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Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 8: Murph/Uncool World

The Weekenders Disney 

             Previously, vengeance is hard,  relax instead  here

Episode 8a: Murph 

        There's a big event coming  called Sidewalk Sunday which is on Sunday on the sidewalk ,everything has half priced, not the food though.  This episode's plot is a "Oh no! Someone doesn't like me how can that be?"  Tino is worried that a boy named Murph doesn't like him and this drives him mad.  This is a hard plot to enjoy, so let's see where this one goes, maybe this show can pull it off well. (let's hope!) 

            There's also a running gag about how the friends talk about how Tino makes noises when he reacts to something.  It's pointed out that Tino doesn't like Murph either so he's deciding to let it go, not really no.  He starts trying to get Murph to pay attention to him at the Pizza shop but it doesn't work. (high desperation)  Tino's mom actually doesn't help here at all this time, she makes it worse by saying that there are people who aren't going to like you there might more than one. (good going , we trusted you Tino's Mom you have forsaken us!) 

            He takes the message of having a poll of the entire city to see who likes him and doesn't. Which I don't think is helping.  Pretty much everyone likes him but there's like a few people who don't.  Also Carver is not helping as he gives him a stupid idea to go find the people who said they don't like him and (take them out?)  make them like him. Great, Tino is losing it.  He kind of succeeds, even mows an old lady's yard.  He also paints Murph's house because he's lost it.   Tish suggests that Tino should ask why he doesn't like him, but Tino won't. 

            The friends decide to help make Tino more likeable.  This is is really not going well, when they point out his flaws.   Like I said this don't go well and he kicks his friends out the house. Later, it's the sidewalk day. The friends see he's still depressed, and they ask why he doesn't like Tino.  Murph says it's because in third grade Tino poured milk down his shirt.  But in a twist it was actually a kid named, Tony Tortilaro. (what?)  But Murph still doesn't like Tino , then Murph asks does he like him. Tino realizes that not really no.  They just don't like each other.  Tino is happy.

            It think this show pulled off the plot well. As a stock plot it's not of the best stock plots and I think shows don't do it anymore. It message is simply that sometimes someone isn't going to like you and there's no reason. Here, it's handled well  because it's working in Tino's personality well. He does get hung up on things and he is likable as a character.  It's also interesting that Tino says he doesn't like the boy in the first place then says it again, and he didn't have a reason so it was like he knew the answer all along. The twist of Tony Torilaro was funny and the episode doesn't make Murph and Tino friends, it's more about Tino letting go.  It's fine, probably one of the better uses of this stock plot.  I give it 7/10. 

        Anyway, see you after the jump or SATURDAY  

Episode 8b: Uncool World 

          It's funny how both these segments keep setting up something being on Sunday.  The cool kids on this show are back. Brie and Colby (Get it!) and they are making fun of other kids. This is not an episode about the gang trying to be with the cool kids, which is a nice chance of pace for something.  Tino wants to stop the cook kids from being mean and he does the nuclear option. (He killed them?)  He says that both of them can't both be cool, one is cooler that the other. 

        The two kids do a "cool off" which seems to be just them doing some random cool things. I love how Tino does color commentary.  Again, I love how this show has fun.  Anyway, Brie has been un cooled.  Carver has an existential crisis  because if there's only one cool kid, he can't be part of a cool kids group. He also has a secret shine to coolness and  I'm concerned. It's like Helga having a shrine to Arnold in "Hey Arnold" was this a thing, was I supposed to have a shrine to something hidden away?  (you mean you didn't?)

               Next day, Brie comes into the pizza shop. Some of the lines are fun in this show and the reactions are great too. That's another good reason to watch this fun show. Anyway the gang decides they are going to help Brie be uncoool.   It's funny that apparently her being cool means she can't really function doing anything else.  Carver has an agenda- he's trying to make sure she can be cool again. It seems she is receptive. 

            Colby shows up and mocks her.  The next day is the "Video Panic!" thingy and Brie doesn't want to go. (It's like MTV on the Beach but safer) The cool VJ picks  Brie  says she's cool.  Colby  shows up, later,  and says he must un yield being cool because the VJ picked her, but she decides to status quo this show because we have less than a minute left. (Time is cool) 

            It is nice that she did learn one thing though, she makes one new rule that they won't mock people anymore. Everything is back to normal. 

                 It's not bad,  I think it's kind of fun. The show has an interesting culture for "cool kids" and it makes them interesting in their own way.  Even though the show also really shows that the stuff the cool kids do is just kind of boring unless you like leaning against walls or something. It's fun to see how arbitrary it really is, kind of like how humans kind of work.  I liked how Tino used brain power and it ended up messing up the cool kids.  It was good to use the status quo but at least have Brie understand she shouldn't mock people.  It's fun episode, I love the interactions and style, I give it 7.4/10.

That's it for now, tune in next time when we make a shrine to Charlie Brown.  Later Days!   




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