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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 11:Baskets for Bucks/Pru

2The Weekenders Disney 

Previously, not a Doug crossover episode (here

Episode 11a: Baskets for Bucks 

                Tesla park  has a new ride and the friends would like to go, but don't have money. In a moment of boredom they decide to watch "Scramble Vision"  which is just them watching a TV channel that's scrambled because it's a pay per view channel. (Oh this is the most late 90's early 2000's thing this show has done, and they had an episode with Jennifer Love Hewitt)  Then there's a radio thing they want to listen to, called "Baskets for Bucks" (roll credits)  They have to call into a show and answer a question to get a chance to enter the contest for $10,000.  

            Tish gets the question right, and it's time for Lor to practice. The friends think the odds of Lor getting all three will be hard, but they say they are going to stay positive for Lor. This actually might not be a good idea.  I like how Tino, Tish, and Carver think they can buy cloning, a band, and helicopter or sports car or hovercraft for $2500 even in 2001 money. (ooh  2001 money)  Lor seems to be getting stressed and worrying about if it goes wrong, she might lose her friends. (That or thinking her friends might squish her to death?) 

            Instead of Tino's  mom we get Lor's Dad and he's of no help. (like wow)  It's the big day and Lor is feeling horrible. I like how the episode showed the friends trying to be helpful were being too positive and it made Lor  tense and worried. It's a good showing of being too positive can also hurt. She missed the third shot and she saw her friends weren't there. 

            She realizes her friends were still there for her, and she gets a consolation prize for the new water slide. 

         It's an interesting episode, where the idea of being too positive could affect pressure on someone, even if you unintentionally didn't mean too. The episode doesn't get dark or sappy, but it does a well enough job showing what Lor was feeling and going through with some humor , but not detracting how she was.  I liked it , pretty fun.  I give it 7/10. 

more after the jump

Episode 11b: Pru

            Apparently they have a friend named Marie, thanks for telling us show, we never met her, or did we? Hmm. The gang is having a hard time finding trying to find her a good gift. Then a popular girl, which isn't one of the popular kids we've seen before, her name is Pru. She has decided to hang out with them because reasons. 

            She apparently is made at her friends who didn't give her a gift for Flag Day. (Did she want a flag) The group, except Carver thinks they don't want to because she's mean and is using them, Carver wants the taste of popularity. It's fitting in character.  I do like how the episode cuts out the middle man of them thinking she's really being their friend, so thanks for that. 

            There's apparently a popular kids version of movies, hmmm wait a minute.  (Powerful) Then she takes them to a store where Carver gets a special discount and better clothes. (How is this economy working) There's even a good tasting diet soda. I like how Tish is kind of unimpressed with everything until she's shown a lounge. 

          The episode also does a good job trying to pull them out of it because Pru is an awful person.  They still like doing popular kid things though. There's a big party coming up, but Tino remembers the start of the episode Marie's Party.  After talking with his mom, he decides that they have to go to Marie's party.  Everyone, but Carver agrees, at first, but he eventually caves.  (In the funniest way) 

        Pru ends up going back to her friends. and the gang goes to Marie's party.  Also Marie tells them she remembers when Pru used her because her friends didn't get her anything for Arbor Day. (I'm concerned about Pru)   

         Nice episode, I like how it wasn't an episode where the friends thought a popular girl wanted to be their friend then to find out she was using them, but going along with it instead because they wanted the taste of the perks. (literally)  I also like how they get caught up, but still have a groundedness to them as they know she's awful and she shows them she's awful. This episode was good.  I give it 7/10/

    That's it for now, but tune in next time when we, eh there's no such thing as a good tasting diet soda. Later days. 



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