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Thursday, October 13, 2022

Halloween: The Monster's Ring


             We dip back into the "CBS Storybreak" specials, which for those that don't know was like CBS' version of ABC Weekend Special, these were specials that were based off books, because why read books when you can watch them?  Anyway, today's post for our Halloween looks is  based off a book called The Monster's Ring written by Bruce Colville.  

         The Monster's Ring the special first aired on October 10, 1987.    

mmmm cupcake 

      Our main character is a boy named Russel who is being bullied by a boy named Eddie, his friend, I guess, Mindy says he needs to stand up for himself, but he says he can't. Anyway, when he runs from Eddie he ends up at a random shop where he's convinced to buy a ring for 25 cents. It comes with a chant (as all good rings should)  The chant says there's friend in the ring there to help, he says the chant to the wrong and he says it would be great to turn into a monster to scare Eddie. He thinks it's fake but ends up turning into a monster. (Always be careful what you say around magic rings) 

Next time, Gadget, next time 

             He then jumps out of his window as one does to do off screen stuff. (glad he doesn't need his glasses a monster, those are expensive) The special comes back and he thinks he had a dream until he finds out he's still a monster. (Some people are that way in the morning) Well now he's nervous that his father will find out and he pretends to be sick, of course father needs to check him out. 

Monsters aren't real, quoth the monster 

            He then reads the paper ,that he read before to see how to turn back to normal. (convenient)  It works and he can go to to school now, and his dad can drive him.  Mindy talks about how people heard about a maniac running around causing a mess around town. (Wow the same night as Russel running out and being a monster, oh wait.)

      At school Eddie decides to spend his time looking for Russel because reasons. Russel turns back into a monster and scares Eddie. Eddie runs like a coward. At lunch, Mindy is talking about the maniac  and Eddie shows  up again (because he's annoying) and decides to take Russel's glasses and stick them in his food. (At least he's not breaking them?) Then he pours milk on it because that makes sense. Then Russel dumps the food on Eddie's head.  (mm Eddie and Spaghetti)  

Ah silly 80's and their silly hair styles 

      Eddie goes to chase Russel and then finally gets to turn into a monster to scare Eddie. He gets in trouble and so does  Russel because of dumping the food on Eddie.  Later, the father's reaction to Russel mentioning Eddie is like, make friends with him. Which is an interesting reaction. Eddie brought two guys to help him take down Russel because sure. (Weak) 

They are dressed scarily 

           Eddie and the other guys grab him and Eddie thinks he has a bodyguard. The other guys think Eddie is weak since the 'bodyguard' doesn't show up. They leave, Eddie takes his bike and now Russel has a plan. 

        You might wondering why am I doing this as a Halloween post? Yeah it has a monster in it , but it's not  really Halloween set? Well that's where you are WRONG.  (aggressive) There's a Halloween thing see. The school let the kids dress up in costumes, nice.   Anyway, Russel has a plan.  Also Russel's dad continues to really just be there.  The other two guys from before think Eddie crossed him and want to do something to him. Now, Russel has become mon-Russel again and thankfully people think it's a costume, good.  Then he somehow grows a tail and horns and stuff. (Something going on) 
Plastic Surgery, of course. 

            He goes to Eddie and takes his bike back and flies away.  He can fly now. Eddie tries to tell the teacher and few others that Russel took HIS bike and flew away. Then he's forced to admit that it was Russel's bike.

                  Anyway, Russel flies back down and thinks it's time to get back to normal.  Later, he sees Eddie being bullied by the other guys he called earlier.  Russel decides to help Eddie, but the ring is gone, he decides to stand up for Eddie himself and it works. Russel realizes he needed the ring and doesn't need it now.  Eddie decides to be friendly and yeah that's it. 
That's how Bazooka Joe found a friend 

             This is a very simple story and that's fine.  Russel is being bullied and it becomes a wish empowerment story where he ends up being a monster to stop his monster. I like that he doesn't seem to go too far and get power mad.   The characters are flat, but we get simple goals and story and it works . It's barely Halloween and that's only there to have Russel be able to use his monster form at school and nobody going and trying to pitchfork him or something.  I like how it ended up having Russel help Eddie, it was a nice touch. It's simple, sweet, effective, not really spooky, but kind of fun. That's it though. Pretty good to see, read the book too. 

       That's it for now , tune in next when grrrrr wowowowwowowow  


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