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Thursday, April 06, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 12: Talent Show/ Relative Boredom

The Weekenders  Disney 

   Previously, you didn't win a $10,000 but that also means you don't have to pay the taxes (here

Episode 12a: Talent Show 

        I wonder what this episode is about?  Tino is not going to be in a Sunday talent show, but he does seem to want to you know watch it to laugh.... hmm  then Lor has to do the show because a teacher says it'd be good for her. (So is Tish, but this episode isn't about Tish)  Actually. Lor gets in and  Tish doesn't. (oooh, and they seem to judge the talents before the show)  The episode found a way to make sure there's no Tish and Lor competition and apparently wipes out Tish. 

        We get a new moment of "Lor's Dad is of no help" where he  doesn't help by saying she's going to be seen by so many people and how nerves can get to her.  (thank you for that) They go to Tish for help, but Tish is still a mood.  I'm also surprised that her talent was to go for singing instead of something sports related. Carver and Tino work to help her themselves, by having her try different styles  Also, using a public domain song since this was Disney before they started making music for their shows and being cheap.  (For the best, if this show was made later, one of the characters would be the singer) 

        Tish is dealing with jealousy.  William Shakespeare shows up and tells her to help Lor. [I know what I wrote] and she decides to help her friend. It's a really nice scene and I also like how Tish breaks the forth wall saying how long this is going to take and we should skip ahead. (Show is being self-aware again)  

            It's talent show, which seems to be attended by like a dozen people. Tish even admits to Lor she was jealous. I like how Lor actually thought Tish was sick and was concerned if she was doing well. The show does a great job with it's characters, I could say that in every post, because it's true. I love to point it out and will do more soon.  

           Lor got second place and she apparently lost to a guy who tossed hams. (I'd pick that too) 

           A simple episode, but well done. Bringing up what I said about characterization in this series. Every little bit of that shines here too. The start where Carver and Tino at the start share an apple and later Lor trying to join in but the apple is already done. Tino has a bit of hesitation at first but eats the apple after Carver. If this is the first episode of the show you see, you can see their friendship and dynamic right in that scene. There's an episode about their friendship coming up, so I will return to that then. 

            Tish not making it into the show is interesting for her character, because she is the one in the group that likes to perform the most. It's taking her out of her element and having to deal with someone else getting that instead. I like that she doesn't take her jealousy out on Lor directly, only refusing to interact and moping in her room.  She's not directly mad at Lor, but at the situation.  Then her decision to help was great an in character.  This is a fine episode, it's simple, sweet, effective. I give it 7.7/10.

More after the Jump

Episode 12b : Relative Boredom 

           This episode starts with the characters in a tree, and a cousin is showing up (like that past episode of recent note) anyway Tino says his cousin Phil is coming and he has to tend with him all weekend. Also says that Phil is boring.  Also Tino says he won't be able to go to the Chum Bucket Movie. (Plankton got his own movie?, doing the low hanging joke again)    Tino explains how Phil is boring to his friends, by mentioning his cousin last visited when they were six. Tish has the same thought I did, what if he changed? 

            Cousin Phil shows up and looks kind of the same as the flashback (but taller). I do have to point out that Rob Paulsen voices Phil and they told him to use an annoying version of his voice.  It seems to be going boringly and also Tino cuts off Phil's sentences and Phil doesn't assert himself so... things are going great. (help) 

            Tino calls his friends through walkie-talkie (ah simple days) and says he needs help, so Carver says to do a plan of just try to out bore Phil.  This doesn't seem to be a wise plan.  Plan B comes from Lor, which also means it might not be a good idea, and that's to get Tino to figure out a way to have Phil be fake sick, so he can go to the movie.  Most of this episode is it would just be easier for Tino to just tell Phil he wants to go to movie. 

             Phil figured out the plan and says Tino can go and watch the movie and he'll cover for Tino, which is nice of him. Meanwhile, Lor thinks it would be a good idea to let Phil come with them. It's even more funny because Phil wanted to get rid of him in the first place, another twist. I also like how the friends come over and Mom already figured out Tino left. 

             Tino starts to feel bad and goes back.  It also seems Phil is doing pretty well with Tino's friends and  he likes Chum Bucket. Apparently his mom makes him wear the "geek wear" and Tino apologizes  for not talking with him more.    

             It's an episode with a simple moral of not judging someone by time, since people's tastes do change. You could see that being the plot once Tino said it's been six years.  With all that, it is alright for an episode, though it's not a surprising plot line, but there's nothing that makes it bad either.  6.5/10. 

        That's it for now, tune in next time when William Shakespeare stops talking to us. Later days!   


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