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Thursday, September 28, 2023

Weekendering: The Weekenders: Season 3: Episode 3: Listen Up/ Never Say Diorama

The Weekenders Disney 

Episode 3a: Listen Up 
            I'm just going to mention here that I think the Pizza shop owner really is losing it, he decided to go with Leftover Pizza this time, I'm concerned.  Tino tells us the plot of the episode, where Tino and his friends are part of a program (we know, we're watching it now!) called Preteen Pals from the in show charity thing of Helpers Helping the Helpless.  Preteen Pals is like 12-year-olds helping 11-year-olds get used to middle school. 

        I like the idea of the 12-year-olds in the show also thinking of 11-year-olds as younger than  what an 11-year-old is, but plays a nice way of showing how those years can be different. The day has come and the kids get paired up with a younger one.  Tino gets a big kid, who I hope isn't just some 30-year-old actor playing a kid, that'd be strange ... except in Dawson's Creek. 

             The interactions here are fun: Tino is awkward with the big kid and trying to make sure he's actually a kid. Tish's kid doesn't want to be there. Lor and her girl don't know what to say to each other. Carver is not listening to his kid named Tommy at all.  Bluke (the kid in dark overalls) and the girl who picked him have the best interactions here.      

             Mrs. Duwong notices that Carver isn't really listening to Tommy and pulls him aside after the the meeting and he's fired. He rambles to his friends- how can he be bad listener? and doesn't listen to his friends telling him.  They help him learn how to listen.  He's given another test by Mrs. Duwong to see if he really is going to listen.  Carver copying her is also a really funny moment.  But fails at getting the point. (oops) 

            He goes to his sister, Penny, for help and no. He goes to the museum lady to help.  She sends him to Jules.  In a great moment, Carver figures out what he should do himself.   He wasn't able to go back to the thing, but he does find Tommy at the arcade.  He listens to him, actually, and helps him out. A good moment too.  Mrs. Duwong was there playing virtual knitting, well that's a game and offers him  a second chance. 

           This was a good episode, it flowed well from being the friends to focusing on Carver.  This one has some simple funny moments, which also works to the series. There's humor without it being too over the top to make it seem off.  This one is very direct in its message which is fine, the idea of listening to others and really be listening is something at even adults should probably try more of too.  Good episode 8/10. 

More after the jump

Episode 3b: Never Say Diorama 

            This episode dips into the kids' school stuff, but still staying to the weekend theme. They have an assignment due on Monday. Tish and Tino are a team and Lor and Carver are a team.  They have to make dioramas.  Tish and Tino are urging Carver and Lor to get to work on them soon before the deadline.  Tino explains that the two are suffering "Homework Paralysis Syndrome" where they seem to shut down on weekend homework and he and Tish usually have to take pity and help the poor souls. (Tino is not a doctor, don't listen to him!)  

        Carver and Lor swear that they'll be able to do it, and the idea is everyone will get their work done early to have some weekend time. You have going in the first minutes show, but I know something is going to go wrong for Lor and Carver.  (Also this episode really got use out of a car not being to start noise)  Tino and Tish work on their project and Carver and Lor do end up forgetting their assignment. 
             I like how the episode contrasts the two duos.  Tino and Tish figure out that the others haven't done it. Tish tries to help them on how to get ideas.  Lor and Carver try to make sure that Tish and Tino won't have to bail them out and try to do their work but get distracted again. 

            Hello, Tino's mom. She tells Tish and Tino that they are enabling their friends and shouldn't bail them out because that's good for them.  This conflicts Tish because she does want to help them, but Tino thinks of an idea.  The two of them show up at Carver's house and use the power of the two other characters being competitive by pretending that they are going to the assignment for them since it's too hard for Carver and Lor. This makes them kick out Tish and Tino to do their work.  It seems that worked.

       Tino and Tish got an A and Tor and Carver got a B-.    

        This one was good.  Carver and  Lor's problem was relatable and shows how working on an assignment can be hard to think up something especially during the weekend leisure time. Tish and Tino being concerned about their friends and being frustrated because they want to spend time with them was also  understandable and relatable.  This episode makes a grade too  of 7.5/10.

That's it for now , tune in next time when we quiz you on this post. Later Days. 

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