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Thursday, September 21, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 3: Episode 2: Cry/ The Perfect Son

The Weekenders  Disney 

Episode 2a: Cry 
      Tino is hiding in a bush because he humiliated himself in class, that is until he's kicked out of the bush by other kids who also did the same.  Tino explains to us , that in 5th period he watching Romeo and Juliet and he cried when when Juliet went down. Also, I think this the most we've seen inside the school since this series premiered, besides the gym it's been mostly exterior shots.   

     The other kids are making fun of him for crying. Good thing it's Friday. His friends also seem not helpful. There's an interesting thing about this episode being about emotions and expressing them, especially for boys to do something.  He tells his Mom that she's the reason why he's "an emotional whimp" and he decides to no longer show any emotion. 

     Tino's Saturday goes with him being emotionless. The other friends are concerned and want to show him its okay to have emotions and they try different things to get him to be emotional.  That doesn't work, so plan B is to make him angry. Which mostly seems to be breaking things.  Plan B doesn't work.  His mom tells him that she's tried to help him be InTouch with his emotions because that's important. 

     The next day, looks like the friends seem to have a new plan.  A Chugafreeze guy shows up and tells him good on him for giving on up emotions. He did the same and is proud of it, even if his wife left him. (She didn't take is emotions in the divorce) He lost his business and can't a hold a job. This works.  Tino's Mom apparently paid the guy 20 dollars do tell him that story. (Her plan 1 , Friends' plan 0)  

             Then he finishes off the episode by expressing his emotions hard.   Though maybe in current times, people can be too emotional. (Someone is not going to like that)  This is good episode to show that it's healthy, especially for boys, to be in tuned into their emotions. The episode does a good job at saying emotions are good within reason and are normal for people to have.  It's pretty funny to see the ways the friends try to fix Tino. Tino's Mom coming in clutch but this time by paying a guy and giving him some food  was a different way than normally.   It's a good episode.  7.5/10. 

More after the jump 

Episode 2b: The Perfect Son 

              This is a plotline a few shows have done , I remember the Rugrats version of this plot. a friend is spending time at another friend's house , things start to go south  with that friend starts to get jealous of how the guest friend  either seems to get more attention, or pleases the family alot, or does something that annoys him.   

       Tino is staying at Carver's house for the weekend because Tino's mom is going out of town.  They seem very happy, but then Lor mentions she spent a weekend at Tish's house and mentions that things might be weirder than you think. (She's seen the plot ,run!)   

           Anyway it starts. Carver is nervous that Tino will screw up and get yelled at.  Tino is surprised that Carver goes to bed at 10PM on a Friday.  It's also funny to see that Carver mentions something he got a punishment and those seem to be correlative.  Also waking up at 6:30 on Saturday morning was early. (Yeah Weekenders was on Sunday Morning at like 9am , wait 'till then to watch) [ The Saturday morning shows used to be at on in my area at  6:30am to whatever so hmmm, I was early?]Carver seems to be way more nervous than Tino. 

        Tino mentions to Lor and Tish that Carver is the one being weird, and not the rest of the family, because Carver seems to think everything is a punishment. Tino does listen to Carver and tries to make sure the family is pleased, but Carver thinks that going too far too. (Make up your mind man!) Carver has a dream where he thinks his family have replaced him with Tino.  Now, Carver tells Lor and Tish he thinks his Dad like Tino more than him. Tino overhears.  

            Tino decides he's going to help that by doing bad things or at least be less pleasing. Tino gets to overhear that his plan went too well and Carver's parents are considering that their son shouldn't be spending time with him. Tino talks to Carver's dad and tells him why he was doing what he was doing the stuff and about Carver.   There's a nice moment on how the Dad fixes it without saying alot.  Carver figured  it out and he talks to us,  nice! 

         It was nice to see Carver's family again, and this episode gives a nice spin of being focused on Carver's family and Carver while throwing Tino in the mix. It's interesting to see how Carver thinks, like that somethings were punishments when they probably weren't.  It's also well balanced, to where Tino shrugs off Carver rightfully when he's over zealous about thinking everything is a punishment, but cares about his friend to do stuff to make sure Carver  is seen as a good son. (Not the Good Son, though). It's a good episode , using a plot that's fairly used frequently and doing something with it that works for the show was  a nice touch.   I give it 7.5/10

That's it for now, tune in next time when we cry about not being able to turn on UPN to watch Weekenders. 

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