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Thursday, July 20, 2023

Into the Twilight: Upgrade (2002)

Twilight Zone 

    We're back to the Twilight Zone 2002 series.   The episode I'm looking at this time is called "Upgrade" it's the 13th episode (oooh) of the series. Which again, had one season and ran on UPN (America's favorite network that starts with U, unless that's Univision)   Let's go! 

            It starts with a woman played by Susanna Thompson (Whom you might know from the family drama series Once and Again) named Annie Macintosh as it seems she and her family have acquired and moved into a new home. The episode also wants us to focus on this portrait of the family because  it's trying to make a point here. Then two, I guess teenagers, come in the house and I think the episode wants to us to not  like them or something.  There's also a dog (I'm scared for the dog, this is the Twilight Zone) and a dad/husband  named Phillip, played by Timothy Carhart whom you might know from "Yellowstone".  

Remember this family or don't that's up to you/ Copyright Paramount 

                Annie seems to be annoyed that her family is not perfect or something. She seems annoyed that moving so far hasn't been a smooth thing. (The episode seemingly doesn't want us to like her either) She vents to her husband and wishes that they could turn into a perfect family. (She also asks does that make her a terrible person? eh probably)   I do like how the husband  and wife have matching wear there. Wait, hold on that dog, the dog before was not that dog.  Phillip calls the dog , Czonka, which was the name of their dog, but this dog is a poodle not what it was before. (Czonka? Someone was a Miami Dolphin fan) Annie is confused, like me. She remembers the old dog too. (Good, I'm not going mad) 

Yes, kids, this has always been your dog, he's always looked like this/ Copyright Paramount

               You can also surmise this is a "be careful what you wish for" plot, and maybe "what does perfection really mean?" plot.  Annie is confused because whatever witchcraft is going on, didn't affect her.  Hmm, the kids show up and ...checks watch... time to be annoying. The daughter named Tess and boy named Sean, I think that might be the last time we see them in this form. Oh anyway, Annie is still confused about the dog and a friend tells her that maybe she imagined not having that kind of dog because of the stress of moving. (What?) 
In fact, the move was so stressful, you didn't even move, you've always lived here/ Copyright Paramount

               Phillip tries to be romantic with his wife and make her feel better. I'm gonna guess what's going to happen soon, but the episode doesn't make Phillip unlikeable or annoying or anything would actually make him seem to be not a good fit with his wife. He's worried about her because the poodle thing, which also makes sense, This episode is really just going to be mean to him , but not give a reason why he's not already the "perfect husband-dad". 

This is non alcoholic/ Copyright Paramount  

                We see the kids and the daughter is still the same, but wait huh?  She got a new Sean, son. (son sean seen) Since the force that changed the dog also now changed her son she still remembers the old son, so the force really just wants her to be seen as crazy person. (That tricky force) The daughter is freaked out and calls for her dad. 

The perfect son has a pronounced chin/ Copyright Paramount 

        She runs to call Sean, sees the painting has changed again to include New Sean, and just for fun the daughter has changed too, a new Tess shows up.  (The music needs to calm down)  The, she falls down the stairs. She wakes up and still sees new Sean and new Tess, but same Phillip. (I'm going home) 

Cast change number 3/ Copyright Paramount 

            She's not doing to well. (Neither am I)  Phillip again shows his concern and tries to tell her that she's not going to lose him, but then ... oh... there's a new Phillip. Played by Robert Wisden, who played a Dad in an episode of "The Haunting Hour" series I mention that because same type of show. Phillip is the one I feel the most for changing he didn't even seen "un perfect", didn't doubt his wife even if he was confused about why she didn't think the dog or later kids were hers and stuff. I kind of admire the episode for not making up some stupid way he'd be unperfect too. 

our son has my chin/ Copyright Paramount 

        Now she sees new Phillip and is very freaked out. (Same #NotMYPhillip)  Later, her friend shows up again. (What to tell her that moving stress made her envision her entire family in different human form?)  She tells her friend, it's her fault, she made a wish and it's come true. (Which maybe doesn't help people thinking she's not insane)  The friend asks her to come with her downstairs. (Don't do it Annie!) 
the perfect Livingroom apparently /Copyright Paramount 

            She notices that her stuff has also changed. (Wait, her couch was her family? Why'd it change?)  Annie tries to have dinner, but it's like eating with random people. Also apparently, the new family has more money and successful kids.  (It's perfect to be rich)  This dinner is awkward. She tries to tell herself this is what she wanted and is trying to live with this, but I don't think she can. 

           She ends up hearing her not family talking about putting her away somewhere to make sure she gets help.  Since that scares her she runs through a door into a black void. (Same)  Then she notices she's in some weird house circle thing where she keeps through the door to end up back in the house.  Then she sees the painting again and sees she's also been re-casted now too.  (If this was a sitcom, it'd be wild in the news)  New Annie and and Phillip kiss and then, what? 
I'm the new Annie, or I'm the Annie / Copyright Paramount 

If you want to know , the spoiler is red and italics, if you want to skip, then find the next black text spot. 

      This episode was all done on a paint like program on  a Macintosh computer?  Get it? Heh? Get it?  Then a little girl Lizzie, it's her computer, is there as her father calls her.  It was a game? What?   I go in to the episodes blind, so I was shocked. I was figuring the ending was going to be where it stopped with new Annie and Phillip kissing and then Forest would come in and give his final message, or something, but nope this one went all yep it was a game! Alright then,  Forest just shows up and gives a message that how do we know we aren't in some game, then the episode shows Forest in a computer screen and it ends.  Good work, I guess, that was a fun ending. 


             Alright, the episode offers a fun story with a basic plot and the idea of being careful what you wish for, or it might happen. That's something the Twilight Zone (pick a version) does many time with episodes. Poor Phillip though, that was the one character I found it hard to need to be changed for any reason. It's an interesting story, the ending did catch me off guard.  That actually made the episode more interesting. The episode is presentable and not entertaining, does make you feel a bit awkward and uncomfortable like Annie, it's alright. 

            That's it for now, tune in next time when the replacement you comes in and starts laughing, yikes. 


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