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Friday, February 17, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 7: Tickets/Vengeance

The Weekenders  Disney  

Previously,  We Tished up a good idea to write a post  here 

Episode 7a:  Tickets

           It's a tickets episode! You that plot where someone gets tickets and has friends all interested in the tickets but only has a small amount of tickets, so he's going to have to decide and feel bad.  That could go a few ways, so let's see how this show does it, because you can take a tried plot but it's how it's executed. 

                The band the gang likes called Chum Bucket is coming to town. (They are going to see Plankton, and Karen)  The gang can't get tickets because they are really hard to get.   None of their attempts have worked.  This episode isn't about  them trying to get ticket so.... they get some food and Carver was the 1 millionth costumer and wins a t-shirt, their secret chili recipe, and a toy, then Tino gets to be their 1,000,001th customer and he wins two tickets.  

            I love how goofy this show can be. Uh oh he only got two tickets to paradise, but has 3 friends.   (The only solution is to have the other three play Russian Roulette, at least twice)   Tino doesn't know what to do. He decides to have the other three play rock paper scissors which turns into a mess.  The new plan is apparently to drive Tino insane.  Adding to the fun some cook kids come over to also bribe for the tickets. (Show also does a subtle joke about something)  Also, also so does a bully comes over, because sure.  Though his offer is take me to the concert or I'll beat you up, not very bright. 

      I do have to admire that Tino refuses even the cool kids.   It's the next next day and the friends still show up and annoy him.  He can't take it anymore and decides to throw the tickets and walks away.  It's later in the day, and friends show up to give him the tickets and say he has to go, and they tell him he can pick anyone and they won't be mad.  He decides to pick Carver using a smart question. 

        Now there's a twist, those aren't tickets, they are passes and worth two tickets, what a twist. So everyone gets to see the group.  Tino tell us the morals and yes always read the fine print.   (like this one:  By reading this blog post, you agree to continue reading the whole post

               As I started, this was a tickets episode, and it plays it well. I think what works here is that Tino didn't try to make his friends compete  or do something where it makes him look bad. You can see he was really worried about picking a friend and having the rest hate him.  It really puts the ball in the friends' court and it was nice to see they realized the stress they put Tino through.  The twist is kind of  easy one, but it happened after the friends were willing to accept that only one of them could go and it gives Tino a nice win there.  Good 7/10.

More after the jump, I've got two tickets in my pocket. 

Episode 7b: Vengeance 

         I have to say I like the prison theme the pizza place went with this episode, it's fun. Tino tells Carver that heard a girl named Christy at school may like him. She normally a girl Carver doesn't like but with that thought he kind of likes the idea.  Later, the girl calls him and seems to go well, but then he finds out it was a trick. 

            He sees the girl waving at him while they are on the beach. Also there's a strange running gag of Tish speaking like an old detective movie character. Carver talks to Christy and she actually did another trick on him to make him spill another embarrassing thing about himself. He decides to swear vengeance.  That's vengeance he said, that's the law.  

         Carver, Tino, Lor and Tish talk about how to commit vengeance  against Christy.  Carver thinks up an idea to have her win a fake contest to see someone from her favorite band and have her do something embarrassing.   Tino decides to be the voice of reason (even Lor says it) and thinks maybe it's not a good idea.  Episode makes a song reference and that's my job, That's dangerous driving baby. 

                Tino's mom watches the show too and knows that Tino usually has some problem by Saturday night.  (hmm I'm a little scared of the awareness)  She and him work on helping him find away to stop  the plan, but Carver and the others still want to go through with it.

         So, the plan was have the girl come to the mall making her think she won a contest to meet her favorite member of a band she likes, and come in SCUBA gear. That is what she does.  Some other kids start to laugh at her and she figures out it was Carver's plan.  Then she cries. This makes Carver feel bad and he decides to go help her instead.  Then a man comes out saying he's sorry that the guy was late and escorts her to the limo. This makes the other kids stop laughing.  Carver paid the guy who works at the costume store to help her out. 

            While Christy learned nothing, it was nice to see Carver still not get lost in revenge. It's a good character moment for him. This is a good episode lets it moral out very early and it does a good story. I give it 7/10.

      Tune in next time when we take vengeance on eh that's too much work, rather be lazy than vengeful. 


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