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Thursday, August 03, 2023

Garfield: Garfield in Paradise


         Haven't done "Garfield" in a while, and there's a bunch of specials left to do, so let's head to 1986 for "Garfield in Paradise" This special aired on CBS (Cats Bringing shows) on May 27, 1986.  It's the fifth of the Garfield specials. 

           The special starts right with action with Jon dressing Garfield as a boy to get him onto the plane. (how dodgy) Also Jon has chosen the cheap flight as well to a cheap knock of version of Hawaii.   (I also notice Odie is not here, so Jon picked his favorite pet and has a favorite) 
Nice Son there Jon/ Copyright Jim Davis 

       The special has songs , of course, bringing in the talents used in these specials of DesirĂ©e Goyette, Lou Rawls and Lorenzo Music. The intro song is sung by Rawls and Goyette and it goes for a tropical/Hawaii feel.   

    Jon and  'son' go to the hotel, and they meet Frank Nelson's voice who's playing the hotel clerk. Frank Nelson is the guy known for going "Yessss"  Davis wanted him to play the role, but the casting director thought that guy from the radio days would be dead, and booked Hal Smith.  He shows up and heard about the role and wondered why Nelson wasn't picked and they found out he wasn't dead.  He got to dot he role,  Nelson did pass a few months after this special aired. (source

Noo, we don't have a room 13 / Copyright Jim Davis

     Jon is surprised the super cheap hotel is super cheap. (Find out next time, to see how 50  cent meat tastes) Oh there's Odie, he snuck in a suit case. (This is a weird world) Jon decides to improve their vacation, by renting a car,  Frank Nelson also voices the rental car guy, because we are doing that joke too.   The car  place has a rental car -meaning one so they take that. (It looks cool very nice retro)    The next song having Jon's voice actor, Thom Huge, sing in it too was a nice touch. 

Groovin' / Copyright Jim Davis 

More after the Jump 

         The car decides to move on its own and send them to a jungle., which something. the villagers  end up worshipping the car because they also appreciate great American classic cars.  Now we welcome our next guest, Wolfman Jack , who is the voice of the chief named High Ramma Lamma and the villagers are called the Ding Dongers (get it?)  He tells Jon about how in 1957 (a few years go to us in our current times) that the same car showed up with some guy that looks like 1950's and introduced the tribe to 1950s pop culture.  
Sit down , Daddy-o time for a story about Coolsville, don't be a square/ Copyright Jim Davis

    Then a volcano was going to erupt, so the not James Dean drive himself into the volcano to stop it. (Don't try this at home)  Though some how this car is the same car. (Good ole American cars were once volcano proof ,duh)  The village is interesting to see that everything is based on 1950's surf films and stuff. 

       Jon and Garfield meet the princess named Owooda and her cat Mai-Tai. (what?)  Somewhat later, conveniently, the volcano starts up again (how convenient)  and Owooda decides the best idea is to throw herself into it to appease it , and her cat. (Don't try this at home)  The volcano doesn't want the princess it wants the car (it likes fine American workmanship). Odie and the village guy, Monkey, set to fix the car are now trying to hurry up and fix it, which Odie figures out with a hammer. (fine American craftsmanship) 
The Ending we need? / Copyright Jim Davis

      The car, Odie, and Monkey land into the volcano and we see the car and not James Deen fly into space or something. Great. Odie and Monkey are dead.  Wait no, this special isn't that dark and Monkey lives too.  That's the special. 

        This one is fine, it's not a heavy plot story, mostly just some fun Garfield moments with him and Jon going on vacation, add a little Odie for fun extra. The Villager plot is nice and a little different, not worrying about the villagers turning against them or something.  The volcano stuff is interesting and kind of funny. You do see that Garfield cares about Odie. The music is nice.  Love Wolfman Jack doing the voice for the chief.  Nicely animated and fun for the ride.  There we go that was good.

  That's for now, tune in next time when we use a 1956 Ford Farline to help fix a drought. 

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