greg Daniels from King of the Hill, so that's how you know.   According to a King of the Hill fan site, Fox wanted pilot in 2001, but decided not pick up as a series (why not?)  The thought is that FOX didn't want a show where a priest shoots people.  (Oh now FOX has standards)  Which is why live in this time instead. 

       The pilot and I guess if there had been a series was in live-action, which isn't a bad thing. Monsingor Martinez was played by  Ivo Cutzarida.  Also it's in English, so that ruins the fun a little, you you know, oh well. 

        Martinez is on plane and annoyed by Kevin Nealon , which is the most random thing ever, the woman next to him asks him why he's going to San Diego and the monsignor says he's going to kill a guy. (which makes sense)  He then tells a story and it does play to the randomness of the stuff you'd see on the episode clips in King of the Hill, it's really just randomly great.  If you like shootouts  in a church this would be your series.

          He's in SanDeigo, and I'm not explain everything, moistly because it's fun to watch, and you should be checking it out.  It's pretty much everything you'd expect in a  series based on the telenovela on King of the Hill.  Ironically, it's very cartoon like.  David Herman plays a good straight man, named John Smith, (great name) to the Cutzarida's character;  he thinks everything going on is kind of insane.  Which makes him letting loose at the end where they are setting up for a series even more fun.    
I bring you no Cadillac 

            It all caps off to a shoot out at the climax because that's what this needed, I'd expect nothing else.  It's also a fun start  to what looks like what would have been a fun series, setting up the cast and an on-going story.  As a pilot, it's great hook and now it's a shame that it never became a series, even a one season series, It's just wrong that we don't get more.  I'd rather they take a stab at this again, than trying to bring back King of the Hill. 
Cool Car, Cool guy,  the partner, a lady, a kid , the show has a whole cast we need let's go! 

       The only reason for to not check out this pilot is the disappointment that there's more to watch, but otherwise it's fun trip. Everything about it feels like the show Hank and Peggy would be watching, and from the segments we see in the main series. It really was that fun. It's a comedy, but grippingly interesting and the  premise is weird but well done.  It's cheesy, but the kind of cheesy, but the writing was great, the acting was well done and playing what exactly they needed to do and really want more do you want? 

   That's it for now, tune in next time, when we answer the door and oh no.... 

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