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Thursday, April 13, 2023

The Weekenders: Season 2: Episode 13: New Friends/The Awful Weekend

The Weekenders Disney 

Previously, you have boring family members too?  (Here)  
The Season 2 Finale 

Episode 13a: New Friends

          Tino comes home and finds a lady who is not his mom in his house. (That's not your house, Tino! Run)  I love his interaction with this woman and hers sells it well, how she's just quietly sitting there, while Tino first didn't notice her as he goes through her purse [thinking it was his mother's] and then stopping and realizing that the woman wasn't his mother.  Then when she says hello, he's confused because she's a stranger.  It's fun to me, I enjoyed the weirdness. 

         The woman happens to be Tino's Mom's friend Mrs. Adele Fipps , they used to be best of friends until 8th grade when "The Awful Thing" happened (oh no! The launch of ESPN?) Tino is surprised that they are friends they seem so different. That will be part of the plot, it's jarred him and he's now worried about his friendship with his own friends. 

            Tish mentions she knows what Tino means she used to be friends with Francis, who seemed to have changed and yeah. Tino gets the idea to find new best friends that they are more alike before something bad happens. That's right his logic of worrying about his friends breaking up is to break up the friends before they break up over something. (alright then) Lor thinking her new friend up as a horse was interesting. ( I like pointy things) 

         Now, we (assuming you know too) know the moral of the episode, plus there's like two more seasons so it's not going to dynamic change the show, but the fun part is the execution.  The next day, Lor tries to find a friend that will work work for her and even tries her 950 brothers. Tino looks around and finds someone who seems to be a copy of him in design. Who apparently can only say sure.(sure) Tish and Carver seem to be together having a hard time to find a new friend. They go up to some guy Tish thinks is wise. He tells them to find some kids named Ty and Sly who will teach them to be friends that like the same stuff. 

            Enter Tino's mom who is amused by this plan, and she explains the awful thing. ( I was concerned) The friend moved to Ohio (Oh.....Ohio) She says that friends can be different. Tino finds Lor and Tino and Carver are scary now. They agree that it's better to be friends again and yes. (sure)  Tino wants us to tell at them if we see him and friends do something stupid, so I'll try. 

        Fun episode, again it breezes through pretty well, so there's not much of them with other friends, but it is kind of fun. Again, we know that they were going to get back together, but it was fun to see them do something like that. This is also a good episode to be placed here in the finale of season 2, because we've seen their friendship dynamic and how it works, even though they are all different.  We've seen their bonds, agreements, and disagreements. It's also good message and it's presented with some fun humor. I give it 8/10. 

More after the jump

Episode 13b: The Awful Weekend 

        The episode starts with the friends all messy and laughing like madmen, and Tino is doing "you are probably wondering how this happened" thing. (Nice meta, with the theme too).  It rewinds back to Tino on Friday who is mocking us by saying their weekend will be better than ours. (rude, I hope their weekend goes badly now)  It cuts to Saturday. On the way to the museum event, Tino tries to tie his shoelace and loses his shoe and can't get into the spot because no shoe, Tino gets a shoe to fill in , then the exhibit gets closed.  (This really isn't going well) 

        Next, it's time for Tish to have some bad luck when she gets a rash on her face from some kid's homemade fruit punch. (She's allergic to Guava)  Then their plans to go to Funville didn't work, and I'm not sure it was smart idea for Carver to smack a bee that landed on his face. (the bee: You smack me, you're going down with me)

            The pizza place is being fancy and won't let them in either. (Until next weekend, when they change their minds)  The transition to a toddler crying, but using Kath Souice, the voice of Tish,  almost made me think Tish was crying.  Lor, Carver, and Tish try to help get the balloon for the kid, but the kid bonks Lor in the head with the lollipop and cause the whole thing to fall. They get banned from the mall for 2 weeks. 

            Tino's mom lets them sleep outside in the backyard, clearing out things with the other parents. Things have gone  not well even at night. Tino's mom wants them to wash up, but the wallowing has continued. It's also funny that this is the one episode the characters don't change their clothes, the next day and they are stuck with the goo and other stuff since the past day. (That's what characters would look like in other cartoons without changing clothes, and taken literally) 

            They even passed up free dollars, being friends with stars of their favorite show.  Then the episode turns right up to the point where we started where they are a mess covered in paint, flyers, and other stuff and laughing. They decide to nickel day where everything is a nickel.

            This episode has the idea that bad things happen, but sometimes you can help but fine the funny in it.  I like how things just all seemed to be against them in some way,  but they seemed to resign to it instead of going a different way.  Tino's Mom was great in this episode (not that she's bad in any episode) she tried to guide them, but she had to let them figure it out.  This was a great episode to finish the season out with. There's a lot of fun to this episode, the gags were fun, and it was fun to watch through out.  I give it 8/10. 

             That's it for season 2.  Season 1 was good, this season elevated the fun of season 1 and it found a great footing. The  series also had fun messing with its format at times, since every episode has a format, it was fun to see how they could change it up for fun. "Dixon" was the first full special and was great. We got some depth to the characters through the season and it was good to see them have different leads in the episodes. The friendship dynamic, which is very much part of the series, was well shown in this season and they feel like strong real friends.  The charm and simple fun of the series is well shown here and it was fun. To me, no episode was below at least 7/10.  Overall a A- season.  

        That's it for now, tune in next time when we finally get into the pizza place, this line is taking for ever.  Later days. 




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